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Old 04-29-2011, 12:30 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by texasjohn1965 View Post
Hold the presses!

Houston, we have a problem.......
It appears that the aforementioned "provider" may not be all they are cracked up to be. The term "'a 14 year old snotty nose fat kid stuck in his mother's basement pretending to be a HOT 21 year old black girl" may prove to be closer to fact than fiction. Other than a couple of HIGHLY suspect reviews, has anyone seen this person?

I believe we have all been fooled by the voices in the padres head. I am speculating that the provider in question is actually father wayway, in a long drawn out scheme to gather sympathy from the general population here. How twisted is he? The cascade of handles exposed will rival watergate. May the hobby gods have mercy on your soulless carcass.

BTW, sorry I missed lunch, but you are still buying the next time.

oh my god... my sides... i'm dying here hahahahahaahahaa
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Old 04-29-2011, 01:02 PM   #32
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Dear WayWard and others,

Gosh! Too bad my website isn't up and I'm no longer available this would have been the BEST threAD ever! . I wouldn't have needed to post an ad for Houston after all.

So I accepted a job offer and decided not to provide anymore and I'm being bashed in Houston for it. Go figure

Mind you I posted about coming to Houston before I applied for the job position. My provider friends and guy friends knew about the position I was applying for BEFORE I accepted. *gasp* I even posted about it here on eccie .. did you not catch that Wayward? Remember you thought it was funny that I was retiring/taking a break/not going to be a full time hooker anymore?

Houston was not the only city I canceled on. I also didn't go to another city but of course those guys were told in advance that I wouldn't be able to make it (However, I'm actually making it up to a very special gent/hobbyist here on eccie). WayWay/WahWah: We were supposed to meet for juice OUT in public. I offered to meet you for FREE (On my time). I didn't owe you ANYTHING. You were NOT paying me. You were never spending BCD time with me so I felt it wasn't that big of a deal and you're complaining that I NCNS'd you? That is just downright hilarious. However, You felt the need to start a thread about me as usual.... . In fact, after the way you kept treating my friend Valerie, I really didn't WANT to spend time with you. I mean ... your meaness/cruelty to others does not turn me on/make me horny at all. Surprised?

Now IF I wasn't serious about visiting Houston, there's no way I would have shelled out that kind of money on ads. C'mon .. really?

"14 year old boy", "Gaynomi".. wowzer! Thanks for the kind words, WahWah. You know I have been accused of being Incognito Isis, London Rayne, London Rayne's Gay assistant and CarolinaGent so the 14 year old boy thing is kind of cute.

Wayward, I offered to call you several times but you were too busy starting board drama. I actually thought you were better than this. Don't you remember our awesome conversations we used to have via pm. I must admit you had me fooled seriously. You're good . I actually enjoyed our conversations. You're a very very intelligent man. I will give you that . Now you are forwarding my Pms to your friends (Yeah they told me ) It's just too cute!

Eccie Addict: It's funny how you go along with it. I thought you were better that the houston crew actually. Unlike the rest of the Houston Mob, You have actually SEEN me. We skyped together several times... remember? *sigh* I'm pretty sure you can confirm that I am a HOT 21 year old black girl so no worries eh? . I think my reviews HERE on eccie and on OTHER sites also proves my identity. So keep spreading your sick rumors WahWah (Don't you like how I gave you a nickname as well? ) Oh someone said suspect eccie reviews?really? For what reason and eccie is not a marketing tool for the carolinas? Google my reviewers name! You will see these men use the same handle on other sites and have been in the Hobby longer than I have been alive. Nuff said .

To the rest of you, You haven't liked me from day 1. You never did and you never will. Enjoy your day. I am enjoying mine. No arguing back and forth anymore, I'm out of fuel. See you are going to reply back with your attacks and I will not respond/will just ignore it. I have better things to do now. WahWah, I have proof that you forwarded my pms and I will be reporting it to the moderator.

My goodness this only makes me want to fly to Austin on my next day off and give Sixx that amazing bbbj that he's been craving *sigh*. You know I have a big mouth and I'm the "I told you so" kinda gal.

Oh and ... if you're looking for guys that have actually met me search eraps, bigdoggie.net and contact those on TER. I have links via pm if you want. Please Please Pm me for reviews and Thanks for the free publicity. WahWah, If I ever decide to get back into the game. I will contact you to place an ad for me . I'm sure it will get me more business than any ad I've ever placed . Bye Bye now.


