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Old 01-17-2024, 05:34 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
I think you misunderstand the argument, which is the same no matter who is in the Oval Office. The headline unemployment rate doesn't tell the whole story. If a lot of people have dropped out of the labor force for whatever reason (covid, early retirement, tired of searching for a job, etc.) then the official rate (U-3) arguably understates the true level of joblessness. For this reason, the Dept. of Labor each month also publishes unemployment rates using alternative definitions (U-4 to U-6) that include such omissions:

So make sure I understand of what you are saying, I totally agree with the accuracy of the report, what the topic in question is, is it different between the same report when Biden's in office compared to when Trump was in office with the same type of report.

Again rules/playbook, I just want the same rules so we can play fair for both parties.

Of course, the BLS uses the same methodology to measure unemployment no matter who is in office. The accuracy of the data doesn't change, only the spin given to it.

As far as inflation is concerned, nobody blames Biden ENTIRELY for its flare-up. But only an idiot would argue that his reckless spending and other misguided policies had NOTHING to do with it. I already slapped down tommy twice for making such a silly claim. Perhaps you missed it

I hope you are in no way referring to me as an IDIOT because I am just bringing up topics which are different in opinions on here.

No, it's not directed at you personally. No disrespect intended. Did you open the link and read my reply to tommy? I said his "dismissal of Biden's ownership of inflation is incredibly flippant, superficial and ignorant" - and then I explained why. Please read it again.

Again high inflation is in most countries not just the USA. No matter how much money is wasted. Both parties have done a good job on wasting in two different directions, some give to people that don't want to work, another party gives to the rich. Do I agree with what the wasteful spending is spent for, no way in hell. They could cut the budget in half as far as I am concerned
Inflation is caused by multiple factors. Economists try to estimate which variables are stronger than others in driving up the inflation rate. They also run models to explain why it varies greatly from one country to the next. Why do think it's so much higher in Argentina (+211%!) than it is here (+3.4%)? Government fiscal & monetary policies are the primary reason. Do you think people in Argentina are going to shrug and say "oh, it's just a worldwide problem" and not blame their government, which controls the printing presses for the currency (peso) they see eroding in value so quickly? Of course not.

When it comes to wasteful spending, a certain amount of stimulus was needed when covid hit in order to keep the economy from plunging into a steep, lasting recession. But after Biden came in, the Dems (who were in control of both Houses of Congress) kept the spending floodgates open way beyond what was warranted by the economic data. That's not just my opinion. It's also the opinion of leading Dem economists such as Larry Summers and Jason Furman, both of whom served under Obama. Summers even wrote an article in the Washington Post warning that the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan that was passed in March 2021 (with zero Republican votes) was grossly excessive and would goose inflation. Turns out he was correct. When your own economists go on record warning you that your policies will contribute to inflation, and then the forewarned inflation flares up, why do you keep denying it?
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Old 01-17-2024, 05:59 PM   #32
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Bottom line both Biden and Trump need to move on to there life's work, and it isn't being a President.
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Old 01-17-2024, 06:18 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post

"On December 22, 2017, President Donald Trump signed into law the so-called Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), a $1.9 trillion tax bill favoring corporations and wealthy Americans. At its heart is a large cut in the corporate tax rate. “Corporations are literally going wild over this,” Trump said upon signing the bill. He predicted that the corporate tax cut would cause a boom in business investment and that factories are “not going to be abandoned any longer.” His White House, meanwhile, estimated that the corporate tax cuts would trickle down to workers in the form of a $4,000 annual raise."

This one Lusty. I was wrong it was 1.9 Trillion Dollar tax break. Nikki didn't like it either. I mean she wouldn't say anything bad of Trump cause she knows when she looses he will appoint her of a good job again.
Ok, I put quotes and italics around the part you cut & pasted from the American Progress site. I will read the article in depth later. At this point, I'll just note that it was written in Dec. 2019 - too early to evaluate the TCJA's full impact - and it was probably rushed out to discredit one of Trump's key domestic achievements as the 2020 election neared.

By the time the data on median annual real household income were available through 2019, I recall they showed a hefty gain (around $4-5k) compared to the level before Trump took office. That's a good proxy for what middle-class workers were feeling. I'll look it up and get back to you. Of course, the data for 2020 were distorted by covid.

One more thing - don't get hung up on the price tag of $1.9 trillion. That was an initial CBO estimate of the net reduction in tax revenues to the Treasury over 10 years. Six years in, we can look back and say the actual "cost" of the TCJA appears significantly smaller. More on that later.

Now please find the quote where Nikki Haley said something critical about the TCJA.
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Old 01-17-2024, 06:36 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
Bottom line both Biden and Trump need to move on to their life's work, and it isn't being a President.
I have to agree that in a nation of 330 million we should be able to find two better candidates.

P.S. Did anything in my post #31 make sense to you?
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Old 01-17-2024, 06:50 PM   #35
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Gentlemen back on topic The thread is not about tax breaks or inflation
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Old 01-19-2024, 07:47 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
In Trump's defense (and I'll crucify myself for this), 10% unemployment wasn't entirely Trump's fault. Nobody could had predicted covid, however Trump's own rhetoric and what he fed his worshipers directly contributed to the 200k American deaths and the high unemployment.

I blame Trump entirely for COVID only because I am going off of the Republican RULEBOOK/PLAYBOOK. Our MAGA'S on here are blaming Biden for inflation when it is world wide. Google it, what other countries have inflation? So everyday here and on all Republican backed news channels blame Biden for Inflation.

See once you understand the rules here you can now play the game. I originally didn't know the rules. We need to get some radical Democratic news group out of there garages like the MAGA'S on here have that way we can back those claims(MEGA FACT CHECKER). I won't waste my time looking for them.

Stock market broke records two weeks ago, do you remember our MEGA'S answer to it and Trumps answer to it, it is because Trump is doing so well in the Poles. LOL. What a crock of Shit.

Biden has 3.5% unemployment, MEGA'S answer because all of those people are off of unemployment that is why they are not counted now, only when Trump is in office does that rule apply.

MEGA RULES, Not mine.
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Old 01-24-2024, 06:23 AM   #37
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Every time I see Trump with his fucked up victory speeches and his nothing but double talk bragging and lies I cringe. By Biden not doing anything about the boarders even though it is not just him to blame the main reason is both the Republicans and the Democrats have equal responsibility.

Biden should not have to give an executive order to stop a consistent problems. If it is a problem there should be a law fixing that problem. So all of you nay Sayers, get to the bottom of the problems, just like your news groups is all one sided, its both sides. Once you realize that maybe the problem will be fixed forever.
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