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Old 03-27-2011, 11:18 PM   #31
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There are soooo many things I want to say in regards to this thread !! But I think it best if I keep my mouth shut!
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Old 03-27-2011, 11:20 PM   #32
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Default The Law of Attraction

Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
WOW Best Oral, I agree. So you met a cop and it was a bad experience? I wonder if some cops would try to push our limits, intimidate and expect us to do things vs. a non-le client? Thats why I wouldn't see a cop as a client.
Most cops join not as a last option,and cop doesnt wash anymore than hooker.
You may retire but you still are; it's for life. there are bad cops, bad hookers, good cops and good hookers. unfortunately both sides are lacking of the latter. And wouldn they intimidate and take advantage? that is the american way isnt it? yes ive met some naughty evil folks, male & female, i am more relaxed in the ghetto, at sunnys mart at 3 in the am, than i am in front of the police station at 3 in the afternoon. there are some good ones, the ones who do a job, and not live the job.
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Old 03-28-2011, 08:22 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by bestoralntexas View Post
Most cops join not as a last option,and cop doesnt wash anymore than hooker.
You may retire but you still are; it's for life. there are bad cops, bad hookers, good cops and good hookers. unfortunately both sides are lacking of the latter. And wouldn they intimidate and take advantage? that is the american way isnt it? yes ive met some naughty evil folks, male & female, i am more relaxed in the ghetto, at sunnys mart at 3 in the am, than i am in front of the police station at 3 in the afternoon. there are some good ones, the ones who do a job, and not live the job.

Best Oral, you tell it like it is!
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Old 03-28-2011, 08:34 PM   #34
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Cops are human too, they put their pants on one leg at a time , just like u and us.. reverse the question.. i have done it and he is a sweety , been seein him for a long while! the best client i have ever had! we have alota fun , being a provider/escort dont mean we fucc everyone we see.. well i dont, there is more to bn a provider... and i know many providers that have seen many cops, pi, ect... remember this... THEY PAY FOR WHAT THEY DONT GET AT HOME, duh! we are naughty n freakie, ha , maybe the SO is lame and cant have fun anymore.. just sayn --- Lex
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Old 03-28-2011, 09:55 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by LEXUS View Post
Cops are human too, they put their pants on one leg at a time , just like u and us.. reverse the question.. i have done it and he is a sweety , been seein him for a long while! the best client i have ever had! we have alota fun , being a provider/escort dont mean we fucc everyone we see.. well i dont, there is more to bn a provider... and i know many providers that have seen many cops, pi, ect... remember this... THEY PAY FOR WHAT THEY DONT GET AT HOME, duh! we are naughty n freakie, ha , maybe the SO is lame and cant have fun anymore.. just sayn --- Lex
Paging an English speaking translator please...stat! I was good up until the 4th comma in the sentence.
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Old 03-29-2011, 12:34 AM   #36
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Chica Chaser, I think Lexus was saying she sees a cop and he treats her well. This man she sees doesn't get good nookie at home, and all guys need that, cause they're human.

Thats all I understood. I think. I could be wrong. Sometimes ya never can tell tho.
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Old 03-31-2011, 01:09 PM   #37
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Worst case happened to a friend of mine that is also a provider. First 3 visits went well he paid what he was supposed to they had a good time great see you later.... 4th and last visit he whips a gun out on my friend and tried to force her to give him free sex and even w/ a gu to her face she refused and he threatened to bust her, he left and called her a few times afterwards but after that left her alone. Even if some are not liuke that I'm not risking it with any kind of cop even if he's up front about it. Go on ashley madison or something.

Originally Posted by incognito isis View Post
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Eccie audience, I was once emailed by a man who admitted up from that he was a cop. He said he was interested in my services, NOT busting me.

The email caught me off guard and it made me think a bit. He also said that he couldn't bust me because he would be meeting me on his own personal time, not during his cop hours.

Before I even asked for references, I thought some more. Ultimately, I decided against meeting him. Why? Simple. My paranoia set in. Too much at stake. Too many problems. What do I mean? Well.....

Say we meet and everything goes ok, he decides he likes me. Then he might want to call me up and try to intimidate me into freebies. If things got messy, or too touchy there is any number of things this man could do to me, compared to a non-cop client.

I'm pretty sure none of the guys here are gunna admit they are cops, but it made me wonder about the cops who hobby.

