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Old 06-04-2020, 09:45 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Liberals - go ahead and elect Biden - he is asenile idiot - and the new Gang of 4 leaders of the DPST party will impose their socialism on America - and u will have the worst depression since the early 1930's.
ironic statement, considering we are now in the worst depression since the early 30's, which was caused by Trump shutting down the economy and Country. what's funny about that, is you guys rallied behind Trump to call on the Governors to "liberate" their people, and open their States' economies that Trump himself insisted on shutting down. the irony completely escapes you..

Originally Posted by Ripmany View Post
Hiper inflation coming I can't find any who would fuck me for 40 any more 80 hard I going to have to offer 200 soon.
you are in the wrong Forum with this statement. 95% of the Posters in this Forum haven't scored pussy since 1997.
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Old 06-05-2020, 02:40 AM   #32
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True conservatives are not fans of the hobby so ever "conservative" here is either and agent or lair
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Old 06-05-2020, 06:25 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid View Post
well since you are using a sports odds site Trump being an "underdog" appeals to bettors. they want to cash in if he loses. in some ways a sports book might be more accurate but you seem to like the polls you like i.e. show what you think they show and claim it's some broad fact

the similarities are many. in 2016 the major sources gagged their polls and these weren't the media/DNC influenced ones that all yelled "Hillary by a MILE!". many of them were so embarrassed by being so wrong that they now are trying to change their sampling methods. they won't make much headway. you can't poll a few thousand people or 10-15 thousand even and claim "Most Americans ... ".

one thing i predicted did happen exactly as i said .. the 2020 DEM scrum to take on Evil Lord Trump would make the 2016 Republican scrum look like a scout jamboree. and out of all that what turd floated up from the swamp? Biden.

Biden and Trump are opposites in most ways but Trump was the outsider in 2016 and Biden is the old retread kinda like a DEM version of Jeb Bush. now Corn Pop Biden comes roaring out of nowhere to be the nominee and he's got more issues than Clinton. and Clinton had issues. so it's the same, people voted for Trump to vote against Clinton and will vote against Biden too. pure Trump haters aside, it's gonna be tough for many average moderate Dems and independents to vote for Biden knowing he's not lucid.

also Trump's record is actually his strength. for people who voted for Trump's agenda, he's accomplished the bulk of it. the trade agreements, stepped up border security, removed the typical leftist business reg's and cut corp. taxes to allow US companies to compete better globally. and the overall individual cuts.

many people who wanted the above to a person will vote for Trump again. it's not a vote against Corn Poop Biden it's a vote FOR Trump. and then there's the people who will vote against Biden, because he's got a bag full of wet cats for a mind.

let's see what them polls say after the debates.
Fair post with a lot of solid points.
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Old 06-05-2020, 07:57 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Chung Tran View Post
ironic statement, considering we are now in the worst depression since the early 30's, which was caused by Trump shutting down the economy and Country. what's funny about that, is you guys rallied behind Trump to call on the Governors to "liberate" their people, and open their States' economies that Trump himself insisted on shutting down. the irony completely escapes you..

you are in the wrong Forum with this statement. 95% of the Posters in this Forum haven't scored pussy since 1997.

Thank u CT - unemployment is down and at 13% v a predicted 19%.

Complaining about Trump - shutting down the economy - ?? --Forgot about all the Blue state Governors like Newsome, whitmer, Cuomo, and mayors like DeBlasio - who first ignored Wuhan virus - then delighted in their "Authority Exercise" - and reversing their imprisonment of people has been like pulling teeth from a Tiger.

Cuomo send thousands infected with Wuhan virus to nursing homes to lessen the load on Medicare in NY - while DeBlasio and wife blithely go to their gum as usual, and Whitmer's husband wants to launch his boat to have the lake to himself.

Hypocrisy -CT - Blame Trump all u want - vote for Biden if that is your conscience -

Be Careful What u wish for!!
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Old 06-05-2020, 09:53 AM   #35
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More Bad News for Liberals - the Market today:

Market DOW
27,235.27 ▲

9,823.02 ▲

S&P 500
3,201.63 ▲

It will be fun to watch the DPST's rationalize and twist their reason to make something" Bad for

Ttrump " - but - DPST's alrady have convicted every white person of "Racism" - so - go riot - be my guest.

DPST's are in denial and deflection of their own Racism.

