Originally Posted by berryberry
LOL - you really have no grasp of the facts. The republicans were not allotted an even split of members on Pelosi's sham committee. Pelosi picked 8 members. McCarthy was only allowed to pick 5. And then Pelosi refused to seat two of McCarthy's well respected picks for no logical reason whatsoever - so he pulled them all
Sham committie?
You mean like chasing Hillary for years about Begazi? That kind of sham?
The only people that respect Jim Jordan and the other prick I mean pick is you Berry!
Of course there are the people that wear horns on their heads and read conspiracy theories all day I'm sure they too respect them also, so your in good company.... I guess?
But I'm not sure if they count just for the fact that they wear horns on their heads and read conspiracy theories!
Jordan seeing the writing on the wall was was stuttering all over himself when asked the question if he talked to the traitor on 1/6 and if so when?
Because he knows Berry apparently better than you what happened that day, the term for it, and how he will be treated for his part in furthering the big lie, and helping to foment insurrection!
The reason Nancy is not gonna deal with those assholes is because they are not serious people!
They are liars in the extream!
Nancy has already included apparently the only two serious people left in that pack of assholes you call a party!
Apparently the only two left that know bullshit when they hear it!
And an insurrection when the see one!
It's nice to see reality starting to set in with those assholes, or at least one of them!
Now if we could just see that in the sand box!
Yes Berry it will be a bloodbath at the polls, you think the average undecided voter isn't watching that wackjob party of your and approve of the lying?
Politicians have always been liars bud. But not to the degree of the in your face this is Trump's lie and we're sticking to it bullshit you and your fellow travelers are espousing, this really is unpresidented!
And now with the DOJ releasing info about what happened prior to 1/6, yeah gonna be a bumpy ride for the likes of Mr.Jordan!
Telling the DOJ to tell the American people the election was a fraud, and just leave the rest to me and the R congressmen!
How do you think the American people will react to that statement at the polls?
Gonna get ugly for the mango moron sooner rather than later too!
Good for him!