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Old 03-16-2017, 02:06 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by TryWeakly View Post



spoken or done without preparation.
Originally Posted by TryWeakly View Post
Nice try, I was being generous to the other folks who dunno that one.

And allow me to step forward and be the first to thank you for that
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Old 03-16-2017, 02:10 PM   #32
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Well if God created man like you said, Adam was the first man. God created Eve to be with Adam and they lived in the Garden of Eden. The Bible lists the rivers near Eden, the Tigris and Euphrates, which would put Eden in what is today Iraq. Which would mean the original man would look Middle Eastern.
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Old 03-16-2017, 02:58 PM   #33
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The Egyptians were advanced because they were given knowledge by the "gods" (the ET's) and their DNA was altered.

On another note, assuming God is omnipotent, surely He would have no need to create a test with darker skinned people to see how they would react to their environment. As Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe."

I do agree with some of the brightest minds in the world (Tyson, Hawking et al) that there is a better than 50% chance we are living in a simulation.
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Old 03-16-2017, 05:09 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by cagjam View Post
Well if God created man like you said, Adam was the first man. God created Eve to be with Adam and they lived in the Garden of Eden. The Bible lists the rivers near Eden, the Tigris and Euphrates, which would put Eden in what is today Iraq. Which would mean the original man would look Middle Eastern.
Not sure I believe that story. It's awfully convienant for them to sin before fucking and concieving and thus death spread to all men because it entered through one man. Nope that's too easy
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Old 03-16-2017, 05:17 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Mr. Romantic View Post
The Egyptians were advanced because they were given knowledge by the "gods" (the ET's) and their DNA was altered.

On another note, assuming God is omnipotent, surely He would have no need to create a test with darker skinned people to see how they would react to their environment. As Einstein said, "God does not play dice with the universe."

I do agree with some of the brightest minds in the world (Tyson, Hawking et al) that there is a better than 50% chance we are living in a simulation.

Sure he's omnipotent but that doesn't mean he doesn't create for his pleasure. Theoretically he could snap his fingers and everything comes into existence but that would not be consistent with his desire to create on his own. Remember time is an earthly concept it's not a concept in the domain of the Gods. Hence you have a universe that started with a big bang that he caused billions or trillions of years ago and still expanding. It appears that God takes his time (no pun). Remember the Bible says that after God created the earth he looked at it and said it was good he didn't say it was perfect. So maybe he intended it to be that way.
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Old 03-16-2017, 05:32 PM   #36
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You stated creationism and God in your response. Creationism based on God is belief in the book of Genesis. My response to you was based on that. What creationism are you speaking of?
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Old 03-16-2017, 05:40 PM   #37
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One can believe in God through the manifestations of the creation we see around us. One can believe in God without fully believing in the Bible.

Even the Bible lays that out when it says people who do the things of law without law are a law unto themselves.

Same thing conceptually with Creation. My question back to you is why do you believe in God and the Bible? What makes the Bible credible to you?

I have my reasons but I'd like to hear yours.
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Old 03-16-2017, 05:42 PM   #38
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Old 03-16-2017, 05:56 PM   #39
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Do you acknowledge that "God" could be a computer or an advanced being running a simulation on a computer, and we are merely in said simulation?
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Old 03-16-2017, 06:34 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Mr. Romantic View Post
Do you acknowledge that "God" could be a computer or an advanced being running a simulation on a computer, and we are merely in said simulation?
Let me take you to the church in my head. We are a simulation it's the same as I would call a pilot or a prototype. In other words we're a case study for the Gods. Go back and watch the early 1980's version of Clash of The Titans. I believe that is true without a doubt. However, it's much more complex than a computer simulation it's a real live simulation. To me the physical universe is similar to what we shit out of our bodies. In other words its the last or by-product of a more complicated system. What I mean is that I personally believe that the physical universe is nothing but a physical mirror of a spiritual or invisible universe. I believe that because of how things grow and form From invisible things we cant see Protons , electrons, nuetrons, into visible matter. That stuff comes from the other realm or the other side and it manifests itself in physical form. Which by the way is the lowest form of existence.

Angels and demons exist. If you don't believe me then start fucking around with the occult and ouija boards and you will soon see just how real that shit is. I believe angels and demons die in the spiritual world just as humans die in the physical world. They are not immortal just as we aren't. They may live for millions or billions of years and procreate as we do but its not eternal. God has set up many extremely complex systems of existence thats incomprehensible and all for his own pleasure. Some though would argue he did so out of love. I won't argue that point.
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Old 03-16-2017, 07:00 PM   #41
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Do you get extra points on your hooker exam for correcting someone's grammar on a hooker board LL.
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Old 03-16-2017, 07:06 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel View Post
Let me take you to the church in my head. We are a simulation it's the same as I would call a pilot or a prototype. In other words we're a case study for the Gods. Go back and watch the early 1980's version of Clash of The Titans. I believe that is true without a doubt. However, it's much more complex than a computer simulation it's a real live simulation. To me the physical universe is similar to what we shit out of our bodies. In other words its the last or by-product of a more complicated system. What I mean is that I personally believe that the physical universe is nothing but a physical mirror of a spiritual or invisible universe. I believe that because of how things grow and form From invisible things we cant see Protons , electrons, nuetrons, into visible matter. That stuff comes from the other realm or the other side and it manifests itself in physical form. Which by the way is the lowest form of existence.
Would that "higher existence" you speak of constitute heaven? Being that heaven is also a creation of the creator, who in his omnipotence can, as you say, if he so chooses, create perfection at his will? Would heaven not be that perfection, that reality that this "reality" is a simulation of? Just conjuring up thoughts...

EDIT: This also invokes the question regarding dreams, and an alternate state of reality... I wont delve into that and go off topic though
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Old 03-16-2017, 07:06 PM   #43
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Bad form.
Mods in training shouldn't hijack their own threAD.
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Old 03-16-2017, 07:55 PM   #44
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Since this thread has turned into a series of what ifs and maybes....

What if the only people that existed were black ? What would the world be like ?
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Old 03-16-2017, 07:56 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Still-Naughty View Post
Would that "higher existence" you speak of constitute heaven? Being that heaven is also a creation of the creator, who in his omnipotence can, as you say, if he so chooses, create perfection at his will? Would heaven not be that perfection, that reality that this "reality" is a simulation of? Just conjuring up thoughts...

EDIT: This also invokes the question regarding dreams, and an alternate state of reality... I wont delve into that and go off topic though

Kinda..the word heaven as we know it is just an example of God-like euphoria used for humans to try to comprehend something that is incomprehensible. I can also understand the difficulty in believing in the Creator hence atheism. My grandma used to claim God had pearls waiting for her in heaven. I used to laugh my ass off at her it was comical to me as a kid but it was her comfort her idea of what that perfection might have meant. I think Muslims claim 77 virgins but I still think its all incomprehensible despite our attempt at comparisons.
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