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Old 01-10-2012, 07:51 AM   #31
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Default We all know your ass is sitting on ignorant

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
WTF, have you found your ass yet? I understand you hurt one of your hands last week.
Tell me where your nose is and I will then know where my ass is ...

Speaking of asses, you do not see me going into Ms Whispers playground(s) disparaging their playing style.

Think about that Mr WK Eienstien
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Old 01-10-2012, 07:53 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
How so?

By actually speaking one's mind?

Is that considered rude?

There is a philosophical debate that passive rudeness is worse than aggressive rudeness (or just as rude). My guess is it is just personal preference

Do not mistake your playing around in the passively rude playground as being any better or less rude than the ''tell it like it is'' playground.

It is all just a matter of perspective/objective.

Nobody is looking to get their ass kissed in here. So if that is one's objective, then I can see where this forum would seem rude. Personally I think it rather rude to come in here thinking we are rude. You are just as rude in doing so and seem not to know it.

See, perspective/objective!
Fair enough. I understand what you're saying. BUT, I will backtrack a tad, my statement was more of a general one and an observation.

If I wasn't busy with other stuff, you know ... like putting fingers in guys bottoms, playing with them in other ways or researching other stuff or my writing ... then I would probably find this area to be my second home.

I love debate. And I knew that this forum was supposedly, more or less left alone for the most part to allow people the freedom of a spirited back and forth.

So I was rude. Sortof. But I didn't mean to be. Government was my first, of a few, majors and it's always held a fascination for me. But I'm completely out of touch with most of the main issues today, except for snippets here and there.

If a newbie to an area sticks her toe in the water, it shouldn't surprise her to get her toes nibbled on a bit.

As always, though, I sincerely appreciate what YOU have to say, WTF. I really would love to meet you some day! For coffee. Or tea. Smile.

Take care,
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:03 AM   #33
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Default See JD Bullshit

Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
Fair enough. I understand what you're saying. BUT, I will backtrack a tad, my statement was more of a general one and an observation.

If I wasn't busy with other stuff, you know ... like putting fingers in guys bottoms, playing with them in other ways or researching other stuff or my writing ... then I would probably find this area to be my second home.

I love debate. And I knew that this forum was supposedly, more or less left alone for the most part to allow people the freedom of a spirited back and forth.

So I was rude. Sortof. But I didn't mean to be. Government was my first, of a few, majors and it's always held a fascination for me. But I'm completely out of touch with most of the main issues today, except for snippets here and there.

If a newbie to an area sticks her toe in the water, it shouldn't surprise her to get her toes nibbled on a bit.

As always, though, I sincerely appreciate what YOU have to say, WTF. I really would love to meet you some day! For coffee. Or tea. Smile.

Take care,
And I would as well Ms Elisabeth.

You understood exactly my point and you sure would make a fine addition to this rudeass forum!

A word of advice , watch that JD feller, he is a bleeding heart liberal that fancies himself a Conservative!
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:16 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by WTF View Post
How so?

By actually speaking one's mind?

Is that considered rude?

There is a philosophical debate that passive rudeness is worse than aggressive rudeness (or just as rude). My guess is it is just personal preference

Do not mistake your playing around in the passively rude playground as being any better or less rude than the ''tell it like it is'' playground.

It is all just a matter of perspective/objective.

Nobody is looking to get their ass kissed in here. So if that is one's objective, then I can see where this forum would seem rude. Personally I think it rather rude to come in here thinking we are rude. You are just as rude in doing so and seem not to know it.

See, perspective/objective!
That was rude, you big bully!

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Old 01-10-2012, 08:40 AM   #35
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Ms Skylar and Ms Elisabeth, a hearty welcome to you both!
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:04 AM   #36
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Default Again

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
That was rude, you big bully!

