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Old 10-28-2011, 07:11 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Codybeast View Post
My perception has changed from that of a bunch of rabble-rousers and we-don't-give-a-fuckers to nothing more than a bunch of seedy scammers.
Yes I realize it is not fair to generalize a group over an individual but like kind do stick together.
So all of us ECCIE Members are a group... the same group as Sixx is in.. We can all be categorized the same?

I get judged a crook and a scam artist because I consider Sixx a friend? Based on an allegation here on a SHMB?

I guess my considering a few of the ladies here friends makes me a whore by that logic.... or that one of buddies is an alcoholic in need of some help... well damn.... I must be an alchoholic as well....

I need to be more careful I guess....
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Old 10-28-2011, 07:14 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by ad1179 View Post
didnt "sixx" already sh*t on himself when he started posting on the same thread under 2 different profiles "sixx" and "sixxx" with the same avatar and signatures?
Wow... You are easily fooled....

Why do you assume that was him posting as sixxx and not some other troublemaker that was doing a pretty slick job copying his info and posting in a manner to eventually discredit him? I would believe maybe Yssup posting as Sixx a lot faster than I would give Sixx credit for that handle.

I understand the desire to immediately pounce on someone that is perceived to be a bully when a weakness is perceived, but some of you are jumping without much forethought and your ignorance is showing.
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Old 10-28-2011, 07:21 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by richcran View Post
Please don't put this instance as a negative for any charitable giving here or anywhere else. I participated pretty heavily in last years event. I know Whispers stood up for Sixx early in this thread but I have no beef with him or any of the 'pack'. They may not know what their buddy's character is either.......
I know that sometimes good people make mistakes. And in the long run remain good people....

And owning up to the mistake made here, assuming that in fact there was one made, will be a pretty big pill to swallow in light of the manner of the accusation. I'm honestly watching to see how he handles it myself.

The "pack" is a figment of a few people's over reactive imagination that a couple of us had some fun perpetuating.

Anyway..... Thanks to Richcran for mentioning his participation in last years event. And for anyone with concerns. If you want to give and on't have faith in the process, get in touch with me and let me match you up with a needy family and you can hand deliver your donation(s) and see the joy they bring. Kelli Love did that last year simply to feel a bigger part and she made quite a difference in that families life.
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Old 10-28-2011, 07:32 PM   #34
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Fine, Fine and Triple fine....all this other discussion, I'm sure will make a wonderful thread somewhere.

let's get back to the original question...is Sixx a thief. Personally when I saw this thread first open, I'm thinking dirty politics....plain and simple!!! Solely based upon his postings (which granted is not much), I'm thinking certainly I've disagreed with some of his stuff...but then other times I respected his point of view.

And I agree, the potential dollar amount in question really was never a major point....as a matter of fact, the smaller the amount the more
replusive the thought.

But every man has a chance to speak his side, that's only fair

But as time continues to linger on......
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Old 10-28-2011, 08:33 PM   #35
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I still support the charity function and will be donating my time(to Kboy) and making my $300 donation as promised! I do think direct sponsoring of whole families is a great idea as well for those that are a bit cautious about blindly handing a stranger from the internet their cash.

Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
I know that sometimes good people make mistakes. And in the long run remain good people....

And owning up to the mistake made here, assuming that in fact there was one made, will be a pretty big pill to swallow in light of the manner of the accusation. I'm honestly watching to see how he handles it myself.

The "pack" is a figment of a few people's over reactive imagination that a couple of us had some fun perpetuating.

Anyway..... Thanks to Richcran for mentioning his participation in last years event. And for anyone with concerns. If you want to give and on't have faith in the process, get in touch with me and let me match you up with a needy family and you can hand deliver your donation(s) and see the joy they bring. Kelli Love did that last year simply to feel a bigger part and she made quite a difference in that families life.
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Old 10-29-2011, 12:23 AM   #36
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Based in his thousands of posts of this board, I always thought he was a man of great integrity, as well as wealth and taste. I'm sure all the ladies who gave him free or discounted blowjobs with the hope of appearing on his top ten list would be happy to vouch for his goodness.

