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Old 01-05-2017, 02:39 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by cR7 View Post
Bullshit. Attraction is not a factor in this hobby. Most of you mongers are fat, ugly old men. Old enough to be these girls' grandpas. You can't tell me that all the providers are attracted to fat old white men. They're not, but they see them anyway. And what point are you trying to make by providing stats about blacks? This is ECCIE, if a gentleman can be screened and vouched for through references by other verified providers. You should have no issue seeing him regardless of his skin color, unless you are really racist or pimped and that's fine. Just say it like it is

bullshit on your bullshit call! there are lots of women who will not see men past or below a certain age group. will not see obese people or crippled people. i know white men that wont date white women is that racist that he shuns the same race he is cut from because he is only attracted to aa or spanish women? i know aa women who only date white men is she a racist because she shuns her own race? in customer service there is the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason!

it always gets my goat when guys come on here crying that a ladies a racist because she refuses to see aa men! i personally have seen several aa women do i generally no. reason because i don't find many of the aa ladies sexually appealing too me!

does this make me racist because im not attracted to them? no it does not but if were going on the lines of what you have laid out i am. because i find majority of a certain race a race other than my own not physically or sexually attractive!

i don't understand where its racism because i find someone unattractive. i don't hunt down aa women so i guess i'm racist because of this. because my personal likes when it comes to attraction most aa women don't meet. is it the color of their skin? no its just certain features on many that i am not attracted too! but i have had sexual relationships with several aa women that met my physical appeal to my standards.

so why is a woman of any race regardless of skin color racist because she does not find someone of another appealing. if a white woman only dates black men is she a reversed racist? because she only finds aa men sexually appealing? no its her choice to see who she finds attractive! so regardless if this is a business the woman who doesn't sell herself is not racist but the woman who does is. where is the logic in that? it is their choice regardless who likes it or not but in the end it is that a choice! and making said choice regardless of race is in itself not racist!

its a fine line and everyone sees it different. also to touch base on an earlier statement that a woman i'm assuming a white woman would drop her no aa policy because a sport player was rich is ludicrous! money is not the only thing that drives everyone do you really think that because someone has money that she would date someone shes not physically or sexually attracted too because of money maybe maybe not. if your a gold digger probably but if the said rich person was just not to your liking than no she wouldn't!

look at these sports players that take a knee during the national anthem because they don't believe in what the flag stands for because of their religion. is it un american because they could very well not be making the millions of dollars they are. but they make the choice to disrespect the flag for their beliefs and be un american but they sure do like those paychecks that were printed by a government that they don't believe in and have the flag they shit on printed on the money they use for their lavish lifestyles don't they. in my eyes un american as hell but its their choice to be so. so in the end whats it boil down too we can sit around and piss and moan about it because we don't agree with it but what good does it do we cant change it!

we all have choices and all have things that are appealing to each and everyone of us but we have a choice and having choices does not constitute racism or make those who make it racist!

just my .02 patiently waiting for a rebuttal that i know isn't far off!
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Old 01-05-2017, 03:59 PM   #32
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I'm waiting, as many are, for the ladies with the no AA policy to chime in. I guess the reality is, I should just let this thread die it's slow and painful death.
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Old 01-05-2017, 04:28 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Savannah Moon View Post
The only time I decline seeing anyone is if I feel we won't clique. I enjoy laughing, playing, and highly energetic encounters.
My only restrictions are age & personality.
If you are a 20 yr old..
Naw.. Not my Forte, irregardless of race.
I always chat with a gent prior to meeting. If the personality is wry..
I have met with several amazingly wonderful AA gentlemen, I am just completely turned on by intelligence, personality and sense of humor...PERIOD!!
I don't know about anyone else but I am thinking about Finding some fun Missouri Hills & SLEDDING..SNOW DAY!!
And a highly intense workout later!! OH YEA!!!
I am always sad to see the age part, as alas I am one of those still in his 20s (barely), though at least I understand why Ladies would want to avoid them
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Old 01-05-2017, 04:49 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by CiaraAodhan View Post
Here's a Reality Post....

In metro area's, high crime area's, high drug traffic areas, bad things happen to working ladies.

I know, it's crazy. But it happens.

AA mean's African American.

Uneducated and ignorance breeds intolerance and more ignorance. The stereotype is that crime, drugs and attacks, i.e. bad treatment, comes from skin color rather than who a person is. I know it's crazy but it's how it's rationalized.

No white man would ever rob me, rape me, beat on me ect. Stupid I know.

So here's my take and you can take it for what it's worth.
I could care less about the color of your skin, all I care about is how you treat me and skin isn't a factor in that.

Some guys are bad guys, they come in all shapes, sizes and nationalities. One bad person doesn't mean I decide all men are bad and just because one bad guy happens to have one nationality or skin tone doesn't mean all those others out there have the same disposition.