Your vagina is showing

Originally Posted by I B Hankering View Post
Ms Skylar and Ms Elisabeth, a hearty welcome to you both!
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:56 AM   #37
JD Barleycorn
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What a nasty little boy...
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Old 01-10-2012, 11:57 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
What a nasty little boy...
what a pissy lil girl
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Old 01-10-2012, 05:12 PM   #39
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Does thinking of me as a little girl turn you on? So now you're admitting that you're a potential child molester...sick puppy
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Old 01-10-2012, 05:49 PM   #40
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Damn I forgot what we were talking about.
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Old 01-10-2012, 06:30 PM   #41
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Default You are just to easy

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Does thinking of me as a little girl turn you on? So now you're admitting that you're a potential child molester...sick puppy
and what does your thinking of me as a nasty lil boy make you?
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Old 01-10-2012, 07:53 PM   #42
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So very hostile, PTSD? Look WTF, I know you're getting older and things don't work very well anymore. Why take it out on the general population? You've worked hard to insult people on this site besides me. You insulted some lovely ladies because they expressed their opinion. True, you've tried to apologize but you should never have insulted them in the first place. Why does someone else's opinion bother you so much? Maybe you're just getting older and are not as quick. That happens. You just can't withdraw into a bitter caricature of a curmudgeon. Take some time off. We'll all be here when you get back from a vacation.

FYI; I'm not gay, I'm not a liberal, and I'm not a neo-con. Write this down so you can stop making those mistakes when you post. I voted for Ronald Reagan the second time, John Anderson the first time. I spent a few more years in the service of this country than you did and I'm proud of that service. Seen the Middle East more than I want to and Latin America as well. I have two degrees in political science and history. Working on my MA at the moment. Come on, write this stuff down so you won't forget. I am also working on a screenplay which is some of the hardest work I've done in a long time. This is how I relax.
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Old 01-10-2012, 08:31 PM   #43
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Just a brief moment back on topic. If Perry invades Iraq, I hope he does better than he did invading New Hampshire. 1%!
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Old 01-10-2012, 09:24 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
I had heard this forum was pretty rude at times.

What do you mean "at times"? We strive for 24/7 around here.
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Old 01-11-2012, 07:36 AM   #45
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Default While we are projecting

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So very hostile, PTSD? Look WTF, I know you're getting older We all are getting older...last I checked and things don't work very well anymore. Why take it out on the general population? General population? There is nothing general about politics. You've worked hard to insult people on this site besides me. No I haven't, pointing out irony comes natural to me. That you think it is an insult is a reflection on your lack of intelligence. You insulted some lovely ladies because they expressed their opinion. It should be a badge of honor that I treat them all equal, like human beings , not some special female. We are having political discussions. I treat all equal. If the ladies prefer pedestal treatment in a political discussion then fine, let them go elsewhere with you and discuss which Kardashian they like best.
True, you've tried to apologize but you should never have insulted them in the first place. What, who the fuc did I try and apologize to? Why does someone else's opinion bother you so much? Why does mine opinion bother you so? See I just pointed out some irony. You fuc'n hypocrite. That is what I am good at. I could give a flying fuc if you like it or not Maybe you're just getting older and are not as quick. That happens. You just can't withdraw into a bitter caricature of a curmudgeon. Take some time off. We'll all be here when you get back from a vacation. But will you be the same lying, liberal, neo-conic dick loving sac of chit when I return? Or will you reflect upon your know it all attitude as the exact kind of person I like exposing as the phoney fraud you are.

FYI; I'm not gay, I'm not a liberal, and I'm not a neo-con. Write this down so you can stop making those mistakes when you post. I voted for Ronald Reagan the second time, John Anderson the first time. I spent a few more years in the service of this country than you did and I'm proud of that service. Seen the Middle East more than I want to and Latin America as well. I have two degrees in political science and history. Working on my MA at the moment. Come on, write this stuff down so you won't forget. I am also working on a screenplay which is some of the hardest work I've done in a long time. This is how I relax.
FYI, What does any of that have to do with anything? Are you looking for a pat on the back. It does explain why you think you know it all and seem to look down on others....well others that have opposing views. I feel sorry for your boyfriend. Actually, I feel more sorry for your girlfriend who probably does not know about your boyfriend.

Write a screen play on that you lil Drama Queen.
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