Originally Posted by Chung Tran
You want to make it all Biden's fault, but Trump surrendered first.
Surrendered first? So you're advocating staying in A-stan indefinitely?
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Biden fucked up the handover.
To put it mildly...
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
None of you will admit Trump did anything wrong.
Was signing an agreement to leave A-stan WRONG? If it is, then I guess you're advocating staying in A-stan forever.. You can't have it both ways...
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Because he is your God and Savior.
Stop believing the DNC talking points.
It's not wrong to leave Afghanistan... Had Obama signed the agreement I'd have no issue with it... He's the guy that SHOULD have done it... because that's back when OBL assumed room temp.
The issue is not leaving Afghanistan... you phrase it as SURRENDERING... well the alternative is the FOREVER WAR... is that the better solution?
Stop using this red herring about leaving Afghanistan... its not about leaving or surrendering to the Taliban... they can have their shithole...
the ISSUE is that Beijing Biden ordered the troops out before the civilians. The issue is that Beijing Biden turned over the lists of Americans and Afghanis who HELPED the US to the Taliban... Do you think the Taliban are going to go door to door and give those people fcuking fruit baskets??? The issue is that 30 days ago the Joint Chiefs and Biden were all saying the ANA would be good to go... the issue is that Beijing Biden removed Air support and intelligence assets from teh ANA, thus leaving them blind and without air cover.
THOSE ARE THE FCUKING THINGS BEIJING BIDEN HAS FCUKED UP... NOT the actual whole idea of GTFO of A-stan... It's how Beijing Biden actually ATTEMPTED to do it...
A fcuking shavetail LT could have done a better job than that treasonous SOB and his regime of trannies and black separatists... The fact that the Joint Chiefs think White supremacy in the ranks is a bigger threat than the Taliban tells you everything you need to know about those Democrat ass licking Zeros in the Pentagon...