He didn't even to seem bothered by that Sixxx character. Most of us would have thrown a fit if we had impersonators but not Sixx. I think the closest he came to complaining was a "?".

I'm sure he'll respond to this thread as soon as he's finished wrapping Christmas gifts for orphans.
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Old 10-29-2011, 09:26 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by ad1179 View Post
didnt "sixx" already sh*t on himself when he started posting on the same thread under 2 different profiles "sixx" and "sixxx" with the same avatar and signatures?
First, there are lots of people here and on other boards with the same avatar. Second, when we (Staff) see or are alerted to a possible copycat we look into it pretty throughly and while none of our methods are fool proof, we do have technology that helps us determine within a degree of probability if it is the same person or not. Now before you all start asking why don't we catch all with multiple handles, it is a time consuming and labor intensive process and the key is for a member to "come to our attention" as this sixxx did. After being investigated by Staff it was determined that it was a copycat and handled accordingly. Before you start accusing people of violations of our guidelines, you might want to at least have a small sense of what you are talking about and not be speaking from your posterior region.

Originally Posted by Booth View Post
He didn't even to seem bothered by that Sixxx character. Most of us would have thrown a fit if we had impersonators but not Sixx. I think the closest he came to complaining was a "?".

I'm sure he'll respond to this thread as soon as he's finished wrapping Christmas gifts for orphans.
Again, before speaking about subjects of which one or more of you may not have ALL of the information you might want to take a step back. None of you have any idea how much communication with sixx, staff, or anyone else regarding the sixxx persona took place. Some of us do not put see the need to put everything on the open board.

I have no idea what happenned in the fantasy football league. I was not part of it nor was I there for any of the $$ to change hands. I amnot saying either party here is right. I can say that I am privy to some communications that are not here in an open thread. I can say that the sixxbach that we have known since the ASPD days was not the same person that the Sixxx character that you have all mentioned.

It is also getting a little old to see the continued maligning of the persons involved in the annual Chritmas Charity Event that more than a few here are involved in. It would seem to me that when one of the organizers tells you that if you are uncomfortable giving to the "general fund of gifts" then they will put you in touch directly with a family that would be delighted with whatever you would like to contribute no matter how large or small, that should settle any questions regarding the intent of the organizers. I have personally sponsered a needy family for Christmas for the past several years (outside of this event to which I also contribute) and there is nothing like the feeling that it brings to see their happiness with your offerings.

Sometimes I am ashamed that we seem to want to find fault with everything that some are involved in rather than seeing the good that can come from the efforts of our community when we put aside our petty differences and work for a common good.

Now, back to the topic at hand please.

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Old 10-29-2011, 09:34 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Spacemtn View Post
Some of us do not put see the need to put everything on the open board.
Did Sixx ever strike anyone as one of those people you refer to as not needing to put everything on an open board?
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Old 10-29-2011, 12:59 PM   #39
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I was in the league. I paid my due. As I did not finish in the money, I did not keep up with the payout. If I remember correctly, Holeshot won first place.

While I consider Sixx a friend, and would have a drink with him anytime, he does need to make this right.

Originally Posted by Codybeast View Post
At this point it has been over 48 hours since this was posted. His closest friends would have made him aware of this plus he has been PM'd about this by others since day one.

Even if he did come up with a handy excuse at this point it would lack all credibility since clearly this serious of an accusation would have been addressed immediately by anyone with scruples if it had no merit.
You were doing just fine until...

It is my opinion that birds of a feather do flock together so be very wary when donating money or gifts directly to anyone in this crew whether it be for fantasy football or some supposed "Worthy" charity especially now that the holidays are approaching and the fund raising season is underway.
Donate directly!!
I see what you did here. That's clever that you didn't mention a specific charity event, though you mention "birds of a feather".

