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Old 08-28-2012, 03:42 PM   #31
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Spacejanitor I know just what you neeed babe pm me.

Why's there always so much hostility here can we please act civilized for one thread please lol . The simple fact is the parties involved were dead wrong and will be dealt w by the MODS AND ADMIN... and its between them. Where's w pic of beating a dead horse when u need one..geeeez
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Old 08-28-2012, 03:49 PM   #32
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I think you're right, Kay.

Not only is this thread needlessly hostile, it's also toxic: anything it touches it spoils.

I'm climbing out.
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Old 08-28-2012, 04:13 PM   #33
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I just like seeing everybody and.arguing over something we can't change you know? I see why the guys would be upset but unless ur the provider that all this vs is about or the provider that infiltrated the.men's lounge... Then it just seems ur simply being nosey just bc ur bored. Just bc u CAN open your mouth or move you fingers to discuss something DOESN'T mean you always. SHOULD.
Now everybody repeat after mean rubs ur ears n say woooooosaaaaaauuu lol
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Old 08-28-2012, 04:51 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
I'm afraid I cannot respond to this without violating the terms of this Board's usage, and for that I am truly sorry.
Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
If anything has been hammered home in the threads I've read this week, it is that material marked PRIVATE, material contained in a ROS, or material contained in the Men's Lounge cannot be shared with a provider. It may not be shared publicly, nor by PM or phone. Sorry.
Well, that's not EXACTLY the case . . . just ask any member of the SpiderHole or several other invite only forums that exist on this board.

Personally, I think many of you here haven't been around the block enough to see the larger point . . . and if you really stop to think about what I'm going to write (WITH VERY CAREFULLY CHOSEN WORDS) next, it'll spin some heads even more - I know it will the Admiral's. So let me spell it out for you.

In a way, Kay summed up the entire issue (BBFS thread) better than me or anyone here. Now, I realize that Kay, with this statement: "Just bc u CAN open your mouth or move you fingers to discuss something DOESN'T mean you always. SHOULD.", is most likely actually writing about this here thread, in particular. However, it is completely applicable to the thread Jane started, and it is why (more than likely) Jane was banned for a time. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN, DOESN'T MEAN YOU SHOULD.

Had Jane (and a few others here) followed that basic tenant of this business - none of this would have been of any issue and the board would be a much different place - and Jane would be in it.

Now here's the part that will set a few heads spinning . . . As much as it is folly to believe that one whom doesn't practice basic discretion on a SHMB might in turn, lack those skills IRL (and I'm sorry, but IME, NO excuse [or extenuating circumstance] can be made [or argued] for such an overwhelming lapse of discernment . . . it is, again, IMHO a very telling personality trait, to show such indiscretion); it is also complete and utter folly to EVER make the assumption that ANY verified provider doesn't know every word of any private communication on this board, up to and including the content of PMs that one might (erroneously) believe to be confidential.

Nothing here is sacred, and nothing anyone ever writes on A SHMB is EVER private, especially when you surround it with [ PRIVATE ] [ /PRIVATE ] tags or you write it in the Men's Lounge . . . Hell, even if you write it in "staff", it will leak like a sieve.

The only TRUE fault Jane made was simply just because she could, she did. And that scares people when it happens, because it implies that you will do the same off board, and 99.999999999 out of 100 times, they will. And people will suffer.

What we all KNOW to be the real truth of the matter regarding private information versus the face we all put forth about who knows what and what it is they are knowing is REALLY all that matters.

You can know who shot JFK, but telling the world will get you killed.

Here endeth the lesson. And no, I'm not going to comment further. If you can't follow along, you never will. Look for the bouncing ball.

Now, I too am done with this.


- Jackie
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Old 08-28-2012, 05:04 PM   #35
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I call dibs on the Sgt. Schultz handle for the future.

"I know nothing! I see nothing!"
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Old 08-28-2012, 05:08 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2 View Post
I call dibs on the Sgt. Schultz handle for the future.

"I know nothing! I see nothing!"


