My take on what is sane and responsible with regards to STDs and hobbying.
If you get an std from oral (provided you are regularly tested and have access to treatment) it probably will not be chronic and can be treated. Although I have never got one and I'm a decade in on having an open relationship and hobbying. HIV on the other hand (while not the death sentence it once was for people with access to modern health care) would permanently change your life and finances, but my take on the evidence is you can't get that from unprotected oral in normal circumstances.
I try to get tested at least once a year, or a month after each partner. It takes time for antibodies to most things you can catch to show up (and that's what most of the tests detect), but if you're clean after a month you can have pretty high confidence (although not absolute certainty) you are clean.
Now saying that most providers are doing bb with someone else is a bad point. Most hobbyists are too. I also do bb with my wife, but it would be surprising if I ever get a bug from that. If you sleep with lots of partners for money and do bb with your clients, the risk profile of that is very different from someone who does bb with a close partner but goes covered with everyone else. I hope the girls I see have someone special in their lives (like I do) that they go uncovered with, but I also hope those aren't the relationships they book by the hour (because that isn't safe for either of us). And people who sleep with someone who is doing bb with lots of people, is by extension also going to be at much higher risk.
If you are not a kid anymore you are probably already carrying HPV and herpes. Getting cold sores has more to do with how your immune system responds to the virus than it does with your number of sexual partners. Really these shouldn't even be called STDs, since almost everyone will have them if they live to old age. Look at the nun studies. Some of those nuns are getting HPV and herpes because they're sleeping around, but not that many of them!
The only way to be totally safe is to be a bubble boy. Any skin to skin contact allows an exchange of fungi, bacteria, micro-organisms, and viruses. Breathing the same air as other people also means exchanging flora, fauna, and viruses (many of which are totally harmless but not all - see the study on bacteria exchange among roller girls from bumping into each other on the rink).
Mitigating all this is that like the common cold, most people are not sick (or carrying something serious). Even if you come into contact with someone that happens to be sick, they are not necessarily contagious and therefore can't infect you. Even if they are sick and are contagious, not every contact with a sick person results in an infection. Most infections your immune system will clear with time. The old adage that sleeping with someone is like sleeping with everyone they have ever slept with isn't true for this reason. The odds of getting any disease from any contact are thankfully pretty low.
It is still sane to take precautions against HIV, and cover it for PIV and PIA intercourse. You're not just protecting yourself: you're protecting the whole community, including the providers and your fellow hobbyists, so please be sane.
BTW the vagina actually has quite a robust self-cleaning mechanism. I wouldn't worry a bit about eating out a chick out after her dude blew a load in there the night before. Ask any woman and she'll tell you, most of what you put in there ends up coming right back out, and what's left is basically digested by the women's immune system and beneficial bacteria inside the vagina pretty quickly. If she has a healthy vagina, it keeps itself clean.