Originally Posted by txdot-guy
No one had to teach me that Donald Trump is a narcissistic junior despot. Common sense and logic did that for me.
Most of the posts in this forum adulating his imperial majesty tells me all I need to know about Trumpism. Trumpism is not American nor is it patriotic. It's cult worship plain and simple.
Don Trump is no longer POTUS.
fiden is the POTUS.
Still - Psaki states that republicans are the party of defund teh Police - not Democrats.
and - republicanism is a 'cult'.
Yet the DPST fascist party worships AOC, Bernie, and nazi Pelosi and their fealty to the CCP and Comrade Xi. .
guess that is why txdot guy is expert at identifying 'cults'!
Txdotguy - Please seek professional help
Form a 'group' - plenty of like-minded to join you on the site.
hatred and self-delusion is ultimately self-destructive.
us non-believers really prefer not to go down with you.