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Old 11-17-2011, 06:51 PM   #31
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The first thing to establish is - who put up the text on their respective site first.
If that is known all else falls in place.
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Old 11-17-2011, 06:52 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
Ahh but this is not the music industry. This is plagiarism. You cannot quote source material (me) without providing footnotes/citations.

You don't "sample" literature unless you would like a big old lawsuit. Writers tend to be kinda picky about that.

I know books aren't super popular on this site, but that is how that works.

Yes, it is plagiarism. And, yes, written text can not be copied without citation of sources which would include the author, a link to the site of origin and date it was posted. Same goes with sampling in music. When music is sampled the artist always makes a note, typically in the album notes or "thank you" section of which song & version was sampled, by which artist, from which album, etc.

Sure, it is not an apples to apples comparison but I figured you were smart enough to figure out that the two were similar.

As far as the digital editing of an image I've taken... well, that shit happens all the time. Sure, there are ways to bust people out about it and make them look like an idiot. But, if I were going to bust someone out for stealing my shit like you did, Silly... at least put some teeth in the post and show a direct link to it. No worries... I fixed that for you. You're welcome.
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Old 11-17-2011, 07:01 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by SillyGirl View Post
Quester, my site is obviously not a boilerplate site. And I contacted her twice on P411 and I know she read the messages and changed nothing.

And she is representing herself as me. My words. And she can't be that smart or creative if she has to thieve.

Now you can white knight her all you want, and it does not change the fact that she stole my writing and passed it off as hers.

She's representing herself as herself (not you)... sure, she's using your words to do that but that is not the same as using images of you slightly edited and saying it is her. From the look of the two of you... I doubt there are many [read: any] people who would mistake one for the other. If I were you, I'd go to her P411 profile and click the "report a problem" link in the upper right hand corner of her page and let the P411 admins know that there is misleading/plagiarized material on the page. That is unless they don't give a flip about it, something will be done.
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Old 11-17-2011, 07:02 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Fastcar View Post
Dog, my review was verified true by another poster who spoke to one of the providers. You must be one brave motherfucker calling people liars and hypocrites when you know there will be no consequences. By the way, I do get out, spent the afternoon with Bobby Upside. My suggestion,go get laid and turn that frown upside down.
Motherfucker??? Seriously, my location is well known on this site, anytime you would like to come by and apply some consequences you are more than welcome to come by, my suggestion to you is to decide what you want to do, do it or STFU.
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Old 11-17-2011, 07:09 PM   #35
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Dirty Dog & Fastcar... lets drop that thread of argument right now and get back on subject: Hooktard A copied off of Hooksmart B's web page and now Hooksmart B is pissed about it. In fact, her next move is to download Hooksmart B's entire web site and redesign it so that it looks like her own page (by redesign I mean change a few colors here and there and remove some copyright tags) and post herself up a new web site.

If you want to discuss reviews about people who may or may not exist or pick fights with each other, do it in PM. Otherwise, I'll have to start dishing out points to the guy(s) not taking the hint.
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Old 11-17-2011, 07:30 PM   #36
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Old 11-17-2011, 08:23 PM   #37
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DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA. I would like to be sitting in the courtroom and listen to Silly Girl argue that one.

Silly Girl.... Your Honor she stole the words to my escort site

Judge.... I know I set up a date with her and noticed that too.

Silly Girl ..... Well what you going to do about it?

Judge ...... Nothing her services are way different.... there good!!!!!!! Case dismissed!

Silly Girl :-(

I'm sorry Silly Girl I couldn't resist. I'm sure your a fine person
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Old 11-17-2011, 08:31 PM   #38
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I wholeheartedly agree that Diamond stealing your text was wrong and it needs to be removed ASAP. However, starting a thread to bitch about how a provider is misrepresenting herself by misrepresenting the thread (Diamond Sparkle steals pics?) is flat out ridiculous.
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Old 11-17-2011, 09:38 PM   #39
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+1 Adrielle. BTW, hi doll....miss talkin to you.

In this business ads, websites, pictures, etc. are stolen all the time. There's nothing anyone can do about it unless everything is copyrighted. If it is, then I suggest you get an attorney and have them send her a cease and desist letter.