- Jackie
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Old 08-28-2012, 05:14 PM   #37
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Geeze...I didn't mean to stir up the put....stir the hornets nest....burn the rice....cats and dogs living together....
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Old 08-28-2012, 05:27 PM   #38
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Old 08-28-2012, 06:20 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin View Post

Wrote things which truly blew my mind.
Jackie was right. My head is spinning. Probably most by this:

"it is also complete and utter folly to EVER make the assumption that ANY verified provider doesn't know every word of any private communication on this board, up to and including the content of PMs that one might (erroneously) believe to be confidential."

And this.

"Nothing here is sacred, and nothing anyone ever writes on A SHMB is EVER private, especially when you surround it with [ PRIVATE ] [ /PRIVATE ] tags or you write it in the Men's Lounge . . . Hell, even if you write it in "staff", it will leak like a sieve."


1.) Private messages are not private, and may be accessed by Verified Providers.
2.) The content of postings that are surrounded by PRIVATE tags are not private.
3.) The content of postings in the Men's Lounge is not private.

Am I the only one who did not know this?!?

What's the point of PM's, Private tags or the Men's Lounge if any of it is accessible to Verified Providers?!

I am well and truly amazed. Thank you, Jackie.
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Old 08-28-2012, 07:12 PM   #40
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Ugh. Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in.

Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
Jackie was right. My head is spinning. Probably most by this:

"it is also complete and utter folly to EVER make the assumption that ANY verified provider doesn't know every word of any private communication on this board, up to and including the content of PMs that one might (erroneously) believe to be confidential."

And this.

"Nothing here is sacred, and nothing anyone ever writes on A SHMB is EVER private, especially when you surround it with [ PRIVATE ] [ /PRIVATE ] tags or you write it in the Men's Lounge . . . Hell, even if you write it in "staff", it will leak like a sieve."
All true statements, depending on the circumstances . . . Can the material be found online on the "leak" Website whose name we shall (can) not speak? Is it human nature to gossip? Will most ANY gentleman attempt to gain favor by sharing something he believes he shouldn't (and vice versa)? Can a woman buy premium access using a credit card with a man's name on it? Is it possible to copy and forward a PM?

Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post


1.) Private messages are not private, and may be accessed by Verified Providers.
2.) The content of postings that are surrounded by PRIVATE tags are not private.
3.) The content of postings in the Men's Lounge is not private.
As for your bullet points, did I SAY any of those things? I did not, did I?

1.) I don't know, MAY they be? I SUPPOSE that ANYONE might share ANYTHING with ANYONE. Might they? They may! But is access "granted" by default? Not at all . . . . Hence my point, if discretion is observed, most anything CAN be shared with ANYONE - just "understand the worthiness of shutting the fuck up". Just because you CAN say something about something you may know doesn't mean you SHOULD.

2.) I don't know, ARE they? I SUPPOSE that ANYONE might share ANYTHING with ANYONE. Might they? They may! But is access "granted" by default? Not at all . . . . Hence my point, if discretion is observed, most anything CAN be shared with ANYONE - just "understand the worthiness of shutting the fuck up". Just because you CAN say something about something you may know doesn't mean you SHOULD.

3.) I don't know, ARE they? I SUPPOSE that ANYONE might share ANYTHING with ANYONE. Might they? They may! But is access "granted" by default? Not at all . . . . Hence my point, if discretion is observed, most anything CAN be shared with ANYONE - just "understand the worthiness of shutting the fuck up". Just because you CAN say something about something you may know doesn't mean you SHOULD.

Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
Am I the only one who did not know this?!?
I have no idea.

Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
What's the point of PM's, Private tags or the Men's Lounge if any of it is accessible to Verified Providers?!

Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
I am well and truly amazed. Thank you, Jackie.
Um, okay.

Admiral, you strike me as an intelligent man, don't make me think I gave you more credit than you deserve. The thing is, I know you "get" it, you just can't play (sell) it, at least not as well as some others. Give it time, I'm sure you'll get there.

Perhaps I should have welcomed you to the machinations of a SHMB yesterday . . .

Let me make it even easier than how easy I have, which apparently only (further) muddied the grey matter of some . . .

