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Old 08-09-2020, 02:10 PM   #31
Grace Preston
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Alas.. these days--- the legs, much like my provider business... are closed.

I won't use the R word... but I will say that.. for the foreseeable future, I'm "inactive".
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Old 08-09-2020, 02:32 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by playerplano View Post
Many of my friends disagree with me but I say the war on drugs has been an abysmal failure when drugs are EVERYWHERE. So I’m a fan of legalized everything and tax it to fund help for the ones who do have problems. Consenting adults should be able do do anything they want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else.

Why is it the poorest places have the most crime ? They don’t have anything worth stealing lol. If people of color really cared the poorest neighborhoods could have almost no crime . Band together to keep the areas safe , clean and lift each other up. But that isn’t the culture is it ? Violence is the first option even for small children. No fathers , welfare driven incentives to be lazy and no education - maybe it is on purpose to keep the masses poor and ignorant.
Leftists want the poor bastards to vote for them so they can be taken care of so yes it is easier to be reelected by poor and dependent people...sad.
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Old 08-09-2020, 02:39 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Agreed-- to a point. A lot of the crime in "high crime areas" is the sale and distribution of unmentionable substances. If sex between consenting adults should be legal... so should the ability to fuck ones own life up with substances, if that is what they choose.
I'm perfectly happy for all the fat and miserable shitheads out there to fuck up their lives on illegal sustances, as long as they understand the risks. As such, they should be available on a prescription basis from a licenced Medical Doctor. Many [redacteds] are extremely dangerous and the users are not fully cognizant of the long term damage they are inflicting upon themselves.

I would fine people and treat them like prescription drug abusers and DWI recipients and give them counseling and finally protective custody as a last resort.

Commercial sex is considerably more benign and should be considered about the same as quality nursing.(assuming the nurse is skinny and pretty) The fat ones could be considered equal to palliative care that meets the minimum standard of care.
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Old 08-09-2020, 03:06 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I understand where you are coming from. You say some racist shit I don't agree with on occasion, but you love college football like I do so whatever. As long as there is commonality, I don't give a fuck what people say. I just go with the flow because I don't give a shit. If we disagree on everything political, we can always argue about college football and keep it light.
Hey man, I love college football as well. Can I receive the same consideration if I ever say some "racist shit"?
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Old 08-09-2020, 03:06 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Alas.. these days--- the legs, much like my provider business... are closed.

I won't use the R word... but I will say that.. for the foreseeable future, I'm "inactive".
Not so much retired as open to an exclusive club membership. Open to the possibility of a side hustle? If opportunity knocks, and no harm is laid, then why not open and spread'em?

Either give it away. Or profit from the demand. I just want to experience the brains and my imaginary beauty. No harm, or crime, in donating my funds to support your cause. Is there?

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Old 08-09-2020, 03:30 PM   #36
Grace Preston
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Originally Posted by eccieuser9500 View Post
Not so much retired as open to an exclusive club membership. Open to the possibility of a side hustle? If opportunity knocks, and no harm is laid, then why not open and spread'em?

Either give it away. Or profit from the demand. I just want to experience the brains and my imaginary beauty. No harm, or crime, in donating my funds to support your cause. Is there?

In general, no... no harm at all.

However, I'm just now finishing up radiation... so for the immediate future-- I'm not even seeing long time regulars.... for obvious reasons.
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Old 08-09-2020, 03:46 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I won't lie. I'll probably vote with my wallet. I like my money. I'm greedy and I can't change that. Hell, I would probably vote for anyone if it means I can keep my money. I'm a complete hypocrite. I'm not proud of that fact, but it's just the truth.

As I've said many times though, I don't like Trump, but he lets me keep my money. He even gave me money back that I did not know about. It's kind of hard to be too angry after that. You just go about your way and at the end of the day you just say, "thanks".
If you want to hold onto your money, you should like Trump because he was the one that lowered taxes. He would have done more, but the Democrats hat lower taxes.

Tax and spend is the Moto of the Democrats, and everyone knows it.

Right now the plan of the Democrats is to go after the suburbs for more and more taxes, put low cost housing, and go after the schools.

Right now there are over 50% of the black population in the suburbs (about 50% located in the Suburbs x 13% of the population is black = about 6.5% of the suburbs is black) and getting along very well with their neighbors. I black person doesn't want to stay in the crime infested inner city when he has a chance to leave. There is no race problem in the suburbs.

There is a crime problem in the inner city. It will not go away if the police are defunded. The police need to be where the crime is.
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Old 08-09-2020, 04:01 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
In general, no... no harm at all.

However, I'm just now finishing up radiation... so for the immediate future-- I'm not even seeing long time regulars.... for obvious reasons.
Radiation therapy? My heart goes out to you. Puts a new perspective on providing. Maybe I can take your temperature with my special thermometer. Another, Au Naturel, therapeutic technique.

As long as you don't look boney after losing the weight. Was that too far? The donation would (or should) go directly to the "get well soon" cause. Forgive the gallows humor.

