I dunno...bat colonies might add to the overall ambiance as long as the other people living under the bridge didn't try to turn our uber exclusive HGE into an under the bridge gang bang.
Anyway, you just committed, I have it in writing so you can't back out now! See you at the next luncheon sexy boy.
Rrrabit: You can have what's left of Rand after I'm done with him.
Fran: after parties are great but I don't want to be responsible for ANYTHING. I'd much rather be your lazy guest.
Besides, I may have to retire under a bridge with Rand for the latter part of the evening(if I can procure the proper provisions).
[QUOTE=Rand Al'Thor-That can easily be arranged, only to help you with HGE experience, of course. Do you have a plce picked out, BTW? Under a bridge would be great, except we have to be careful not to pick a bridge that houses one of the numerous bat colonies. (damn I deleted the last part of the closing quote thing).