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Old 10-20-2020, 01:00 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by El-mo View Post
I’m struggling to find the point of this thread.
This thread could sway enough voters to change the election.

You can't prove it won't.
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Old 10-26-2020, 07:43 AM   #32
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Here's a thought on how this could all play out----

If Biden wins, he will be found "mentally incompetent", which allows Pelosi to use the 25th Amendment to remove him, which makes Kumala Harris the President & Pelosi as her VP
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Old 10-26-2020, 09:16 AM   #33
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Just like a Trumpist conspiracy, conspiracy!
Well of course there is nobody that believes more in conspiracy theories than Trump!
So if Trump wasn't found mentally incompetent "and he really is!" then Biden will be just fine. There is nobody more mentally unfit for office or more incompetent than our traitor in chief.
Think that's harsh?
China are you listening?
He invited a hostile foreign power to interfere in our elections on fucking television, the very definition of treason!
Or removing 12,000 troops from Germany didn't get your attention, who did that benefit?
Or who did benefit to remove our troops from Syria, and hang our Kurdish allies out to dry!
Well it gave the Russians and ISIS a free hand in the region, and I'm sure Erdogan was delighted too now he can kill Kurds with impunity!
Speaking of Russia how about those bounties on our troops, you know those suckers and losers that have volunteered to serve and perhaps paid the ultimate sacrifice!
And this draft dodging POS said nothing to Putin about it!
Let's see John McCain, American hero dispite being a Navy man!
When the N.Vietnamese found out that his father was an admiral they offered him his freedom, he turned it down and thereby endured 6 years of torture and confinment!
The very definition of sacrifice!
And look how he was treated in death by this draft dodging POS!
But what would our traitor in chief know about sacrifice?
He destroys better men than himself just because of the fact that they are better men!
Think Alexander Vindman?
But of course Putin is chess, and I'm not even sure if trump can even play checkers!
Please don't tell me about NATO or Germany paying their fair share, those payments were figured out in the 1950s by people far wiser that that asshole!
NATO was never about money it was always about protecting our allies, and keeping the fight in Europe should the balloon go up!
But of course now a days finances trumps our constitution and our country and the people in it including you!
So who on this thread really gives a shit about that right?
As long as my taxes are cut, and my portfolios OK!
Bear in mind though that social security is on the chopping block with those tax cuts, you know that program that you and I have paid into all of our working lives!
Dont know about you but I want mine!
This shit all started back in the 90s with Gengrich and the rest of those toxic assholes that turns our politics into a nasty team sport, instead of a spirited debate that it had always been, now let's see how far this has gone because of this bullshit! We have a Moron in office that aids people that are our sworn enemies, his friends are dictators strongmen and authoritarians that laugh at him and us and use him/us to their ends!
Let's see some of the ideas he picked up from them!
Oh Shit! I'm gonna lose the election!
Dismantle the postal service!
There's voter fraud!
This dispite the fact that his own head of the FBI said that it is almost non-existent!
Oh Shit! I'm gonna lose the election!
I know I'll order my attorney general to arrest my opponent!
Problem solved!
What what do you mean your not gonna do it Bill?
Even Barr wasn't stupid enough to pull that dumb shit!
That's just a taste!
Now let's see some numbers.
Over 250 indictments from this administration, only 76 or so for Nixon, I can see Nixon slow roasting in hell saying "see I wasn't so bad after all"!
And I didn't even get into white supremacists, or the virus!
What a draft dodging POS
So basically his base is willing to vote for him no matter the cost involved to our country in long run, because they want their taxes cut!
Finances over country!
Or because they hate the same people he dose!
So when is Kristnacht scheduled?
Or the burning of the books, since that asshole doesn't read anyhow he wouldn't even notice anythings missing!
I mean why not go ahead you have your brown shirts/poorboys at the ready!
He a heartless POS, simple as that!
And if you vote for him no matter the reason well what does that make you?
I have been a Republican since 1993 with Gengrich and those assholes I drank the koolaid!
Once I was blind but now I see!
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Old 10-26-2020, 09:30 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by DrivesAllDay View Post
Here's a thought on how this could all play out----

If Biden wins, he will be found "mentally incompetent", which allows Pelosi to use the 25th Amendment to remove him, which makes Kumala Harris the President & Pelosi as her VP
Except Pelosi can't invoke the 25th Amendment. Biden’s own Cabinet would have to declare him unfit. And Pelosi wouldn't become VP unless she was nominated for that job by Kum-a-lot Harris and confirmed by Congress.

Here's another scenario - Biden is elected. A Special Counsel is appointed to investigate Hunter's corruption which implicates Joe ("10% for the Big Guy"). Far-left democrats then unite with Republicans to impeach him so Kum-a-lot can take over.

Stranger things have happened.
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Old 10-26-2020, 09:38 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
Over 250 indictments from this administration, only 76 or so for Nixon, I can see Nixon slow roasting in hell saying "see I wasn't so bad after all"!
^^^ Show me your source for this, dawg.

