I guess these BOZO BRAINS are trying to blame Biden and Dr Fauci.
Biden warned Trump months ago but he just gave Biden the middle finger and said it was all under control. It was nothing but the latest Democratic Hoax, 190,000 dead is not a hoax.
That it will go away, SOON. That we will have a vaccine anytime....all LIES.
Trump has pretty much fired Fauci because Fauci was way too truthful so what does El Douchebag do?
Hire some half baked butt kissing putz with the surname ATLAS and he’s a fricking radiologist .....Zero experience with pandemics but claims we need to go full on herd immunity. Let’s get everyone infected and if we have more deaths ?
Oh well.....it is what it is....well all you Trump sheep...you can get infected first and let us know how you do...
If you DIE, oh well that is life. You will be nothing more than a statistic.
Easily forgotten. Fooled again by VON TRUMPHAUSEN...GOTTA WAKE UP Trump sheep.

We are laughing at your Stupidity.