Originally Posted by veronica88
I usually don't post a comment or nothing! But what I just read I find it disturbing first of all we are not whores no woman deserves to be called out like that. We are all God's beautiful creations! To me it seems like you are full of hurt and resentment, you don't know who to blame for your problems let me give you a little advice. accepting personalresponsibilitywhich means taking ownership ofyourown behavior and the consequences of that behavior. Until you accept responsibilityforyour actionsor failures, it'll be very difficult for you to develop self-respect or even have the respect of others. Also so sorry to hear about your marriage problems but I think you have to come to realize that you had problems before in your marriage that's why you seek comfort somewhere else. If you finish your savings it's because you were trying to buy love and moments. So don't go blaming people for your bad decisions. Instead of crying over all the negativity why don't you turn everything around and start with self-love and accepting responsibility for your actions. Don't dwell on the past for the past is gone, focus on your future Learn To Love Yourself unconditionally and work on becoming a better person. Remember everyday is a new beginning and a new blessing. If you ever need a hug or just for someone to tell you that you're special PM me I'll be happy to give it to you for free out of the kindness of my heart blessings to you!!!
Well stated Veronica.
This rant is so easy to make fun of that most, including me, couldn't resist.
You chose the high road, with all the style you own.
Very well done, and thank you.
I just wish you were in Austin.
BooHoo, Ltm666