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Old 08-10-2020, 03:13 PM   #31
Grace Preston
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Eh.. I think he's kept the taxes out because he ran under the banner of being a very successful businessman. I'm betting his taxes in recent years might paint a different picture-- his ego would normally result in him wanting to brag by posting up the "proof"... his reticence to do so either suggests that he has had a bad few years prior to running... or he has some shady shit to hide. For a natural braggart like him-- there really isn't any other logical reason.
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Old 08-10-2020, 03:23 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
And the existence of evidence doesn't mean that anyone will actually care. We've learned that as well.
Of course, one must have a grasp of the meaning of "evidence"!

"We" have learned most don't have a clue.
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Old 08-10-2020, 03:24 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Eh.. I think he's kept the taxes out because .....
He explained why. You, and millions of others, just weren't listening!
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Old 08-10-2020, 03:43 PM   #34
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What was the exlanation that merits 4 yrs of nondisclosure please?
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Old 08-10-2020, 07:14 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
They aren't really concerned with tax deductions-- they're concerned with bank fraud, campaign finance violations, and whether he paid others off (a la Stormy Daniels). Bank fraud is going to be somewhat hard to prove unless the tax records reflect something different than the loan applications. Which-- is why they're also wanting the tax records. Its not about deductions-- its about falsifying financial information when obtaining a loan.

the tax deductions that for 50 years the IRS didn't flag? what bank fraud? just because Trump got loans from Deutsche Bank doesn't mean there was fraud involved, just because the "media" say there was? i mean really .. even if Deutsche Bank was laundering Russkie mob money do you really think they'd tell their clients where it really came from? even a white whale of a client like Trump? you'll have to get some Deutsche Bank executive to swear in court on that. until that actually happens it's just leftist media slant. by bank fraud do you mean Trump overvalued his properties? i'm sure he did! is that fraud? depends on who did the appraisals, which are subjective to begin with. if these lenders doubted Trump appraisal why didn't they hire their own appraiser? either they did and it correlated with Trump's or they took Trump's appraisal .. done by a licensed appraiser because you have to be licensed to do them. once they accepted that estimate it wasn't fraud. it is like me selling you a 2,000 car for 5,000. i asked the price, you bought it for that price. did i defraud you or just out negotiate you? and best for last ..

Mikey Cohen and the great campaign finance buy-off of the whores! Stormy Tits and that playboy slut. most of Cohen's convictions had nothing to do with Trump. they had to do with his taxi biz and his own .. not Trump's .. tax fraud. so because Trump's personal/corp. lawyer commits tax fraud Trump must have too? that's not even a legit argument. that's guilt by implication. i could do that to you .. and it would just just as much bullshit as implying because Cohen cheated .. Trump did too.

just to irk little ecky9.5k the racist socialist .. YES WIKI!


In August 2018, it was reported that investigators were in the final stages of their investigation.[163] Cohen officially surrendered to the FBI on August 21, 2018.[164] That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal[165] charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) for the "principal purpose of influencing [the] election".[166][167][167][168]

Cohen says he has the check to prove Trump used campaign funds to bay off those two bimbos who willingly fucked Trump .. and they both admit it .. to go away. so where are those checks? why hasn't Cohen released them? Won't that pissant witch hunter Cyrus Vance let him? why not?? wouldn't that be more than enough to get Trump's taxes?

are those checks in a mason jar on the porch of Funk & Wagnalls or does Cyrus even have them? if he did do you think he'd be heading to a supreme court showdown over it?

how i'm sure you are at causally familiar with Lanny Davis ... a longtime DEMOCRATIC operative and lawyer .. suddenly is Mikey's lawyer .. and making these statements about this.

After Cohen's conviction, his personal lawyer Lanny Davis stated that Cohen was ready to "tell everything about Donald Trump that he knows".[169] Davis alluded to Cohen's knowledge that could be used against Trump, and hinted that Cohen had knowledge of whether Trump knew in advance about the computer hacking that was detrimental to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, as well as knowledge of the meeting at Trump Tower in June 2016.[170] He later added that he believed Cohen would agree to testify before Congress, even without immunity.[171]

and the best for last. you do know that Congress has had a slush funds for decades to pay off pesky women claiming sexual harassment and assault? yes they do!

so where did that money come from? campaign contributions? the tax payers?

If Nancy Pelosi doesn't punish past congressional sexual abuse, she'll lose credibility


Congress owes taxpayers answers about its harassment 'shush' fund


you tell me that that's not an issue but Trump dropping pocket change on two bitchy whores who took the bucks to shut the fuck up .. then broke their NDA's? maybe they need a really good lawyer .. like this asshole

ask Stormy Tits how that worked out for her?

every point you made has been shown to be a witch hunt, nothing burger, congressional hypocrisy or all of the above.
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Old 08-10-2020, 07:28 PM   #36
Grace Preston
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The bank fraud that his attorney mentioned he committed when he lied about assets/income to obtain loans. That is considered bank fraud, if provable.
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Old 08-10-2020, 07:35 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
The bank fraud that his attorney mentioned he committed when he lied about assets/income to obtain loans. That is considered bank fraud, if provable.

or Cohen was lying his ass off to get himself out of trouble.

and i know you didn't really read all of what i posted. you just replied with an unproved media talking point.

two words .. independent auditor. unlike unicorns they actually exist.

thank you valued poster!
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Old 08-10-2020, 08:31 PM   #38
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So what if they discover he’s every bits the criminal everybody thinks he is? Will yous believe It then? Will yous accept it, or will the Seconds Amendment people take to the streets?
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Old 08-10-2020, 09:15 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
They will not and that's why he has refused to show his tax returns for so many years. His supporters will quickly realize that he is full of shit about his money and being the great business man they falsely believe him to be in no time.