P.S My dear Wayward, turns out we wouldn't have clicked after all. You're just not my type . Sorry you have the sads.
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Old 04-29-2011, 01:34 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by texasjohn1965 View Post
I believe we have all been fooled by the voices in the padres head. I am speculating that the provider in question is actually father wayway, in a long drawn out scheme to gather sympathy from the general population here. How twisted is he? The cascade of handles exposed will rival watergate. May the hobby gods have mercy on your soulless carcass.

Well ...... if she is one of the many voices in Wayward's head at least he now has a voice that has a decent rack.

And with her retirement, the icky can save bunches of money on bandwidth.
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Old 04-29-2011, 01:39 PM   #34
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I thought I was Incognito? A Little hard to pull that off being we are always online at the same time, but ah well. It's amazing how much time senior citizens have on their hands isin't it? I mean to really even use the energy it takes to speculate on the life of a girl more than half their age is funny in itself, and quite sad but I digress.

Naomi, again why do YOU care what anyone from a hooker board thinks about you? These people are vapor in the real world and will never affect your life or even your business. I have proved that more times than I can count.

You have a job that pays well, has great benefits, and still allows you to see PROFESSIONAL men with money if you so choose. You have a family, friends, and are a young, attractive girl with the world at your feet. It's more than obvious some are not so lucky or they would not be so jealous and bitter all the time.

This thread deserves a STUPID button.
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Old 04-29-2011, 01:45 PM   #35
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NAOMI: I'm not sure what you consider "just going along" but if that's what you think then you obviously haven't been following my posts around here.

As somebody that has had her posts, emails, or pm's taken the wrong way or read the wrong way I would hope that you would give me the benifit of the doubt as I know you yourself would appreciate somebody giving you the benifit of the doubt as well.

My posts here were meant to be humorous not offesive or insulting to you at all. Anyone here can tell you that I enjoy talking to you and have done nothing but talk good about you.
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:01 PM   #36
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No worries, EA. It was my fault for offering to meet some people off the clock for drinks/befriending bad apples. This thread just goes to show ...........how silly I am for not listening to London all this time . Oh well... It's just another day on an SHMB. I've learned my lesson . Bye Bye .
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:07 PM   #37
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What was once pretty good is moving towards wonderfullness with lightning speed!!! This keeps moving the way I hope it does it could move to the greatest awesomness ever!!

Carry on PLEASE!!!!


EA the only benifit of ANY doubt I will give you is that if it has to do with you starting threads.......
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:09 PM   #38
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JaD.... lol
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:20 PM   #39
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Yall have a great day!

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Old 04-29-2011, 02:28 PM   #40
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I can't believe I read this shit. I want mý time back. Sometimes this place is like a bad car wreck that you just can't turn your head away from.
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:36 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Naomi4u View Post
Yall have a great day!


Wait!! I gotta ask before you go..... am I a part of this "Houston Mob" that has always been against you? I thought you and I were cool?!? I paid no mind when I was left off the invite, and I haven't had enough time to disect that entire posts yet, but it is chalk full of awesomeness that is for sure!

We'll not hit on our dear sweet London Rayne's comments as they stand as a pillar... nay! A becon of sunlight shining down on us all! I have been away from the board for a bit, and have been missing out on that I guess........

All I hope is that someone sends that ever important PM to Naomi so she can get this off her chest properly.......

And EA! WTF!?!? You've been Skyp-ing someone else?!? I thought I was the only one!!! You fucking whore! That's the last straw! We're through!!

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Old 04-29-2011, 02:40 PM   #42
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JaD... This ain't called the "hobby" for nuttin'. You want someone to be exclusive with you then you're gonna have do something that sets you apart....
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:44 PM   #43
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EA you've been skyping again?

If we are going to talk about Naomi can't we at least get a pic up in this thread to refresh my memory.
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:48 PM   #44
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Y'all don't be jealous, there's more than enough of me to go around....
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Old 04-29-2011, 02:53 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Eccie Addict View Post
JaD... This ain't called the "hobby" for nuttin'. You want someone to be exclusive with you then you're gonna have do something that sets you apart....

but... but... but..... I thought I WAS special! You said we "Connected" and everything!

Does this mean I don't keep getting my special envelopes?

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