Originally Posted by Tronhorn356
I actually agree with you for once. If a provider wants to nickle and dime me, go ahead. I'll stop seeing them. I spent over 10k in a month on one of my ATFs, yet some providers think that a 100 up-charge is worth it...
Your comment makes no sense. You claim that you've spent over 10k in a month (which is just plain ridiculous, I'll come back to that) and then say you'll stop seeing a girl if she nickels and dimes you. You're contradicting yourself smart guy. 10k in a month, on one of your ATFs, how you so put it, I mean, WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT, OR CAN EVEN AFFORD TO?? Let's do some math, you're asian, so I bet you'll understand it. 10k × 12months equals $120,000, so either you're pulling from a 401k, or you're a damn liar. I'm betting the latter. You do realize this ATF is probably laughing at you, if what you claim is true.
If you're gonna come on a hooker board and spew lies, at least make them seem plausible. Wait, you'll come back and say you were drunk when you made that post. GTFO!!!