Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I fuggin LOVE giving hand jobs. HJ's are sooo underrated. My fingers are so much more nimble than my mouth is. I like mixing it up between BBBJ and HJ just to keep things interesting and draw out the foreplay. HJ's are truly an artform when done right, and I think its safe to say I've mastered the art - though of course, one can never truly perfect it 
Then I want to meet you!
Seriously, I have found a fantastic HJ can at times be better than intercourse. There was a stripper once who gave me a HJ that was the best I ever had. Mind blowing. The next time I met her, she started with the HJ and then offered CFS. Well, I thought, this will be even better. Not so.
Maybe it was the circumstances being in a private room in a strip club, but that O was not as good. The next time, same thing (I needed a second time to see if it was true).
Sadly, she left, because if I saw her again, I would have told her, just the HJ.
There's another stripper I see who really soaks up with her mouth (and she's good), then finishes with a well lubricated HJ that has such a fantastic build up to the crescendo.
I find most girls (well, strippers, since I'm just starting to get into the provider scene) don't do HJs very well at all, even if they are very willing and enthusiastic. And I can definitely get a better O with a HJ than BJ even when both are done right.
And in the rare case, the HJ can top the FS. I'm searching once again for that right girl who can provide that experience.