BTW, the sharing of NATO defense costs wasn't "figured out in the 1950s". It wasn't until 2006 that the alliance established an informal guideline, reaffirmed in 2014, that each member should spend 2% of GDP on defense. Under Obama, only 5 out of 27 NATO countries actually met this goal (see graph). Trump has been trying to change that. Are you in favor of free riders?

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Old 10-26-2020, 10:44 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
^^^ Show me your source for this, dawg.

BTW, the sharing of NATO defense costs wasn't "figured out in the 1950s". It wasn't until 2006 that the alliance established an informal guideline, reaffirmed in 2014, that each member should spend 2% of GDP on defense. Under Obama, only 5 out of 27 NATO countries actually met this goal (see graph). Trump has been trying to change that. Are you in favor of free riders?

I'm sorry lusty perhaps I heard the number wrong because I heard it on the new about two weeks ago.
I just looked it up and found that it really is 215, not 250.
I had to Google it and found it on Politifact.
Sorry about that!
But let's compare!
That weak sister Carter-1
And Clinton-2

And yes lusty, I am ok with free riders if it keeps our enemies in check!
It could have been handled in a different manner not to the Russians benefit!
And I'm sure that move was discussed by both parties!
No I dont mean Markel and Trump,
I'm referring to Trump and Putin!
Ill be honest lusty I didn't know about 2006, but I can stand to be corrected on that!
But that makes the rest of what I said any less accurate?
Dose it?
He's a POS that should be tried for treason at the very least!
The only thing that concerns a Republican is money, money money fucking money!
There was a other guy that chose money over country and dealt with the Russians, perhaps you remember his name, Robert Hanssan, this asshole should become his roommate, or should we say his cellie!
One more thing lusty, I noticed you didn't dispute my saying that Trumpists/ Republicans are quite alright selling out their country for the benefit to their finances!
That's a shame!
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Old 10-26-2020, 11:32 AM   #37
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Prediction...I see this going one of 2 ways:

1. Biden wins the election and Fox News loses its shit screaming about nonsense nobody should care about for the next 4 years.

2. Trump wins the election and CNN loses its shit screaming about nonsense that nobody should care about for the next 4 years.

If you can see beyond all the tribalism, the only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is that the Democrats sometimes apply a bit of lube before they ram it up the middle-classes ass.

Either way, the ruling class will continue to rule, the rich will continue to get richer, the media will continue to sell opinions to the masses, and the fools will continue to scream at each other on social media.

Now, back to the hookers.
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Old 10-26-2020, 11:46 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by bkfantasy View Post
Prediction...I see this going one of 2 ways:

1. Biden wins the election and Fox News loses its shit screaming about nonsense nobody should care about for the next 4 years.

2. Trump wins the election and CNN loses its shit screaming about nonsense that nobody should care about for the next 4 years.

If you can see beyond all the tribalism, the only difference between the Democrats and Republicans is that the Democrats sometimes apply a bit of lube before they ram it up the middle-classes ass.

Either way, the ruling class will continue to rule, the rich will continue to get richer, the media will continue to sell opinions to the masses, and the fools will continue to scream at each other on social media.

Now, back to the hookers.
This isn't about tribalism, it is really about the survival of our constitution!
It is about democracy and authoritisim or dictatorship!
It is about the peaceful transition of power that this asshole says he will refuse to abide by!
When have a president that doesn't understand or care about the laws of our land.
When he seriously orders the arrest of his opposition, what do you call that?
At the age of 17, I took an oath to defend the constitution, and fully understood what that meant at that age because it was explained to me so there would be no misunderstanding!
So did he!
You can go back to your hookers, play your fiddle Nero!
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Old 10-26-2020, 05:38 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
This isn't about tribalism, it is really about the survival of our constitution!
It is about democracy and authoritisim or dictatorship!
It is about the peaceful transition of power that this asshole says he will refuse to abide by!
When have a president that doesn't understand or care about the laws of our land.
When he seriously orders the arrest of his opposition, what do you call that?
At the age of 17, I took an oath to defend the constitution, and fully understood what that meant at that age because it was explained to me so there would be no misunderstanding!
So did he!
You can go back to your hookers, play your fiddle Nero!

This is what both sides say. Don't fret... if Trump loses, he will leave the White House. His rhetoric is ridiculous, but that's part of his game and the appeal he holds with his supporters. Trump is simply the natural outcome of the polarization and the increasing rhetoric (especially on the right) of the last 30 years. We all have short memories though. It's been worse, and you don't even have to go beyond living memory to find more troubling political times.
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Old 10-26-2020, 11:02 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Dogface78 View Post
It is about the peaceful transition of power that this asshole says he will refuse to abide by!
Killary Clinton: "Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances"

Now what was that you were saying about Trump and the peaceful transition?