Bad people are bad people, bad breeding, bad morals or ethics, bad home life, drugs, all sorts of factors that contribute to bad behavior but not once ever have I seen skin color as a factor for behavioral problems.

​Bottom line, if you are a gentleman I will spend time with you. If you are an asshole I will not.

Yes, I agree with you: it is stupid to say NO white man would hurt you.

What is ignored by most, but which we all know: the possibility (probability - a statistical term) that you will be harmed by an AA is possibly much greater because the AA is more likely to commit crimes.

Why, because more crimes are committed by blacks than whites: when you compare the much lower number of blacks in the population vs. the crimes committed the numbers start to blow you away.

I know the bleeding heart liberals want to take care of people: because, because, because; what?

I will not answer a lot of crap questions about this: if you don't understand, you don't want to understand.

Just look at the numbers of blacks in prison, the number of crimes blacks commit, and the number of blacks in the population. The number of crimes by whites and the number of whites in the population.

It is like figuring the odds on a gamble: one knows that with some games the odds are simply against you. Nothing personal, nothing judgmental: it is what it is.

The sad part, a large number of crimes committed are by blacks against blacks.

This doesn't answer anything: it does justify a lady's fear of hosting AA men because the numbers are on her side.

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Old 01-05-2017, 06:28 PM   #35
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I thought was interesting a few years back there were some African-American men and they were going to escorts and robbing them with guns taking their money at the same time there was a Caucasian man going around just dismembering and serial killing escorts...
I am not liberal
And voted for Trump
& will again in 4 years!!
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Old 01-05-2017, 06:30 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Yes, I agree with you: it is stupid to say NO white man would hurt you.

What is ignored by most, but which we all know: the possibility (probability - a statistical term) that you will be harmed by an AA is possibly much greater because the AA is more likely to commit crimes.

Why, because more crimes are committed by blacks than whites: when you compare the much lower number of blacks in the population vs. the crimes committed the numbers start to blow you away.

I know the bleeding heart liberals want to take care of people: because, because, because; what?

I will not answer a lot of crap questions about this: if you don't understand, you don't want to understand.

Just look at the numbers of blacks in prison, the number of crimes blacks commit, and the number of blacks in the population. The number of crimes by whites and the number of whites in the population.

It is like figuring the odds on a gamble: one knows that with some games the odds are simply against you. Nothing personal, nothing judgmental: it is what it is.

The sad part, a large number of crimes committed are by blacks against blacks.

This doesn't answer anything: it does justify a lady's fear of hosting AA men because the numbers are on her side.

Dude, go kill urself or jerk off to a Trump poster. You are lame. Why bring politics into this?. This isn't the first AA thread you commented on and tried to bring up reasons providers shouldn't see blacks. If it were up to you, I'm sure ECCIE would be just for white providers and white clients only. You're a Caucasian man but you somehow stalk AA threads and chime in with ur black crime stats. I bet you miss the good ol' lynching days, don't you? Fucking cunt
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Old 01-05-2017, 07:10 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by whatstheplay View Post
... I guess the reality is, I should just let this thread die it's slow and painful death.
Exactly, because each and every time this subject is raised, the end result is the same and nothing is ever resolved.

The name calling and suggesting someone kill himself stops immediately.
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Old 01-05-2017, 07:27 PM   #38
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This thread will die a slow and painful death
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Old 01-05-2017, 07:53 PM   #39
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Don't be concerned with those who won't fuck you, pay you, be friends with you, whatever simply because of your race. Not worth the energy especially when there are better places for it. Their stats etc don't matter at all when it comes down to analyzing an individual for who they, instead of herding them into some constructed demographic and judging accordingly. Some providers don't see AA men, oh well. I take notice, move the fuck on, and happily share some good black dick with a provider that doesn't care as long as the money is green 😬
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Old 01-05-2017, 08:04 PM   #40
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I just briefly looked through backpage and counted no less than 7 African American providers with no AA policies. SO yeah I guess it is all about race.
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Old 01-05-2017, 08:21 PM   #41
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What's up Dog? Good to see you drop in. I hope you're in Florida, we're having a bit of winter here right now.
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Old 01-05-2017, 10:43 PM   #42
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Default Sir...

This is 2017 where denying goods and services for whatever reason can be perceived as a slight and discriminatory. Like those Christian bakers that would prefer to bake for Christian events and not for others that might violate their preference. They were ruled as being discriminatory, so you might want to rethink the example.

And my small cock, white, fat, and ugly ass has been called out enough on this!