I don't find it disappointing or even surprising however I do find it extremely enlightening.
My perception has changed from that of a bunch of rabble-rousers and we-don't-give-a-fuckers to nothing more than a bunch of seedy scammers.

Yes I realize it is not fair to generalize a group over an individual but like kind do stick together.
Being unfair aside, you might want to think about some of the groups, ideologies, and results of that kind of thinking.

This is worse than the hooker who would grab n dash a client or even a client who would shortchange the envelope. Hustling/scamming people whom you have encouraged to place their trust in you as a friend or compadre is as low as it gets on the scale.

Be a part of the "ECCIE Community" my ass.
Originally Posted by Codybeast View Post
I didn't realize there was a dollar amount attached to honor or trustworthiness. My bad.
I am curious though as to what dollar amount you're allowed to scam before it becomes noteworthy?

If a man can't be trusted what difference is it whether he hustles $1 or $500.
Are you implying that because he possibly hustled a lower amount that he should be given the benefit of the doubt and entrusted with a greater amount?.
I'm missing the logic behind this.
Yes I agree it is no big deal. My point is knowing this fact DO NOT hand your $ over to this crew under any conditions if that is how they roll. That is all.
Please enlighten the rest of us from this danger by telling us who are in "this crew"?

I didn't realize that there was a difference between thieving and thieving. If a person can't be trusted, what difference does it make who they ripped off?

It's despicable that you would, for whatever reason, use richcran's legitimate post and accusation from his own experience to launch an accusation on other members here solely based on association as you see it. You have no personal experience to relate regarding this incident, "the crew", or the charity you're shitting on. You have no other basis for this accusation (it is an accusation when you call them scammers) other than same logic that gave birth to persecution of various religious, political, and philosophical associations along with the holocaust, and racism of every kind.

If you have any evidence, other than someone else's experience with another member here, to accuse those involved in the charity, please bring it forth in a new thread. Enlighten us all.
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Old 10-29-2011, 01:29 PM   #40
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The socials and the christmas giving are for real. just because Sixx shit the bed here doesn't relate to anything else except what HE does in my opinion. I wonder if the new top 10 BBBJ list will be delayed.
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Old 10-29-2011, 02:47 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Booth View Post
Did Sixx ever strike anyone as one of those people you refer to as not needing to put everything on an open board?

Believe it or not, there is lots of "stuff" that does not make it out here in the open and some of it involves the most verbose people here!!! You are correct in that the perception that sixx has created with his on line persona is one that puts it all out there, no matter what, but in reality, none of us really does that.

I will also state that sixx does need to step up to whatever happenned here and handle it accordingly. I would expect the same of myself or anyone else!

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Old 10-29-2011, 03:33 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Booth View Post
Did Sixx ever strike anyone as one of those people you refer to as not needing to put everything on an open board?
It APPEARS that Sixx was one that liked to put everything on the board, in the open for all to see.

Honestly though, AS a friend, I know a lot more about the man and some of the things he has done and burdens he has shouldered helping members of this community.

APPEARANCES Booth are deceiving in regards to that subject. There is a LOT that Sixx could have shared with the board that would have made for days and weeks of controversial entertainment that he did not. We even got crossways once about a subject I felt he should bring to the board and he chose to keep it off.

But due to perceptions.... Sixx does need to step up and deal with this thread at some point and time.

I know he is involved in personal family matters today and this evening and most of tomorrow. So he may not until after he finishes with those.
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Old 10-29-2011, 03:42 PM   #43
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It is very unfair of some of you to link the fundraiser to this issue.

You folks do realize that Ztonk, AustinKBoy and Miss Haley are involved as well right?

That we had Spacemntn over see things with a neutral eye last year and have asked him to do so this year as well? That we are still soliciting help from others?

