Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
They would laugh and say no it is not possible....not fully any way.
Exactly. Insurance isn't part of your compensation package...it's something that is paid for by your company as an incentive to get you to come work for them. At this point though, most companies just do it because it's expected of them. If my company would let me keep they money they pay for my insurance, and let me decide how to best save for my future healthcare, I would do it in a heartbeat, and so would a lot of people. But you can't.
Originally Posted by looking2havefun
No I mean people who dont pay for their own insurance (welfare, state/goverment handouts) Not talking about people who pay for Insurance out of pocket or work for a company and earn their insurance that way.
You're right, I'm not stupid, and you didn't read your own post.
Some of you have begun to grasp it, some of you haven't. Everyone who has an insurance policy is mooching off of everyone else. No one is paying their own way if they have an insurance policy. Insurance isn't some magical pot of money that we pay into and then get our healthcare reimbursed from in case of an issue. No one pays enough on their own into a single insurance company to cover a major medical event. It just doesn't happen, and the insurance companies count on that. You pay for others when you're not using your coverage, with the hope that others will pay for you when you need to use it. We're all mooching of other people.
Insurance companies can only survive under the premise that they are going to get people to pay them money for no reason. Healthy people pay for the sick. Good drivers pay for bad drives. Living people pay for dead ones. The second that people aren't able to pay for the others who are signed up for the insurance, the company no longer has a viable business model, and they panic, and start to charge more to try and stay afloat.
You get insurance through your company, or you pay for your own. They pay a few hundred dollars a month for you to have insurance, or you do the same. Three years later, you or your company shops your insurance policy around and change to a new provider because it's cheaper. Does the previous provider refund you all they money you paid it, and give it to the new provider, so in case you get sick, you can draw on the funds that you paid previously for this eventuality? No. That money is gone. It's free money for the first provider, and they use that to pay for sick people on their plans. Your company, using money that you helped earn for them, or you yourself made, is paying for someone else. Always. There is no "everyone pays their own way" in any insurance company. Never has been, never will be, they're mutually exclusive concepts.
So, under y'all's "everyone needs to pay their own share" concept, we just eliminate insurance companies, and everyone pays their own healthcare, because everyone who has an insurance policy of any kind is paying for someone else to use it. So, if you get sick, you better be able to pay for your own healthcare, take out a loan, or sell your pussy to pay for it. The difference between a bank loan and an insurance company is that one of them makes you pay up front for the future payment of money you they hope you never withdraw to use later. In fact, they can only exist if you don't. What makes it worse, is that they don't give you your money back either, they give it to the doctors directly. Now you've got two parties, both of which want to take your money, who are ale to discuss how much of your money they want to take, with absolutely no input from you. How typically capitalist American that is...
We Americans have always perfected ingenious ways of making money by not doing shit, by not making shit, or not producing shit. Insurance is one of them. They're a ponzi scheme, just not pyramid shaped. They don't count on people below feeding money to the top, they count on healthy people feeding money to the sick, and all the while, they take their percentage off the top. They're not going to magically lower rates if the current system is repealed or replaced, it'll be business as usual, with you paying for someone else, same as you've always done, the only difference is how much the insurance companies are going to raise their rates each year going forward.
So, my point is, if you want to argue about the current political situation and insurance, don't argue with the "everyone should pay their own way" argument, because it was never valid in the first place. Find another argument...and while you're at it, if you really want to help the American people, come up with an alternative to the concept of the insurance company. They're the real problem...not any politician. All any politician can do is make the problem worse...never better, as long as insurance companies exist.