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Old 12-29-2021, 06:18 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by royamcr View Post
Jesus H you are so fucking way off base not even going to waste my time correcting your stupid bullshit.

Jackie S let me translate this response,

"Fuck, these trumpster's got us and they know it.

Biden is a total cluster F and they are never going to let us forget we voted for that POS

We try to ignore answering because we know there right but they just won’t go away.

Ignoring the subject isn’t working either

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Old 12-29-2021, 08:28 AM   #32
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... The liberal rag known as the Pittsburgh post-gazette
endorsed TRUMP for president last year, actually believing
that He had more to offou... er.. offer than Biden in the
way of policy. The paper feared that a Biden presidency
would surely end-up exactly the way it has: Failure!

But the paper surely took A LOT of heat from city liberals
there - and now barely mention any o' this these days.

No wonder the post-gazette cannot sell their paper every day.
They're a sad four-day a week operation.

#### Salty
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Old 12-29-2021, 08:35 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by bambino View Post
It wasn’t close to $4 as it now during Trumps term. Not even close.
I’m paying 2.80.
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Old 12-29-2021, 08:52 AM   #34
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... It's NOT what you're paying. It's what the whole country
is paying... ALOT MORE!

Around western PA costs went from $2.20 to $3.50 a gallon.

That's ... do the mathmattics... $1.30 HIGHER for each gallon.
With no end in sight! ... How are prices in the west??

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Old 12-29-2021, 09:28 AM   #35
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Grace has it right, the oil price charts don't lie. There were a few days in there where they literally would pay you to come take the oil. Gas is a refined product so it would never go negative due to the production and transportation costs. But saying gas is way more now than a few days last year where it dipped under $2 is just stupid. Supply was high, demand was very low.

Last six months gas in my area has been a consistent 3 per gallon. Ask someone in Europe what they pay, something like $6 a gallon. We have it cheap.

A car driven daily per year runs about 12000 miles. At 20mpg that is 600 gallons of gas a year or about $1800 for the national average of around $3 per gallon (its actually around 3.25, but just using $3 to simplify the math. If someone has to pay $4 per gallon it is $2400 a year. Marginal difference is $600 per year or about $50 per month or about $10 a week.

If $10 a week breaks you, you are a broke ass mother fucker with way more problems than gas prices. Stop your bitching about gas prices. And a lot of cars get way more than 20mpg.
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Old 12-29-2021, 09:36 AM   #36
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by royamcr View Post
Grace has it right, the oil price charts don't lie. There were a few days in there where they literally would pay you to come take the oil. Gas is a refined product so it would never go negative due to the production and transportation costs. But saying gas is way more now than a few days last year where it dipped under $2 is just stupid. Supply was high, demand was very low.

Last six months gas in my area has been a consistent 3 per gallon. Ask someone in Europe what they pay, something like $6 a gallon. We have it cheap.

A car driven daily per year runs about 12000 miles. At 20mpg that is 600 gallons of gas a year or about $1800 for the national average of around $3 per gallon (its actually around 3.25, but just using $3 to simplify the math. If someone has to pay $4 per gallon it is $2400 a year. Marginal difference is $600 per year or about $50 per month or about $10 a week.

If $10 a week breaks you, you are a broke ass mother fucker with way more problems than gas prices. Stop your bitching about gas prices. And a lot of cars get way more than 20mpg.
Using europe as an example wont work. Whole different infrastructure and way of life. Oil is taxes and regulated differently than the U.S.
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Old 12-29-2021, 09:47 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by Salty Again View Post
... It's NOT what you're paying. It's what the whole country
is paying... ALOT MORE!

Around western PA costs went from $2.20 to $3.50 a gallon.

That's ... do the mathmattics... $1.30 HIGHER for each gallon.
With no end in sight! ... How are prices in the west??

#### Salty
Don’t need to shout mate.

You’ve hit the panic button again.

What I’m paying for gas is what it’s about to me. So you’re wrong again.

Please try to curb your enthusiasm and get a Tesla.
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Old 12-29-2021, 10:12 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by winn dixie View Post
Using europe as an example wont work. Whole different infrastructure and way of life. Oil is taxes and regulated differently than the U.S.
It's just an example for comparison of what others in the world pay. Those in Europe tend to drive less distances due to their infrastructure. Gas prices are just used to bitch about Biden, like he has a gas price dial. He can lower them by releasing oil from reserves but can't do that forever.

What trump does is take that few days of extreme dip in prices and says that is what gas cost when he was president. Only stupid people eat it up.
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Old 12-29-2021, 11:55 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by royamcr View Post
Grace has it right, the oil price charts don't lie. There were a few days in there where they literally would pay you to come take the oil. Gas is a refined product so it would never go negative due to the production and transportation costs. But saying gas is way more now than a few days last year where it dipped under $2 is just stupid. Supply was high, demand was very low.

