Originally Posted by Tellsoftly
But perhaps I am here to entertain you...? But who was phone?!?
(Internet memes and puns aside, I have been offered a session by a provider I have spoken with. Attempting to discern presently if this violates any kind of ethical guideline when it comes to writing on a subject.)
I would have to say no.
I watched a special on Current(commie ass econetwork);
wherein this reporter was detailing the possible
overfishing of bluefin tuna. Lamenting a possible
future without bluefin tuna. All the while he was
feasting on bluefin steaks and bellies worth
tens of thousands of dollars.
So I would guess you're free to sample the
offerings of any/all willing providers:
provided you don't WK one on wsj or nyt.
Keep your perspective and you'll be fine.
War correspondents have to go to combat areas.
You? Well there are tougher assignments.
Some guys get all the luck.