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Old 02-28-2017, 07:57 PM   #31
Buying a *Way to Heaven
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Originally Posted by gentlemantoo View Post
And before I can even utter a good morning to her, she puts her hand in my chest, jisses my cheek
The fact that you're a woman is agonizingly, blindingly plain. When MY woman jisses on my cheek, I... wonder where she got the jiss.
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Old 03-12-2017, 09:27 AM   #32
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It should be worth both the provider and the hobbyist time IMO.

He should respect her time, shit, shower, shave beforehand. Have the appropriate donation, bring condoms, not be a creep prior or during the session and she should also shit shower shave beforehand, be open minded, give him the fuck of his life, etc..

We are all adults and know that at the end of the day, it's business, but the best providers I've seen doesn't make it seem like business. To me, that's not time wasted when both parties do their part to make the experience pleasurable for each others.
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Old 03-12-2017, 03:15 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by lookinginkirksville View Post
Yes it is always about the money and no they won't call you once you tell them you want to stop paying for sex, but that doesn't mean that they are not people. Have you never had a good business relationship with someone. Be polite and don't try to cheat them or devalue thier service and they will take care of you. They are not your girlfriend, but they are not cashier at the gas station either. If you are nice to the girl at Starbucks and leave tips she probably won't give you free coffee, but she might throw a little extra whipped cream on top or open up 2 minutes early instead of making you wait outside. If you have a provider who's services you enjoy why would you jeopardize that by haggling or being disrespectful. That's only thinking of your own quality of service.

In general this isn't the warmest and fuzziest industry, but there is no need to make it worse than it has to be. I'm sure there are plenty of providers that like what they do and enjoy their clients. Nothing wrong with enjoying your work. What is DSK asking anyway? Don't be disrespectful and try to low ball. Is that such a terrible request? Why would you want to make any industry less attractive to enter by new service providers. Fewer providers equals less supply equals higher prices. Shitter work environment with asshole customers equals higher prices to overcome negatives. If every client was nice and respectful more girls would do it, and more girls doing it means lower prices. It's economics.

As much as I'm in favor of treating people in general with kindness and I hate haggling for anything there are perfectly selfish reasons in this situation in particular to act like DSK is suggesting.

Right on..the ladies go out on a limb for us.. They have expenses travel give up a lot of their time to meet our needs. So Give them the respect they deserve.... And courtesy. they also allow us the illusion that we are still attractive and the dignity to still feel like we are men.
If you put it in perspective you would spend approximately the same amount.
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Old 03-12-2017, 06:47 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Dude. You are about as stupid as it comes. This post ranks up there with "do you fall in love with escorts" and "do you think that they charge too little for sex" and "I hate when other guys get sex for cheaper than what I pay" and etc.

Stop this stupidity. If you like overpaying for pussy do so and shut the fuck up. There will always be new young pussy coming along because guess what - they don't want to go get a real fucking job and because some sucker (myself included) is willing to give them a couple hundred dollars for them to suck and fuck they'll keep doing it.

Stop being Captain Save-a-Hoe and just enjoy the ride and STFU.
Your reading comprehension is rather poor, as is your lack of complex thinking. This isn't about my overpaying. This is about the poor long term effects to be expected by excess pressure on provider rates compounded by poor treatment of the girls. We need an attractive marketplace created by the more sophisticated and successful gentlemen on this site to induce as many high quality girls as possible to feel this is a viable alternative to working in some other less lucrative profession.

To translate that into working class language for you: We don't need broke ass cheap fucks who don't cleanup very well running off the younger, prettier, skinnier and most desirable women in favor of cheap whores.
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:31 PM   #35
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Lol dude, you are SO a Republican lol. You're going to make escorting great again!

I'm sorry, I had to.
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:51 PM   #36
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Wendlo, you just do not get it. I guess ignorance can be blissful. No lady here is doing you a favor by taking your cash. When you buy new tires for your vehicle do you think Good Year is doing you this grand favor by allowing you to pay them for tires?

Do you realize Good Year has expenses, not cheap funding blimps and crap. They fly blimps just to entertain us and what a big favor. I think I will never buy another tire on sale, we should pay high prices as well and do their work ny taking our own tires off, that way being mechanics will be more attractive to young workers. Tip the mechanics as well, we want that job to be attractive.

If calling a working girl makes you feel like a man, you have some deep dellusional issues. Providers give us a release, physical pleasure, like a ride on roller coaster is physically pleasing but I do not feel manly because I paid six flags prices and they did me the grand favor of allowing me and everyone else that pays the fee to ride. They are not doing you a favor, but they certainly want you to think that way.

I do not haggle but neither do I think it is disrespectful for one to haggle. The money makes it worth while for her, once she agrees to the fee she has her value and the man has his as he agrees to payment. See how business works? Good year gets value, money, and patron gets tire, worth it for both parties. Six flags gets money, patron gets entertainment, worth it for both parties. Provider gets money, patron gets sex worth it for both parties. See?

Women deal with all sorts, unclean, ugly as sin, fat and gross, older than Moses, rude, nice, clean, and so on. Money makes it worth it, if not the world oldest profession would be extinct. I suggest you deal with women your way and if others want to haggle, so what? I let each person be themselves.
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:56 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Your reading comprehension is rather poor, as is your lack of complex thinking. This isn't about my overpaying. This is about the poor long term effects to be expected by excess pressure on provider rates compounded by poor treatment of the girls. We need an attractive marketplace created by the more sophisticated and successful gentlemen on this site to induce as many high quality girls as possible to feel this is a viable alternative to working in some other less lucrative profession.