Last six months gas in my area has been a consistent 3 per gallon. Ask someone in Europe what they pay, something like $6 a gallon. We have it cheap.

A car driven daily per year runs about 12000 miles. At 20mpg that is 600 gallons of gas a year or about $1800 for the national average of around $3 per gallon (its actually around 3.25, but just using $3 to simplify the math. If someone has to pay $4 per gallon it is $2400 a year. Marginal difference is $600 per year or about $50 per month or about $10 a week.

If $10 a week breaks you, you are a broke ass mother fucker with way more problems than gas prices. Stop your bitching about gas prices. And a lot of cars get way more than 20mpg.
Comparing European gas prices to US gas prices is deceptive. They have a myriad of differences; they have artificial pricing policies just like California who pays at least a dollar more per gallon than the rest of the country. Europe also produces very little oil on its own, while we used to be energy independent. Europe has higher taxes on gas, higher than ours

I also notice a snobbish elitism wafting off of you. $10 a week? People who travel for work burn a lot of gas. I used to drive, many years ago, 60 miles one way to work. That's 120 miles a day and at $3 a gallon (giving your brain a break), that's $18 per day times 5 or $90 a week for gas. That is just for work. So take your condescending elitist assholey mindset and chase that rolling donut.
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Old 12-29-2021, 12:58 PM   #40
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I have to assume that you traveled that far to work because the pay was better. I did that for a month+ in the past, 120 miles round trip. It cost more but I was making a lot more. On top of that my monthly insurance went from like 3oo to 100 a month. I moved closer which is an option that everyone has. Some don't move because they eat the extra cost so their kids don't have to change schools. Or their spouse has a good job where they are at and wouldn't be able to get a similar job by moving. Some don't move because seniority with the company is a big thing. Changing jobs for some can mean losing weeks of vacation.

Most people don't commute that far.

Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Comparing European gas prices to US gas prices is deceptive. They have a myriad of differences; they have artificial pricing policies just like California who pays at least a dollar more per gallon than the rest of the country. Europe also produces very little oil on its own, while we used to be energy independent. Europe has higher taxes on gas, higher than ours

I also notice a snobbish elitism wafting off of you. $10 a week? People who travel for work burn a lot of gas. I used to drive, many years ago, 60 miles one way to work. That's 120 miles a day and at $3 a gallon (giving your brain a break), that's $18 per day times 5 or $90 a week for gas. That is just for work. So take your condescending elitist assholey mindset and chase that rolling donut.
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Old 12-29-2021, 01:15 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn View Post
Comparing European gas prices to US gas prices is deceptive. They have a myriad of differences; they have artificial pricing policies just like California who pays at least a dollar more per gallon than the rest of the country. Europe also produces very little oil on its own, while we used to be energy independent. Europe has higher taxes on gas, higher than ours

I also notice a snobbish elitism wafting off of you. $10 a week? People who travel for work burn a lot of gas. I used to drive, many years ago, 60 miles one way to work. That's 120 miles a day and at $3 a gallon (giving your brain a break), that's $18 per day times 5 or $90 a week for gas. That is just for work. So take your condescending elitist assholey mindset and chase that rolling donut.
And on your first point about gas taxes, we should be comparing national pre tax gas price averages. If CA is paying a $1 more in tax it makes high gas prices there not as relevant. People choose to live there and pay the tax. Other states collect taxes in different ways than high gas tax.
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Old 12-29-2021, 01:17 PM   #42
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Visit Europe. Their living circumstances are much different than in the US. They don’t really have suburbs, at least nowhere near like we do. The vast majority of people live in apartments and take a train/bus to work.
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Old 12-29-2021, 02:31 PM   #43
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For the record, my current commute is 4.2 miles. Why is it now that I'm tempted to get an electric scooter?
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Old 12-29-2021, 02:47 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Jacuzzme View Post
Visit Europe. Their living circumstances are much different than in the US. They don’t really have suburbs, at least nowhere near like we do. The vast majority of people live in apartments and take a train/bus to work.
Yep been there long ago, different world. Train from country to country very common. A lot of neighborhoods you walk to stores for food, no need for car a most of the time.

If you do use a car generally they are smaller, a lot of times diesel. They mostly get much better MPG than US cars/SUVs. So $6 per gallon goes pretty far.
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Old 12-29-2021, 03:45 PM   #45
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You just stepped on something. I was watching a movie a few years ago and the couple was driving this car all over Italy. I did some research and found that it was a Lancia. Pretty nice but only one dealer in the entire US. But...while doing that research, I found the Ford Fiesta. Oh, not our Ford Fiesta but the European Ford Fiesta that runs on diesel and gets nearly 60 miles a gallon. Why don't we have these cars in our country? Because environmentalists using thinking from the 1950s banned the importation of diesel cars like the Fiesta. So, environmentalists put their cocks on the chopping block and swung the cleaver.
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