Originally Posted by oeb11
nazi Pelosi is happy to do anything for her 'nephew' -in crime!!
Did I mention how many individuals and companies in California and New York maintain "income" and "reserve funds" off shore .... that would typically generate Federal funds for the USA?
Did Hunter ever pay income taxes for the funds he was paid?
Here's the "skinny" on these "funding" stats to justify MORE TAXPAYER MONEY disbursed to California and New York!!!!: For years Oregon had income tax and Washington state didn't. Oregon had a lower "consumer tax" on goods and a higher gasoline tax with no self-service, along with a higher real estate residential tax. People lived in Washington State right across the river from Portland and drove across the bride to work in Portland. They gassed up in Washington State and bought their "consumer" goods before they went back HOME to Washington State.
Here are some rich people securing business overseas and protecting their income from U.S. taxes ...
That "green juice" is delicious.