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Old 08-09-2020, 04:04 PM   #39
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Lol-- NOBODY has cracked more sick death jokes than I have during this whole process

Tax and Spend may be the motto of the Democrats... but the Republicans are good at just.... spending without the tax. We always seem to end up with a ballooned deficit during a Republican administration. Both sides spend like wild.. the Dems just make a feeble attempt to cover the spending-- which is what you'd think the party of "Balanced Budget" would be all about but... they never are.
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Old 08-09-2020, 04:19 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by sportfisherman View Post
Some may say I'm the biggest Conspiracy Theorist on here.

I would counter the conspiratorial nature I put forth is undoubtedly the only one that truly matters.

These lesser ones that come mainly from the Right at present are brought forth by these guys I'm talking about to arouse factions and a fractious environment that will help them along.

Either way ; we gonna get stuck with the knife , it's just a question as to whether it's gonna be from our left side or our right.

Probably both.

I'm disappointed that you left out "Lizard people". I always did like that theory.

So your theory is the only one that matters. Nothing grandiose about that huh?

Me, I mean exactly what I say. I'm not trying to get a rise out of anybody. I'm truly interested in an intelligent debate on political issues with emphasis on legal matters. I'll keep in mind your admission that sometimes you don't really believe what you say. To tell you the truth, I thought that already. I mean how could a smart guy believe some of the crap you say.

Do rich people "rule the world", sure but not to the extreme you take it to. You're trying to tell me what is going on now between Democrats and Republicans is somebodies idea of a plan? To keep us fighting among ourselves so that our economy and the worlds economy goes in the shitter? What purpose would that serve?

To my way of thinking, you only have to look at the history of humans to figure out that this is nobodies plan but I guess that's what makes the world go round, different people with different ideas about how things work and should work.
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Old 08-09-2020, 04:22 PM   #41
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JR the Flag Waver ;

I am so glad to see you post such new,original,and astute thoughts.

You know some guys on here just regurgitate old,stale,generalizations that seem to come straight out of an old Republican playbook.
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Old 08-09-2020, 04:32 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Grace Preston View Post
Lol-- NOBODY has cracked more sick death jokes than I have during this whole process

Tax and Spend may be the motto of the Democrats... but the Republicans are good at just.... spending without the tax. We always seem to end up with a ballooned deficit during a Republican administration. Both sides spend like wild.. the Dems just make a feeble attempt to cover the spending-- which is what you'd think the party of "Balanced Budget" would be all about but... they never are.

the republicans abandoned their fiscal conservatism a long time ago, about the time in the 60's all that social welfare happened. they should have doubled down. instead they said "fuck it, as long we get ours, who cares?" i mean, the Fed can keep printing fiat currency forever, right?

um, not exactly. not going to get into a prolonged post about the Debt and why most of it is actually good (the bad is the intergovernmental borrowing) a concept WTF doesn't seem to know or understand.

i will say that if you look at what the Democrats got for their massive overspending vs. what the Republicans got .. the Republicans win because they actually have some to show for it, mainly a strong military and other things. what do the Democrats have? a welfare state that essentially sold the black community into into "welfare slavery".

i'll take a strong military.
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Old 08-09-2020, 04:53 PM   #43
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It is NOT my theory.It is a theory I first learned of years ago.

It was referenced then as The Jet Stream theory in that these guys operate above the fray of countries,political ideologies,and political parties.

For this reason the theory supersedes others in that they foment controversy and discord,sometimes through Conspiracy theories of their own device that they propagate.

I mean and believe what I say.
I merely acknowledged that most of what I post is intended to be inflammatory.Not to get a Rise out of anyone but to promote thought.

And to summarize the theory,which is not mine as I did not originate it,as Rich people ruling the world is a gross over simplification.

And yes that is exactly what I am trying to tell you ; what is going on now between Democrats and Republicans is their idea of a plan.

What's puzzling you is the nature of their game.Paraphrasing a Rolling Stones song.And they can be considered the Devil incarnate.

If you are not open minded enough to consider it so you are being naive.
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Old 08-09-2020, 05:01 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
the republicans abandoned their fiscal conservatism a long time ago, about the time in the 60's all that social welfare happened. they should have doubled down. instead they said "fuck it, as long we get ours, who cares?" i mean, the Fed can keep printing fiat currency forever, right?

um, not exactly. not going to get into a prolonged post about the Debt and why most of it is actually good (the bad is the intergovernmental borrowing) a concept WTF doesn't seem to know or understand.

i will say that if you look at what the Democrats got for their massive overspending vs. what the Republicans got .. the Republicans win because they actually have some to show for it, mainly a strong military and other things. what do the Democrats have? a welfare state that essentially sold the black community into into "welfare slavery".

i'll take a strong military.
A strong military IS a welfare state.

The more a nation spends on "peace keeping" efforts, the more it proves those funds would be better served. The more they're funded, the less they're needed. Paradox?

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Old 08-09-2020, 05:14 PM   #45
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You ask "What purpose would that serve ?"

Keeping us stirred up with each other and also countries stirred up with each other.

The purpose it serves is that a world at peace does not generate enough profits for their voracious appetites for profits.Which leads to more control.

These guys control media on both sides of the fence,right and left.

I'm not talking about Soros or Adelson,guys that are out front regarding their political ideologies.

The ones I'm speaking of are not generally known to be outspoken public figures.They may be known titans of industry but they are beyond discrete.Any suggestion that they were involved in some type of plan against mankind would be met with ridicule and disdain from them.
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