Stealing pictures is one thing, stealing text is different. If every girl who had their ad or contents of their website stolen bitched about it on the board.....we'd have at least 10 chicks a day bitchin.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this kinda "drama" is what the guys are trying to avoid no?
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Old 11-17-2011, 09:52 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
Because someone should not bitch about her stuff being stolen off the internet when they steal it themselves, so it has a lot to do with what she brought up, dont let you whiteknighting in hopes of getting a free blowjob override your mouth, just because your mad because you wrote a jerk off piece of fantasy and tried to pass it off as a review. I may be a dick but I would rather be a dick then an embelisher who must write a fluff piece to make up for his short comings. You crack me up why dont you write us another story but hey why stop at "two beaufitul women fight over my cock" Sounds like a penthouse forum piece and just about as real too. By the way, did you wife know you were wearing her bikini when you took your avatar photo.

"And,by the way,your ass is WAY beyond semi-nice!"

Dude you do need to get out of the bathroom more.
No Dirty Dog, You should care, as to the authenticity and integrity of a provider. If she is this lazy and deceptive to cheat one of her fellow providers what is this cheat going to cheat you on?
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Old 11-17-2011, 10:44 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by buzzworm86 View Post
No Dirty Dog, You should care, as to the authenticity and integrity of a provider. If she is this lazy and deceptive to cheat one of her fellow providers what is this cheat going to cheat you on?
I should, really, seriously what harm was done with what she supposedly stole, was what she allegedly copied some kind of secret, no it was really a basic nuts and bolts writing found on most websites, it not like she took some secret formula that only SG had, rather she took a post on edicate, seriously. By the way BUZZ, are you sure it's lazyness or an attempt to decieve, or maybe an under educated young woman who did not have the ability or wherewithall to write it herself. You probably dont mind her limited abilities when your riding her backside, so dont get overly ritchous. I think its a rather large leap to assume its was lazyness without knowing the whole story. And BUZZ I also have a problem exuding sympathy for someone who complains about having her intellectual property stolen, but has no problem stealing someone elses. So was this really an attempt at deception, did Sparkle claim she was someone else, post pictures that were not her or indicate services that in fact she does not do, no you have none of that. What this really is, is Silly Girls need for attention and by proxy an ad. No BUZZ if there was any deception attempted it was SG title, which in fact by her own admission was not acccurate or putting it a little less kindly a LIE.
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:05 PM   #42
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well said Dirty Dog...and I am in the ad business once something goes public its out there for anyone to copy it, manipulate it, whatever. It happens all the time in the ad business....You always see these businesses advertise things like "Got water damage?" or "Got Wood Rot" where did that come from but from the milk ads "Got Milk?
Writing info on a website is not being an author....writing a book is, there are steps you have to go thru to copyright something!
The website is for advertising and promotional purposes the book is for reading and learning and enjoyment
Bottom line is people need to make contact with that person and ask that they would change it as a professional courtesy or move on with your life!!
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:11 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by buzzworm86 View Post
No Dirty Dog, You should care, as to the authenticity and integrity of a provider. If she is this lazy and deceptive to cheat one of her fellow providers what is this cheat going to cheat you on?

Cheat one of her fellow providers? C'mon now. Its only text, its not like she stole a client or her pictures. Deceptive? Sure, but tell me who isn't in this business. This one just happen to have gotten busted and called out on it.

Assuming that Diamond would cheat a guy out of something? Isn't that a big stretch. You don't know who she is and not fair of you to assume that.

I don't see you jumping down SG for being deceptive in the title of her thread.

There was a better way to handle this that could've caused less drama, but now here it is. It is what it is.

Buzz, have you taken over COG's title as board ass kisser?
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Old 11-17-2011, 11:59 PM   #44
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Does anyone read more than a few lines of that text anyway? I don't.
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Old 11-18-2011, 12:02 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by MsElena View Post
+1 Adrielle. BTW, hi doll....miss talkin to you.

In this business ads, websites, pictures, etc. are stolen all the time. There's nothing anyone can do about it unless everything is copyrighted. If it is, then I suggest you get an attorney and have them send her a cease and desist letter.

Stealing pictures is one thing, stealing text is different. If every girl who had their ad or contents of their website stolen bitched about it on the board.....we'd have at least 10 chicks a day bitchin.

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but this kinda "drama" is what the guys are trying to avoid no?
I've been missing our talks too! I'll give you a call soon, I'm thinking of heading up your way for a trip in the near future.
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