No secret is exempt from being shared. Live your life accordingly. Learn to shut your mouth, and play along. This is true of everything in life, NOT JUST ECCIE.

A line from one of my favorite movies says it best: "You want to learn the first rule you'd know if you'd ever spent a day in your life? You never open your mouth til you know what the shot is. You fucking child."

No one put a gun to Jane's head and made her write what she did, she broke protocol, her indiscretion was blatant and she did it all by and to herself. That someone may have given her the information is immaterial. You don't reveal a confidence.

Any bets on how fast this thread gets closed now?

Marcus: I tired to paint with broad strokes, and even diffuse things a little bit, but some people aren't going to stop until there is "blood spilled for blood spilled".

I can't MAKE you see that she (Jane) did it to herself, Admiral. Once she committed the indiscretion, she was in a no win situation. No one took her out through "scheming, muckraking and reputation assassination" - most always, it is the same story, they do it to themselves. They don't NEED anyone's help. You've been active here with this username (TheAdmiral) for less than three months, but something tells me this isn't your first rodeo, nor the first time you have gotten yourself kicked off the bull before the bell. Just a gut feeling, maybe I am wrong. If I am, well, my apologies. However, I've never seen (or possibly heard of) the likes of a WK such as yourself in such a "new" member account. Maybe someone should run your IP. LOL

- Jackie
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Old 08-28-2012, 07:56 PM   #41
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I think I need a drink.
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:04 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
I think I need a drink.
I just had one, and I rarely drink . . . I understand.



- Jackie
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:16 PM   #43
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I would attempt a response, but everytime I look the post has changed.

Here's what won't change:

I am absolutely new to the hobby. I started in June.

I have never been kicked from any discussion board, for any reason.

I welcome, I invite the mods to run my IP.

I resent personal attacks on my credibility.
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:28 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by TheAdmiral View Post
I would attempt a response, but everytime I look the post has changed.

Here's what won't change:

I am absolutely new to the hobby. I started in June.

I have never been kicked from any discussion board, for any reason.

I welcome, I invite the mods to run my IP.

I resent personal attacks on my credibility.
Welcome to the "hobby". You've been a busy boy since June. As for never being kicked off a discussion board, give it time - LOL (kidding)!

I didn't attack you, I put forth a question based on copious past experience and a gut feeling - I also said I may be wrong.

Yes, I do modify my posts occasionally, sometimes all the way up to the one hour board limitation, you aren't the first to notice . . . However, I'm through with the discussion, the thread, and with making any modification.

As for you resenting something on a SHMB, seriously?? Grow a pair. Sounds like a personal problem to me. I believe one of the main failings you may have is that you would take ANYTHING on a SHMB personally. Don't. Just say NO and don't do it. You'll save yourself a lot of grief. Believe me, it isn't personal . . . here's another truism: most everything written (or said) by ANY Escort or provider is most likely highly contrived. Believe it, it is the truth. I'm giving you nuggets here. SHMB solid gold nuggets. This isn't real, you're a paying client, and this along with everything else in the endeavor is mostly smoke and mirrors. 99.99% of the ladies on this or any board look at things that way, whether they will publicly admit it or not - this is their livelihood, and as such, you would do similar in the same position. I admit it because I try not to be hypocritical, although I am sometimes highly sarcastic. But, I'm a DAMN good lay so it evens out.

As for your IP, they won't run it, they don't have the time and they have much better things to deal with. Had you read the board in depth prior to posting, you might have realized that your posting style closely mimics a past poster (or two) - so it isn't only myself that may have the thought, but thanks for setting the record straight. I'll take you at your word and let the issue drop.

Enjoy that drink.

- Jackie
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Old 08-28-2012, 08:38 PM   #45
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It's always nice to have good advice from our local providers that are here everyday and understand the area and the people in it. It's always sad to see someone get banned. Especially one that's been here awhile and is reviewed as an excellant provider. I'm sure she will learn from her mistakes and come back wiser. It is a little disconserting that the drama has raised so much in the last few days. Lets hope it will die off and go back where it was
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