To translate that into working class language for you: We don't need broke ass cheap fucks who don't cleanup very well running off the younger, prettier, skinnier and most desirable women in favor of cheap whores.
My reading comprehension is just fine.

You on the other hand appear to be just plain stupid.

Needless to say though, I appreciate your keeping the market up. You keep paying them extra money. I'll keep paying less. We can operate as cost averaging.

But you do realize that your paying more has zero to do with what new girls will come into turning tricks. Usually it's hot young girls that are fucking for free that realize they can make a buck doing something they were doing for free. There will always be a new one. ALWAYS. whether they make 200 or 400 a fuck, it's orders of magnitude more than they would make in any other job. There is nothing more lucrative. anything more than free is worth their time. So stop. Just stop.
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Old 03-12-2017, 07:56 PM   #38
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All being with a provider proves is you have enough money for her fee and you know how use a phone. Nothing all to manly about that, no conquest there, she does this for a living. I bet each provider you have bed down, I can do the same bed her down as well. Nothing manly about that.
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Old 03-13-2017, 06:35 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
My reading comprehension is just fine.

You on the other hand appear to be just plain stupid.

Needless to say though, I appreciate your keeping the market up. You keep paying them extra money. I'll keep paying less. We can operate as cost averaging.

But you do realize that your paying more has zero to do with what new girls will come into turning tricks. Usually it's hot young girls that are fucking for free that realize they can make a buck doing something they were doing for free. There will always be a new one. ALWAYS. whether they make 200 or 400 a fuck, it's orders of magnitude more than they would make in any other job. There is nothing more lucrative. anything more than free is worth their time. So stop. Just stop.
I don't happily pay more just to pay more. You are rather thick headed. Think long term about the hobby and you will see my point....maybe.
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Old 03-13-2017, 10:45 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by wendlo View Post
Right on..the ladies go out on a limb for us.. They have expenses travel give up a lot of their time to meet our needs. So Give them the respect they deserve.... And courtesy. they also allow us the illusion that we are still attractive and the dignity to still feel like we are men.
If you put it in perspective you would spend approximately the same amount.
Paid sessions.No free sessions
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Old 03-13-2017, 12:14 PM   #41
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Believe me, I completely grasp your point but absolutely disagree with the premise. You think that lowering the average pay will mean that less attractive girls will come into or remain in the hobby.

On that, I call hogwash. Lie I've said, at 200 per hour of fucking for instance that is loads more than most of these girls (no matter how attractive) will ever make in any other job. No insult there just a fact. At worst let's say on any given day she fucks 2 guys. That's 400 a day. Let's say she works 5 days a week, that's 2000. Now she has worked (even with prep) 20 hours on the high side. So she is still coming out at 100/hour. What's more lucrative than that? What other job is gonna make her leave hooking? It's not like she is making a dichotomous choice between hooking and being a doctor. It's hooking or waiting tables or answering phones somewhere or working in the mall. Be serious and think about the ridiculous position you're taking.

Let's expand your premise. If we all paid 500/hour the pool would grow exponentially and only hot young girls will be available at your beck and call. Nope, that's not how it'd work. Instead the lower spectrum chicks would push their rate up and these new hot gals you're dreaming of that will now jump in that weren't in before will demand 6-700.

Fools like you will keep paying the highest rates to feel like these women actually give a damn about you (they love your money) and you'll feel special. I don't believe pussy is all that valuable but I also have pussy I get for free (well relatively speaking cause wife and girlfriend are both expensive).
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Old 03-13-2017, 12:55 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Does a young looking, beautiful skinny girl with men chasing her in real life really need:

1. Constant texts and emails from cheapskates?

2. Constant nickel and dime bargaining of every little detail.

3. Constant reputation management on a website where ungrateful clients trash her over perceived slights?

4. The concern about LE?

If you guys are capitalists and understand supply and demand, realize that these transactions need to be fair for both sides. If the hobby is conceived of by the target audience of girls to be a bunch of cheap, ugly and exploitative jerks, not many girls are going to find it worthwhile, and we will be left only with those who have no better way to scratch out a living.

We want them instead to see a richly rewarding experience which allows them a good opportunity to thrive both emotionally and financially.
Very well stated.
Thank you Sir.
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Old 03-14-2017, 10:31 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by 1blackman1 View Post
Believe me, I completely grasp your point but absolutely disagree with the premise. You think that lowering the average pay will mean that less attractive girls will come into or remain in the hobby.

On that, I call hogwash. Lie I've said, at 200 per hour of fucking for instance that is loads more than most of these girls (no matter how attractive) will ever make in any other job. No insult there just a fact. At worst let's say on any given day she fucks 2 guys. That's 400 a day. Let's say she works 5 days a week, that's 2000. Now she has worked (even with prep) 20 hours on the high side. So she is still coming out at 100/hour. What's more lucrative than that? What other job is gonna make her leave hooking? It's not like she is making a dichotomous choice between hooking and being a doctor. It's hooking or waiting tables or answering phones somewhere or working in the mall. Be serious and think about the ridiculous position you're taking.

Let's expand your premise. If we all paid 500/hour the pool would grow exponentially and only hot young girls will be available at your beck and call. Nope, that's not how it'd work. Instead the lower spectrum chicks would push their rate up and these new hot gals you're dreaming of that will now jump in that weren't in before will demand 6-700.

Fools like you will keep paying the highest rates to feel like these women actually give a damn about you (they love your money) and you'll feel special. I don't believe pussy is all that valuable but I also have pussy I get for free (well relatively speaking cause wife and girlfriend are both expensive).
No free pu$$y.Pay for wife and girlfriend and pros and sugar babaies.No free sessions nowhere in life.
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