Originally Posted by satan666 View Post
bullshit on your bullshit call! there are lots of women who will not see men past or below a certain age group. will not see obese people or crippled people. i know white men that wont date white women is that racist that he shuns the same race he is cut from because he is only attracted to aa or spanish women? i know aa women who only date white men is she a racist because she shuns her own race? in customer service there is the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason!

it always gets my goat when guys come on here crying that a ladies a racist because she refuses to see aa men! i personally have seen several aa women do i generally no. reason because i don't find many of the aa ladies sexually appealing too me!

does this make me racist because im not attracted to them? no it does not but if were going on the lines of what you have laid out i am. because i find majority of a certain race a race other than my own not physically or sexually attractive!

i don't understand where its racism because i find someone unattractive. i don't hunt down aa women so i guess i'm racist because of this. because my personal likes when it comes to attraction most aa women don't meet. is it the color of their skin? no its just certain features on many that i am not attracted too! but i have had sexual relationships with several aa women that met my physical appeal to my standards.

so why is a woman of any race regardless of skin color racist because she does not find someone of another appealing. if a white woman only dates black men is she a reversed racist? because she only finds aa men sexually appealing? no its her choice to see who she finds attractive! so regardless if this is a business the woman who doesn't sell herself is not racist but the woman who does is. where is the logic in that? it is their choice regardless who likes it or not but in the end it is that a choice! and making said choice regardless of race is in itself not racist!

its a fine line and everyone sees it different. also to touch base on an earlier statement that a woman i'm assuming a white woman would drop her no aa policy because a sport player was rich is ludicrous! money is not the only thing that drives everyone do you really think that because someone has money that she would date someone shes not physically or sexually attracted too because of money maybe maybe not. if your a gold digger probably but if the said rich person was just not to your liking than no she wouldn't!

look at these sports players that take a knee during the national anthem because they don't believe in what the flag stands for because of their religion. is it un american because they could very well not be making the millions of dollars they are. but they make the choice to disrespect the flag for their beliefs and be un american but they sure do like those paychecks that were printed by a government that they don't believe in and have the flag they shit on printed on the money they use for their lavish lifestyles don't they. in my eyes un american as hell but its their choice to be so. so in the end whats it boil down too we can sit around and piss and moan about it because we don't agree with it but what good does it do we cant change it!

we all have choices and all have things that are appealing to each and everyone of us but we have a choice and having choices does not constitute racism or make those who make it racist!

just my .02 patiently waiting for a rebuttal that i know isn't far off!
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Old 01-05-2017, 11:58 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by DallasRain View Post
I see a gent who has a colostomy bag....alot of providers wont see him because of it.......
And I see a gent who weighs 450lbs.....only a couple other providers will see him

to me,itt is all about attitude!
Dallas, I know you are the wild child of the crew but yeah you are one of the classiest people on this board... accepting people and encouraging them that being themselves is sexy(which fucking is) is the best character trait of some people in the hobby.
Savannah, clicking is a good thing too bc that's how you know that you will rock their world,

I think the comments speculating on no aa policies are fine.. don't give shit. I am not saying it's racist or anything. I guess it's not good for business to answer I suppose but I wanna know from the girls that use it.
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Old 01-06-2017, 12:17 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by JRLawrence View Post
Yes, I agree with you: it is stupid to say NO white man would hurt you.

What is ignored by most, but which we all know: the possibility (probability - a statistical term) that you will be harmed by an AA is possibly much greater because the AA is more likely to commit crimes.

Why, because more crimes are committed by blacks than whites: when you compare the much lower number of blacks in the population vs. the crimes committed the numbers start to blow you away.

I know the bleeding heart liberals want to take care of people: because, because, because; what?

I will not answer a lot of crap questions about this: if you don't understand, you don't want to understand.

Just look at the numbers of blacks in prison, the number of crimes blacks commit, and the number of blacks in the population. The number of crimes by whites and the number of whites in the population.

It is like figuring the odds on a gamble: one knows that with some games the odds are simply against you. Nothing personal, nothing judgmental: it is what it is.

The sad part, a large number of crimes committed are by blacks against blacks.

This doesn't answer anything: it does justify a lady's fear of hosting AA men because the numbers are on her side.

God bless you girls that see people that say uninformed and twisted facts to make an irrelevant point with the certainty and confidence bordering on righteousness.

God bless you girls that see windbags and dorks like me too.

You understand this arguement you are making is so unbelievably biased. If you are talking geography restrictions based on stats you are saying something making sense. What about an aa or Latino living in a mansion in Mission Hills...or some nice JOCO suburb, how does that amazing logic you have fit now? Say that aa make went to Columbia in New York for a phD in Engineering and is a professional ... think this aa is dangerous bc he's aa
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Old 01-06-2017, 12:33 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by scorpio31 View Post
Exactly, because each and every time this subject is raised, the end result is the same and nothing is ever resolved.

The name calling and suggesting someone kill himself stops immediately.
You are right, same thing..again and again.. I was disappointed but there are worse things in the world to worry about. I am interested in the reason.. I am not even saying it's based in racism necessarily. One speculation is that girls that are pimp often use that statement. Now admiring to being pimped probably won't happen.
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