Originally Posted by hankchinask1
If porn was a viable alternative for in person fun, this site wouldn’t exist
You haven't shared any info ever yet still chime in? Ok.
My point is "in-person fun" should be the sole goal of paying to see an escort. Taking ridiculous risks on low-value trash with a low probability of "in-person fun" is the wrong way to do this. The risk out weighs any benefits with all STG trash.
With higher-quality escorts the rewards are absolutely worth the minimal risk.
There are fantastic highs to be achieved by paying for escorts. Amazing sexual encounters with classy, beautiful, sensual young women who spend an hour devoted to your sexual pleasure. These are the purest forms of sexual pleasure a man can achieve. No emotions. No future expectations. No lasting connection. Just pure unadulterated sexual bliss 100% in the present. You leave fully satisfied and with an incredible buzz. This is obtainable for a relatively low cost.
STG is not the way to achieve this. Guys are better off waiting until a high-reward-low-risk provider comes along. Save your money. Jerk off. And be patient. If you're an incorrigible sex addict (like I was for many years) the only way to get control of your addiction is to raise your standards. This will force you to limit who you see since so few providers will meet your standards.
1) Don't go to motels.
2) Don't use STG.
3) Don't see substance users.
4) Don't see escorts in their apartments. Very high risk.
Doing it Right:
1) She will be in a nice hotel.
2) She will be a traveler.
3) She will have standards herself - there will be screening.
4) She won't ask for deposit.
5) The communication will be direct and professional.
6) You will set an appointment for a specific time and she will be ready for that time.
Nothing is a guarantee but you have to play the probabilities. Follow my advice and there'a a great chance you'll have a fantastic time and you will feel it was money well spent.