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Let's review a few of the happenings that the Main Stream Media jumped all over.
First, all the way back to Rev Al and the Twana Brawley fiasco. Amazing how this white guys snuck into her neighborhood and abused her. Rev Al made his bones on that one, and he is still a lying ass poverty pimp.
Remember Wayne Williams and the infamous Atlanta murders. Once again, white guys coming into the neighborhood and murdering young black men....... NOT.
The Chrch burnings during the Vlinton Era. Old buildings, bad wiring, and careless parishioners. But, it COULD have been white guys.
The bull dyke firefighter in Houston, who claimed males, (white), hung a noose in her locker and warned her to remember her place, so to speak. Turns out the bitch made it all up.
The past decades are filled with such instances. The majority turn out to be inside jobs from malcontents seeking attention.
But the Main Stream Media swallows to he bait, hook, line, and sinker.
Let's review a few of the happenings that the Main Stream Media jumped all over.
First, all the way back to Rev Al and the Twana Brawley fiasco. Amazing how this white guys snuck into her neighborhood and abused her. Rev Al made his bones on that one, and he is still a lying ass poverty pimp.
Remember Wayne Williams and the infamous Atlanta murders. Once again, white guys coming into the neighborhood and murdering young black men....... NOT.
The Chrch burnings during the Vlinton Era. Old buildings, bad wiring, and careless parishioners. But, it COULD have been white guys.
The bull dyke firefighter in Houston, who claimed males, (white), hung a noose in her locker and warned her to remember her place, so to speak. Turns out the bitch made it all up.
The past decades are filled with such instances. The majority turn out to be inside jobs from malcontents seeking attention.
But the Main Stream Media swallows to he bait, hook, line, and sinker.
They want it to be true, and they want to press their agenda.
I'm honestly surprised the Dims haven't put out a "Hillary was internet raped" narrative.
That would destroy what little shred of credibility they might have, although it's microscopic as it is. Her extraordinarily ugly appearance and demeanor defies any such illusion or fantasy, even though an electronic violation might "sound" sanitary. It's just the word association.
Redux: More fake hate crimes in Mississippi, fake church burnings Fake white racism
Dindu-Dindu-Dindu Nuffin ! Jus AXE dem homies what wuz dere ! It mussa been dem WHITE rasssis cops. right. Dat wut #blackliedonmatter says ! We be needing to AXE Oprah and MOOCHelle how we be felling " bout dat !
Redux: More fake hate crimes in Mississippi, fake church burnings Fake white racism
I'm surprised they allow anyone to report their misdeeds without crying how racist it is to report someone faking a racist act. Even if the whole incident is staged, and the liars are caught, they are still demonstrating the undeniable fact that all white people are privileged and evil and would do these things if they could.
Let us also remember that the author of this thread, Assup, is a disgusting and despicable faggot, who likes it when guys ram their dicks up his ass.
this whole thread is another good example of the lunacy of Trump supporters. Not much difference in you guys and the terrorists yall all bat shit crazy....and of course you're the only ones who can't see it.
this whole thread is another good example of the lunacy of Trump supporters. Not much difference in you guys and the terrorists yall all bat shit crazy....and of course you're the only ones who can't see it.
Here's your 'lunatic', Sissy Chap! This is the individual who burnt down a Black church and encouraged others to vote for Trump, Sissy Chap. Is he your cousin, Sissy Chap?