Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I don't want to get to argumentative here but just because CNN reported that Michael Flynn said it, we should just accept it as truth knowing what we know about CNN and their stated goal of destroying Trump as we heard Jeff Zukerman telling his employees to give Trump no quarter?
Who says Michael Flynn said that and where is the proof? Is there audio? E-mails talking about it? What, other than somebody at the meeting told me. What is the sense in even considering that?
Focusing on things done instead of things possibly said is a more productive use of time IMHO.
Turns out there is proof that Flynn laid out the scenario to Trump but contrary to what the reporter in this piece says, that Flynn called for Trump to do this, Flynn can clearly be heard to say "I'm not calling for this". Flynn is saying that in his opinion, martial law could be used by Trump if he chose to and that martial law has been used 64 times in our history.
So instead of the headline "Trump wants to invoke martial law" something I have not seen proof of, it should have read "Flynn tells Trump he can invoke martial law if he wants".
Then you would have a factual story but it wouldn't be the narrative the left wants you to hear now would it.
Just another example of a dishonest media not satisfied with just reporting the facts but a desire to sensationalize a story and direct it to a narrative meant to discredit Trump and why further examination of anything said by the left or right, should be further investigated and reported honestly..
If I had written this thread, I would have written it the way I just described and posted this thread, which in hindsight, I should have done further research to see if this video actually existed which I did not realize until I saw it last night.
So, in summation, yes Flynn did say that Trump could do this if he wanted which is subject to interpretation but there is still no evidence that I can see, correct me if I'm wrong, to justify the headline "Trump wants to invoke martial law".