Oh my, all of that work all of those links Bam and your still a tratior!
IDGAF what you and you tratiorious buddies have to say!
And Biden is not my boy!
But he is my president, and traitors like you and your Maga crowd buddies forced me to vote for him by leaving me no other choice!
But as my president he has my backing at this time!
Hes weak?
What would you know of it?
As I asked you before, have you served?
What do you know about that!
The Maga assholes took Trump's word over our own intelligence services! He sucked Putin's dick at every opportunity!
And he worked hard with you all help to destabilize NATO, with you alls blessing! Those fucking freeloaders!
The soldiers there understand what you obviously don't!
NATO is there to keep the war in Europe and not here!
You all are too stupid to grasp that idea, and that's it worth paying for!
Then all of you keyboard warriors say to yourself hey I like that madman asshole in Russia, you know that guy with no regard for human life!
Speaking of that since you all are pro life are you going to protest this atrocity at the Russian embassy?
This is going to be a horrific loss of life in Ukraine so you gonna protest against it?
Or dose that only apply to fetuses?
Fucking traitors!
Don't play the gotcha game with me, telling me about the history between the two countries!
The Mongols once owned this part of the world, do they get a chunk of Ukraine, or for that matter Russia!
You bone heads sit here playing gotcha with you and your conspiracies! Putin knows this and put out a few of his own and you all suck it up!
Fucking traitors everyone of you?!
Jaccuzz, were you actually a solider?
Because I'm beginning to have my doubts!
If you were you took an oath to uphold and defend the constitution of these United States! As a former solider and I am really seriously giving you the benifit of a doubt here!
Then you should try to remember that oath, it's not an oath of convience!
And when I ETSed I wasn't relieved of it were you?
No I didn't think so!
But I guess I shouldn't expect too much for a self professed quartermaster!
Being in the rear with the gear really fucked you up didn't it!
Fucking tratior!

Originally Posted by bambino