Originally Posted by winn dixie
I feel for you! I really do!
>You do realize how much secret intel we get from Israel dont you?
A lot. They spy on us too. But we also spy on them.
>You do realize Israel has one of the largest and best trained Air Forces on the planet?
Yes, they buy our jets and choppers. But they have no aircraft carriers to move those planes to the US if they needed to "back us up".
>Not to mention their ground military is one of the best armed and trained?
They're really good, but like all militaries, they have certain disciplines they excel at compared to others. If anything, I think they have one of the more well developed urban combat doctrines in the world, seeing as that's what they primarily deal with.
BUT, just like above with the lack of aircraft carriers, they have a lack of transcontinental troop transport as well. They can't help if they can't get to where the action is.
>I sense an anti semite!
Nope, unless you buy into that "Any criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitic" bullshit Bibi was spouting, in which case you can kiss my ass.
No one is beyond reproach. There are things they do that I approve of and things they do I find reprehensible, like every country on Earth.