Originally Posted by royamcr
This has been disproven, only a trumptard idiot would post something as stupid as this. ...
So you are saying that Capitol Police intelligence expert John T. Nugent Jr. did not write in an e-mail on Dec. 21, 2020 @ 3:31 PM to a distribution list of the department's Intelligence and Interagency Coordination Division (IICD) warning them about detected extremists sharing maps of the Capital and tunnel systems below it, which was flagged by Alexandra Ferraro (HSEMA) on December 21, 2020 at 3:16 PM to him via email?
Because if that was what you are claiming, then there is no possible way that Capitol Police official, Matthew N. Hurtig, sent a series of attachments in an email summarizing recent “domestic terrorism” threats starting on December 23, 2020, warning about several "extremist" groups' chatter on thedonald.win website. Ammirite?
Oh, wait. Hold on a second, maybe you are saying that the above emails are true and that there are copies to prove it, but someone Ki-boshed the whole affair and said nevermind, nothing to see here. In that case, I actually do have a question: Whom?
Or maybe you thought they, Capitol Officers et all, are either like Barney Fife or the Texas Rangers and sent just one officer because hey, they only had one riot to contend with.
PS: Not to heap too many question on ya and all, besides it's only a small, teensy even, question. But would you happen to know whom made the command decision to not inform the President of the United States, their Commander in Chief, who was about to speak at that rally about the above security issues?