U.S. Jobless Rate Unexpectedly Fell in May as Hiring Rebounded

America’s labor market unexpectedly rebounded in May, signaling the economy is picking up faster than thought from the depths of the damage from the coronavirus pandemic.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by 2.5 million after a 20.7 million tumble the prior month that was the largest in records back to 1939, according to Labor Department data Friday. The jobless rate fell to 13.3% from 14.7%.
Economist forecasts had called for a decline of 7.5 million in payrolls and a jump in the unemployment rate to 19%. No one in Bloomberg’s survey had projected improvement in either figure.
Treasury yields and U.S. stock futures jumped after the surprise report, while the dollar spiked against the yen.
The unexpected improvement wasn’t limited to the U.S. figures. North of the border, Canadian employment rose 290,000 in May, compared with forecasts of a 500,000 slump, its statistics office reported Friday.
The data show a U.S. economy pulling back from the brink as states relax restrictions and businesses bring back staff, while supporting a rebound in the stock market. At the same time, the lack of an effective treatment for Covid-19 -- which has already killed more than 100,000 in the U.S. -- means infections may persist and possibly surge in a second wave, with the potential to further shake the labor market and extend the economic weakness.
“These improvements in the labor market reflected a limited resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed in March and April due to the coronavirus pandemic and efforts to contain it,” the Labor Department said in a statement.
The latest figures may give a boost to President Donald Trump, who has fallen behind Democratic challenger Joe Biden in polls amid the pandemic, recession and now nationwide protests over police mistreatment of African-Americans. The numbers come amid a debate over the timing and scope of additional stimulus, with Democrats and Republicans at odds following record aid approved by Congress to cushion the downturn.
Minutes after the release, Trump tweeted: “Really Big Jobs Report!” He said he would hold a news conference at 10 a.m. in Washington to discuss the report.

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Old 06-05-2020, 12:51 PM   #36
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And Trump's approval rating has dropped to -11.7% according to 538, with 41.9% approving of the job he is doing. -11% according to RealClearPolitics. That's a drop of 8.7% in 5 weeks.

A new poll shows Biden EVEN with Trump in Texas and -1 in Iowa, states Trump easily won in 2016.

Trump has to push the good job news. It's all he's got to be positive about these days.
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Old 06-05-2020, 01:08 PM   #37
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The bunker in chief is long gone in 2020. He will declare more bankruptcies and still be blaming Obama n China for his ignorance
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Old 06-05-2020, 01:24 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm View Post
when was that? January? a whole lot of CEOs stepped down i heard.
I believe your right. I can look it up later.
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Old 06-05-2020, 01:28 PM   #39
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Default I love me some Fivethirtyeight

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
And Trump's approval rating has dropped to -11.7% according to 538...

I love me some Fivethirtyeight.

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Old 06-05-2020, 02:07 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
I love me some Fivethirtyeight.

We'll see in less than 5 months how it all works out. A lot can change. If you take notice, only 3 states were surprises in the chart -- Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Two others, Florida and NC, were tossups.

More than one person equated Trump's victory in 2016 to pulling to an inside straight in poker.

"Despite improving poll numbers, Donald Trump still faces the political equivalent of pulling an inside straight if he is to succeed to the presidency, says Karl Rove, mastermind behind both of President George W. Bush's presidential campaigns."

I give credit to Trump and his team for running a much better campaign than Clinton's team. She totally ignored the rust belt states and it cost her dearly. Trump deserved the victory. But will everything fall his way as it did in 2016?

I will guarantee you 2 things in November:

1. Biden will spend a great deal of money, and hopefully time, in those rust belt states and in Florida and Arizona, two other states that are winnable.

2. People may vote against Biden but it won't be due to his character as it was in 2016 with Clinton.
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Old 06-05-2020, 02:30 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by oeb11 View Post
Thank u CT - unemployment is down and at 13% v a predicted 19%.

Complaining about Trump - shutting down the economy - ?? --Forgot about all the Blue state Governors like Newsome, whitmer, Cuomo, and mayors like DeBlasio
I didn't predict 19%.. that was a speculative guess by some, but from my perspective, 13% is what I would have thought.. a small rebound off of the most horrid numbers in History.. how could it go lower, when the Government paid 100% of salaries for many, just to stay on the payroll? why would the numbers get worse? Jesus, it was a forced shutdown, not economics-related. why do you say I complained? I did not.. it is what it is.. barely a pimple on the ass of history.
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Old 06-11-2020, 07:03 PM   #42
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bad news for the Trumpers…

Dow -1862

but it's all Powell's fault.. always is.
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Old 06-12-2020, 06:45 AM   #43
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[QUOTE=Chung Tran;1062079278]ironic statement, considering we are now in the worst depression since the early 30's, which was caused by Demotrds shutting down the economy and Country. what's funny about that, is you guys rallied behind Demotards to call on the Governors to "fuck”their people in the ass. Thank God for Trump.

Okay well back to dumpster diving QUOTE]
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Old 06-12-2020, 07:44 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by pfunkdenver View Post
Where is your evidence that "liberals" wanted to crash the economy? Don't you think they invest just like conservatives? Liberals want to retire, too, you know!
I have a friend from way back who is a teacher and he wants the economy to crash to destroy conservative white people. He is not white.

His salary is guaranteed and he has no investments and he irrationally hates Trump.
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Old 06-12-2020, 10:49 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by friendly fred View Post
I have a friend from way back who is a teacher and he wants the economy to crash to destroy conservative white people. He is not white.

His salary is guaranteed and he has no investments and he irrationally hates Trump.

nice... you have a friend who's racist. sad ain't it.
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