Are they all to be considered thieves as well as accused of running some sort of scam because we all know each other? Or the ladies and gents that helped man collection points last year or that have volunteered this year to so, is their only motivation also to be looked at as some attempt to line their pockets?
A couple of you really showed what truly petty people you can be. In comparison to some of those you disparage with your insinuations you truly are far more despicable people.

I try to set aside all the bullshit this time of year and focus on friends and family as well as trying to do a few things nice for less fortunate people. So just as you saw last year about this time you will see that I quit being involved in controversial shit and focus on other topics.

But regarding this controversial topic.

Sixx is a friend.

Even if all this is true I will still consider him a friend. Sometimes good people make mistakes and I know too much behind the scenes stuff about this man to allow a single mistake to outweigh the good I know he has done for members of this community as well as others over the years I have known him.

That being said. I am extremely disappointed that he has not addressed this topic on the board.

I called him and told him about the thread and I believe that at the time I spoke to him he did not know it existed. After our conversation he was totally aware and said he would address it.

The accusations are harsh and there is no room here for Sixx to really do much. He has been painted into a corner publicly.

If richcran truly did warn him this was coming, well, then Sixx has little he can even say about it being posted.

On the surface it appears that all the needed info was laid out. Sixx has not denied that money is owed to richcran.

In the same situation I probably would have done the same thing the OP did however I would have probably handled it in the Locker room where the event actually occurred.... I would have spun up the story in a milder format to allow Sixx the opportunity to make things right leaving him an out. I handled a matter of a hobbyist sharing his handle with a provider in this manner earlier last year, giving him an opportunity to step up rather than having the whole story go public. It can be effective and still allow resolution as well as giving the other party a chance to save a little face.

That is not going to happen here. As it is Sixx really has little he can do or say other than post an apology and take his lumps.

What is most disappointing about this for me, is I consider Sixx to be a friend. So for him to allow this to continue by not dealing with the thread..... well.... It's just not right.....

Much more than the facts surrounding the issue, I think his ignoring the thread is worse.

Sixx...... Friends tell you what you NEED to hear.... not always what you WANT to hear.......... Address this and put this behind you so we can enjoy a few beers next week as planned.
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Old 10-29-2011, 06:07 PM   #44
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My bottom line point is this. Considering the thread subject matter "Be smart and donate your cash etc.. directly to your favorite cause or charity period"
Do not put your money, gifts etc.. in the hands of other board members whether it be on behalf of a charity or some sham fantasy league pool.

As far as the birds of a feather comment it is no secret that those with a specific set of values tend to closely align themselves on a personal level with like minded.
This was not a generalization of all board members as I doubt most here even know him let alone call him a close friend.

I personally have not met any other mongers here and have no desire to do so. Therefore I can not speak on the basis of fact regarding the actions or intentions of anyone. I can however utilize some basic common sense based upon how this thread has been addressed or should I say NOT addressed.

I really don't care how one chooses to handle their $$. I am simply saying "Wake the fuck up" as this thread shows that the term "ECCIE Community" clearly means different things to different people.

Group A mistakenly perceives it as a safe haven where everyone watches out for one another while Group B sees it as an opportunity to exploit Group A for personal gain. I'm sure there are probably a few other groups as well but they are not the issue at hand.
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Old 10-29-2011, 08:28 PM   #45
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I cant imagine what explaination Sixx would have for screwing richcran out of his fantasy football winnings. It's not the money that's important, but his character and integrity....and in this case lack there of. I always thought that his Billy Bad Ass persona that he created here behind a keyboard merrilly reflected his attempt to be somebody that he wished that he was. Scamming people that you know out of fantasy football money is like taking money out of your grandmother's cookie jar. IMHO it reflects his true colors that many of us thought all along. Whispers claiming him as his "friend" reminds me of the Garth Brooks song "Friends in Low Places". It's time for Sixx to come out of hiding to specifically address richcrans accusations. His continued silence only confirms them to all of us.
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