Ladies, have you ever had a client who was a cop? How did it go?
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Old 04-01-2011, 03:02 PM   #38
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I personally would not visit with a blue uniform, its a little too risky, however a friend of mine made an interesting comment to me on this subject stating cops are just like everyone else, they have to eat, crap and sleep just like everyone else - only difference is they are in a different line of work from us. They have sexual urges just like everyone else.
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Old 04-01-2011, 03:50 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Valerie View Post
There are soooo many things I want to say in regards to this thread !! But I think it best if I keep my mouth shut!
After reading some of the other responses, I thought the same.
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Old 04-01-2011, 04:41 PM   #40
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Default **Very true!***

Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
There's no such thing as an off-duty cop. That's why they carry guns 24/7.

And you meet one once, and he's got you forever. You'll be his side piece (daily, if not more often), you'll be giving him money, and you'll be his snitch. And when you tell him no, he'll tell you he'll bust you and give you a record, or have your children taken away. And if you say you'll rat him out to his superiors, he'll say, "go ahead," because cops are allowed to lie, cheat and steal in an "undercover" mode in order to stop crime. And all he has to say is he had this "opportunity" to go after a "ring" of criminals.

And that's the name of that tune.

And you forgot to add they have you introduce them to your friends...and do the same to them....very clever people.....but typical males..."searching" for the free piece...aheheheh

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Old 04-18-2011, 11:16 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by charlestudor2005 View Post
Yeah, I thought briefly...very briefly...about this. Cops are loaned to other jurisdictions for a number of reasons. As a "loaned" cop, they have all the powers of a cop in the jurisdiction. Even cops outside their primary jurisdiction have some authority, especially if they've notified the locals and are carrying a gun.

Remember, we had a Border Patrol agent killed in Mexico. Outside his jurisdiction? Sure, but he was still packing.
No not really. Cops have no authority outside their jurisdiction. It is true though that cops with special training may be loaned from their primary jurisdiction to other jurisdictions to take part in various investigations but they are almost always accompanied by members of the jurisdiction who baroughed them. So if a cop in New York City meets an escort in Jersey he has no police powers what so ever. So if he leans on an escort about going OTC and she refuses and she is set up for arrest. If her story flies in court he'll be charged with Malfeseance in office and loose his job. She'll be slapped with a fine cause no matter how ya slice it escorting is a misdemeanor.
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Old 04-18-2011, 11:57 PM   #42
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Saw a cop downtown SA one time...........everything was cool.....I walked in and thought "something isn't right" and I asked him........"are you a cop"?........he said uh uh......anywho we finished.....then he pulled out a badge in one of those black thingys.......I was freaking out(inside).......he said "I like you", "your cute".......whatever that meant?? So I said "am I in trouble"? He said "look".....he gave me the badge........and it was a fbi guy.....had the badge id........it said Nevada...........But everything was good......he $$ me and I took off.........that happened when I was taking those bp girls as refs.........now I screen, screen, screen!!!
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Old 04-19-2011, 07:49 AM   #43
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Generally speaking NEVER INVITE THE MAN INTO YOUR LIFE. There may be exceptions. Play at your own risk.
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Old 04-19-2011, 08:44 AM   #44
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Default Cops

I have one client who is a cop and he is from out of state...comes to see me from Louisiana. He always wants me to come over there and work so he can see me regularly.

I've had requests from Fort Bend County - I'm in Brazoria - just seemed too close to home and I sure wouldn't go see him in his jurisdiction.

It just gets way too complicated beyond that. Unless someone has it in for me personally I don't think they will be creating borrowed jurisdiction schemes and whatnot to nab me for a misdemeanor.

The one dude I see is very chill...and he also falls into another group of people who I love, and who I know to be chill people against what they are stereotypically known to be by society's standards...and usually not caught up in stepping on a girl's hustle in general.

One person at a time...one asshole at a time...one killa guerilla at a time...
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Old 04-19-2011, 01:00 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by **Karla** View Post
Saw a cop downtown SA one time...........everything was cool.....I walked in and thought "something isn't right" and I asked him........"are you a cop"?........he said uh uh......anywho we finished.....then he pulled out a badge in one of those black thingys.......I was freaking out(inside).......he said "I like you", "your cute".......whatever that meant?? So I said "am I in trouble"? He said "look".....he gave me the badge........and it was a fbi guy.....had the badge id........it said Nevada...........But everything was good......he $$ me and I took off.........that happened when I was taking those bp girls as refs.........now I screen, screen, screen!!!

Sounds to me like he was trying to intimidate you in a passive aggressive way. Why did he take out his badge? To scare you? Did you ask to see it? This is the type of stuff I'm afraid of and thats why I do not think it's a good idea to see the poe poe.
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