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Old 04-26-2011, 08:33 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by alaine View Post
Well......l we are more about pleasing the guy...sometimes I watch the daughter to make sure she gets it right,,,sometimes we assist each other in double pleasing the guy...sometimes she watches me to learn advanced techniques. We really don't consider it incest....It can be a fun time for all involved.

Sounds awesome to me!
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Old 04-26-2011, 09:12 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by alaine View Post
Well......l we are more about pleasing the guy...sometimes I watch the daughter to make sure she gets it right,,,sometimes we assist each other in double pleasing the guy...sometimes she watches me to learn advanced techniques. We really don't consider it incest....It can be a fun time for all involved.
Not sure if the rules allow or not, but your info page only has info on you, can you provide rates, pic's of both etc or via PM
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Old 04-26-2011, 10:13 AM   #33
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found this after i viewed the "can you hear me cumming" video
i think the daughter fellates better than the mom [takes more of his cock in her mouth vs. hand on cock and just the crown going in].

if i could understand their spanish, i'd translate it.
but, it looks like a package delivery i could deal with.
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Old 04-26-2011, 10:34 PM   #34
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Yuck, my mom is old!
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Old 04-26-2011, 10:42 PM   #35
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Seriously, I think any interaction between the mom/daughter would be just cause for some visits to the shrinks office. I am so open minded, but I draw the line with incest. I have a few clients that wanted age play, but I had to play step mom, and not mom. I do get the twins thing. I think it would be hot to be with two brothers, but definately not with two interacting.
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Old 04-27-2011, 01:21 PM   #36
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My, my, my . . . .

Cowards . . . . bring it own!!!!
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Old 04-27-2011, 03:52 PM   #37
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Nice fantasy but it's not likely to be real. Most of the ones you see advertised are no more than an old(er) woman that's found a young(er) looking version of herself that can be passed off as the "daughter" and marketed as a naughty duo. There's been several in the Dallas papers (all fake) that dry up once the scam is revealed.

However, if it's real, how about I hump your pretty daughter while you watch and tongue clean us both up after we're finished?
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Old 04-27-2011, 04:31 PM   #38
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I slept with my cousin , but that was a long story. She and I went clubbing, and she brought her friend along for me. The friend had a smoking body, but was a bow wow in the face.

My cousin guaranteed me that I would get in her pants. I took both of them out to eat , and clubbing. Dropped a lot of money on the night. My cousin had one request that she could secretly watch. we got back to my house, and I would up on the ground with the girl, my cousin watching from the couch , she pretended to be passed out .

We started making out , and then she started a hand job with minimal kissing with her mouth. It was the worst BJ I have ever had. She then told me that she was giving me the best I will ever get. My cousin starting uncontrollably laughing, and the girl got up and started screaming at her and me , real nut job.

She walked out the door and drove off. Problem was she picked us up at my cousin’s apartment, so we were there without a car. We went back in the house, and I was pissed, the girl was a waste of time.

my cousin could not stop laughing, and I told her that that was just great. Long story, my cousins is smoking hot , and she offered to finish the BJ , and boy was she good . we would up being fuck buddy’s for the better part of a year.

Cool part is that we knew that it was just physical. .
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Old 04-27-2011, 08:19 PM   #39
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Damn!! I need a smoke and drink after that one!!LOL
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Old 04-27-2011, 09:23 PM   #40
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I almost had a mom/daughter experience in Vegas. This smokin' hot 55ish woman hit on me, unbelievably sexy and looked years younger. We started talking and she asked me if I had a mom/daughter fantasy. I asked her if she was for real, she assured me she was and we left the casino, went to her room. We got upstairs and she opened the door and said "hey mom, I found one."

.......sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
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Old 04-28-2011, 02:28 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Talltraveler View Post
I almost had a mom/daughter experience in Vegas. This smokin' hot 55ish woman hit on me, unbelievably sexy and looked years younger. We started talking and she asked me if I had a mom/daughter fantasy. I asked her if she was for real, she assured me she was and we left the casino, went to her room. We got upstairs and she opened the door and said "hey mom, I found one."

