Ok~ Props to Sue and Deja! ! ! This is just about
The Greatest thread ever in the history of Another Realm !!! Lol.
Ok. I will calm down
I was just about to post or ask a question, similar to part of this
Then I read this, and thought O M G ! WOW !
THERE IS another problem that is connected to all this, and that is "shaming "
Women or Providers who dont squirt....
I have definitely experienced this... It can be a man or a woman...who Shames a
Non- squirter and it can be intentional or unintentional, but it hurts let me tell you!
I know Deja will understand this, as well as many of you.
OR BEDROOM TALENT...or ability to please a man, etc etc.
I've squirted a little, very few times in my life. But they were few and far between and I hate
to say the word "flukes" or accidents but I cant do it again. or it's super super rare if I do!
I'm very Very interested in
Sue's Austin Squirting party !!!!!!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
I could possibly pick up Deja and bring her.
My problem is time. The when. And the how long.
Time to get away. :/ childcare, etc etc.
I'm a single Mom.
Waco. I can do. Temple. I can do. Dallas I can do. Hillsboro. I can do.
Real world obligations make it harder for me to go to
Austin. Darn it !!!!
My tours in Austin...I've already finished them. . .
I may be able to think of a solution.
I will work on it.
I love you ladies !!!!

hugs !!!! Zena.