It seems you gun control fruit cakes always try to use the same false equivalency to equate anything that goes bang to a weapon of mass destruction.
Technically, people can own a tank - Arnold does.
Technically, people can own explosive, incendiary, or poison gas, including bombs, grenades, rockets, missiles, mines and similar devices according to NFA (the Feds). Though I am not aware of any states that permit most of them.
So let's saddle up that one midget-pony brain power of yours and ask - why do you think your false equivalency bullshit makes sense to people with more than an ameba level thought process?
Originally Posted by TechPapi
So none of the 2nd worshipers want to answer the question asked about whether it is infringement to own a nuke? You guys always seem to stop at that one. Tanks? RPGs? Ballistic missiles? Any restrictions at all?
I's powerful to have to think about stuff, but put your soft little noggins together. Maybe you'll come up with something.