.......sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
The joke is ok but did appear in an earlier thread within this topic
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:20 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by pmdelites View Post
elizabeth, no need to be or feel sorry about your thoughts on this.

but what is it about mother & daughter interacting together w/ a man or another woman that makes you go "yuck"?
do you get the same feeling when you think about sister & sister or sister & brother?
if not, what is it about mother/daughter??

if they're both into it, are comfortable with it, know where the boundaries are, etc., why does it give you a "yuck" feeling?
My first thought last week when I was reading over this topic was how would people respond if there was a dad having sex with his "of age" son? Yeah ... have that dad sit down and watch that boy suck his dick!!! I mean, come on folks, seeing a dad screw his son would be hot, right?

No. Probably not. The same goes for me with brother and sister. It's just not cool unless you're seeing the easy flirting of some show like "The Borgias" when they're just trying to make things provocative. Mother and daughter, completely the same thing. I don't understand why it's alright to feel completely alright that two women are doing God knows what with each other but people all over the place will get a little faint if the same thing was mentioned with two males.

I just don't like the whole incest thing, period. I do age play, mentioned this above, and it took me a long time to get over the head space that goes with that. Even though I actually did that again this weekend, it always leaves me thinking if I did the right thing by perpetuating those feelings with a client.

The only brother/sister situation that I've heard of is this client of mine who used to go to South America and pay for this. Sounds like the people were doing it for the money and not enjoyment. Which is sad in a non-developing country because abuse is so prevalent.

So ... many will say, "Elisabeth, chill out!!! Stop being so uptight!!!".

Believe it or not, a LOT of people tell me that fairly frequently. And perhaps they're correct.

I like to say that I'm moral within in confines of my immorality. I just have to say that I don't mind being accepting of others preferences but for me, family members having sex with each other is abhorrent. Regardless of the "type" of pairings.

Hope that I answered your question, pm!

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Old 05-02-2011, 10:22 AM   #43
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I love the idea - I'm interested!
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Old 05-02-2011, 06:38 PM   #44
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At the risk of getting crossed off even more ladies lists as a potential client I'd have to say the idea sounds intriguing. Sister/sister does too.:P
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Old 05-02-2011, 10:37 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers View Post
My first thought last week when I was reading over this topic was how would people respond if there was a dad having sex with his "of age" son? Yeah ... have that dad sit down and watch that boy suck his dick!!! I mean, come on folks, seeing a dad screw his son would be hot, right?

No. Probably not. The same goes for me with brother and sister. ...

I just don't like the whole incest thing, period. ... it always leaves me thinking if I did the right thing by perpetuating those feelings with a client.


So ... many will say, "Elisabeth, chill out!!! Stop being so uptight!!!".

I like to say that I'm moral within in confines of my immorality. I just have to say that I don't mind being accepting of others preferences but for me, family members having sex with each other is abhorrent. Regardless of the "type" of pairings.

Hope that I answered your question, pm!

elisabeth, thanks for writing down and taking us through your thoughts.

from what i've read, incest seems to cover sexual intercourse between relatives and is illegal in many places.

sexual relations between and with mother[s]/daughter[s], father[s]/son[s], sister[s]/sister[s], brother[s]/brother[s] might not fall into the category of "sexual intercourse" since those combinations do not allow "..the act in which the male reproductive organ enters the female reproductive tract..." [wikipedia defn] but, if you expand it to include "penetrative sexual acts between same-sex pairings, such oral intercourse, anal intercourse, and fingering, which are also commonly practiced by heterosexual couples." [again, wikipedia], then one could call it incest.

i think what we've been talking about is sexual interaction between one person and two or more persons related by blood or family. if it doesnt involve the related persons performing penetrative sexual acts that could cause pregnancy, then maybe it might not be as severe or immoral, tho the state court find determine it to be illegal.

while most men prolly wouldnt like or want to participate in sexual activities with a father/son or brother/brother, some might. just like some women might like doing it w/ a mother/daughter or sister/sister or might not consider/like doing that.

but, to each their own.
whatever the combination, if they're participating in it of their own choice, are secure enough in themselves to understand and enjoy it, and no one is getting coerced or hurt, physically or emotionally, then i dont think it matters who is doing what to whom, heterosexually, bi-sexually, and/or homosexually.

but, that's just me.
and everyone is different.

again, thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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