Here's the link incase you missed it coming from our tribes side

Had to edit this because technically I'm still registered to that tribe. It seems the have abandoned me though so fuck em.
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Old 10-27-2020, 08:23 AM   #41
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Lets remember this, Hillary Clinton IS NOT POTUS so that makes it just so much noise!
In the clip I saw she said that Biden shouldn't concede the election under any circumstance until "ALL" of the votes were counted! Referring back to the 2000 election,
Sorry It was a while ago so can't remember the source exactly but it was on YouTube also!
And it was unedited!
But understand that she was giving advice, she has no power, our president on the other hand dose have power, and he did make such declarations, and Pence im his wish washy way admitted to the same thing!
And she made those comments from what I can tell, after he started that shit!
And he took actions to those ends!
She has no illusions as to who we are dealing with.
And understand this, I can't stand the her, but in this circumstance I can't say I disagree with her!
And now the Republicans stole a supreme court seat from Obama, and shoving it up our asses (we the people asses, not the Dems asses) only a week and a half before the election, instead of allowing we the people to choose as they were so adamant about in 2015 when Scalia passed.
An emergency packing of the courts????
This president is not only a traitorous moron, but he's a self concerned POS!
And under him the Republican party has become even nastier and more under handed than they were before!
Trump knows that prison could be waiting for him and his family should he lose!
But I dont think Biden will permit it, tough he should!
Are you a vet, and even if your not are you Ok with what him allows a foreign power to target our troops with bounties?
For our president to be in bed with Putin?
To Bribe an ally with congressionally approved funds in a time of war with our enemies. Just because the Repubicans did not convict dosen't make it less so, and we ALL know they should have, he was fucking guilty!
I believe Vindman!
To separate children from their parents, IDGAF if they came here illegally or not, don't fuck with the kids!
Now we have kidnapped on a grand scale! Over 500 kids!
Are you shitting me!
And dont talk about Obama and Biden and the cages, that was fucked up and wrong also!
No excuse for that either!
And notice Lustylad who is my buddy can't argue that these things were done!
Because he can't!
And hes not shy!
Because they are indisputable facts!
He would have jumped on the same issue you did but perhaps he saw the same clip I did!
But the Repubican party excuses the inexcusable!
When Nixon stuck his dick in the fan and the writing was on the wall, Goldwater and Rhodes told Nixon that he must resign or be impeached!
Those days are long gone!
Now a days, it's dont worry you traitorous motherfucker! We your fellow travelers got your back!
The Democratic party as a whole still dosen't seem to understand that the Republicans have turned into a party where anything goes and the constitution only applies when we can use it against the Dems!
Thanks Newt!
And our president is now trying to steal the election!
Using tactics that would make Hitler proud, ya'll do recall that Hitler was actually elected.
And our president looks more and more like him everyday!
But without the brains!
It appears to me that Republican voters are concerned about one of two things all else be damned including our country!
This asshole will cut my taxes, you know those taxes that will destroy social security that you paid into all of your life!
Or he hates the same people I do! His followers carry the confederate battle flag!
The same flag that was carried by traitors racist assholes into battle against the United States of America!
At the end of that war, everyone from Jeff Davis and Lee and all the other high ranking Confederates that actually had a hand in starting that war should have been hung or shot as any other country would have done!
This would have cut out at least half of the thats shit going on now from going on now!
Hillary just understands exactly who she dealing with!
Kudos for her!
Now the rest of the Dems need to do the same!

Originally Posted by SD78 View Post
Killary Clinton: "Biden should not concede the election 'under any circumstances"

Now what was that you were saying about Trump and the peaceful transition?

Here's the link incase you missed it coming from our tribes side

Had to edit this because technically I'm still registered to that tribe. It seems the have abandoned me though so fuck em.
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Old 10-27-2020, 08:45 AM   #42
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Love you Dogface78, we have never had a more corrupt President than we have right now. Drain the swamp, that swamp turned into lake Superior. He would have been impeached but the senate would not allow wittiness. Go Figure. Everyone who testified got fired for telling the truth. What comes around goes around. The demarcates did the same for Bill and the BJ and we are all here for the BJ. So everyone here should be able to relate if your old lady won't give it up. Clinton did nothing wrong other than cheated on his ugly old lady. .
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Old 10-27-2020, 09:33 AM   #43
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Had to edit this because technically I'm still registered to that tribe. It seems the have abandoned me though so fuck em.[/QUOTE]

I am still a registered Republican too, but they are not my tribe.
The people in this country are my tribe!
And if I have to vote for Biden, to get this POS out of office then I will suck it up and do it!
When you have former Joint Chiefs, former general officers, and admirals coming out in numbers to speak against the president there is something horribly wrong!
These people have served multiple presidents, and administrations!
These are apolitical people!
This just isn't done!
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Old 10-27-2020, 09:51 AM   #44
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I couldn't have said it better myself. They all can't be wrong. If they won't lie for him he will fire them. He jacked up common peoples taxes and he said he give everyone a tax bread and they don't even realize he stuck it in them. No write offs for normal people. All for the rich. I agree with Biden another POS but he is better than what we got sad to say.
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Old 10-27-2020, 11:16 AM   #45
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George Carlin had it right back in 2005 (and even before that).
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