You don't care about showing your taxes if you are legit. An arrogant and narcistic guy like Trump would have showed you his taxes in two seconds if he was legit because he would have loved to show off his wealth.
I'm not sure what your point is. His supporters won't care a fig if Trump exaggerated his wealth. They probably already suspect that. He is beyond embarrassment in any event.

But the Dems are searching for illegal activity - or so they say. But, it cannot be non-payment of taxes. Trump has an army of accountants to handle that and the IRS would have caught it long ago. Trump HAS been audited already.

What the NY prosecutors are after is trying to prove that he lied about the value of his assets in order to get loans. Fraud basically.

But that is going to be difficult to prove. And if the business deal worked out, it will be nearly impossible to prove.

In any business transaction, each side has an obligation to do its due diligence. The opposite party has a duty to check Trump's evaluation of an asset if he is holding it up as collateral. After all, whose estimate is correct? If Trump said his office building was worth $150M, the DA will have to prove that the real estate market at that time would have said the building was worth far less - like $100M or under - and that Trump KNEW that as a fact and lied about it. But that really breaks down to a difference of opinion. How can the DA prove it false beyond a reasonable doubt? Especially since the other side to the deal AGREED with the evaluation. Otherwise, they would never have given the loan.

It would be a different case if Trump offered as collateral a $100M building he did NOT own. That would be an objective lie.

Or if he hid the fact that the $100 building already had a $90M mortgage against it. Again, that would be an objective lie.

But if the DAs don't find an objective lie that led to someone being harmed, it is just another wild goose chase.

This also begs the question - who filed a complaint? DAs are supposed to have evidence of a crime first - typically from a complaint filed by a victim - and THEN they investigate.

It appears they instead to investigate someone they don't like FIRST and then HOPE they find evidence of a crime.

That's prosecutorial abuse.
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Old 08-10-2020, 09:27 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
The bank fraud that his attorney mentioned he committed when he lied about assets/income to obtain loans. That is considered bank fraud, if provable.
Good luck. Everyone hates the banks. Like Trump said "They're a bunch of vipers." It's up to them to do due diligence before they hand out money. A month or two ago the banks were loaning out money like crazy via a govt program. They don't give a shit. Nobody went to prison for the 2008 real estate crash.
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Old 08-10-2020, 09:33 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
I remember a time when we welcomed rooting out corruption, even if it pulled down our guy.
The problem with that framing is that it is ASSUMED that Trump did something wrong, we just have to find it.

I remember a time when we were a rule of law nation and the DAs only investigated someone if there was evidence of a crime - meaning that a victim filed a report. When the prosecutors had probable cause, they got warrants and conducted an investigation.

The Trump investigation flipped that on its head. The NY prosecutors - who hate Trump - targeted him for investigation/harassment and going on a fishing expedition to find something.
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Old 08-10-2020, 09:42 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Kinkster90210 View Post
I'm not sure what your point is.
My point is simple. You are supposed to claim your income when you pay taxes. If you claim you are a multi billionaire like he does to his flock of sheep that love him, his financials are not going to look as impressive as they think and that will make him look like the bullshit clown he is. That's why he is not showing them.
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Old 08-10-2020, 09:49 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
My point is simple. You are supposed to claim your income when you pay taxes. If you claim you are a multi billionaire like he does to his flock of sheep that love him, his financials are not going to look as impressive as they think and that will make him look like the bullshit clown he is. That's why he is not showing them.
Agreed. But like I said, he is beyond embarrassment.

And what does that have to do with NY prosecutors going on a fishing expedition?

Trying to humiliate the guy isn't grounds for investigating someone. Evidence of a crime is.

The NY prosecutors don't have evidence of a crime. They are looking for it and hope to retroactively use it as justification for their investigation. They have things backwards.
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Old 08-10-2020, 10:03 PM   #44
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I don't care how much money Trump claims to have. I just believe he is incapable of doing his job. His bank account and everyone else's bank accounts are of no relevance to me.

I don't care about his financials. That is just political nonsense going after him for that unless they honestly believe he uses being the president for his own financial gain with his business dealings. Other than that, just let him tweet and talk shit and expose himself.
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Old 08-10-2020, 10:09 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I don't care how much money Trump claims to have. I just believe he is incapable of doing his job. AGREED. His bank account and everyone else's bank accounts are of no relevance to me.

I don't care about his financials. That is just political nonsense going after him for that unless they honestly believe he uses being the president for his own financial gain with his business dealings. AGREED. Other than that, just let him tweet and talk shit and expose himself.
Looks like we agree actually.
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