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How ironic that they have a Hitler-wannabe as dear old dad...
It's obvious that you have no idea of what you're talking about. The Hillary (and the Obama) story have more in common with Hitler than anything Trump has done.
It's obvious that you have no idea of what you're talking about. The Hillary (and the Obama) story have more in common with Hitler than anything Trump has done.
It's obvious that you have no idea of what you're talking about. The Hillary (and the Obama) story have more in common with Hitler than anything Trump has done.
It's obvious that you have no idea of what you're talking about. The Hillary (and the Obama) story have more in common with Hitler than anything Trump has done.
There was an article I read earlier this year showing the similarities between Trump, Hitler (accidental or not) and their pursuit of "dictatorship". They both liked to fly in and meet cheering throngs at airport hangers, for example. Trump has read Hitler's speeches; he kept them in his bedroom, his ex-wife Ivanna has said. And Trump didn't deny it, either.
That article says more about you than you can say about yourself, lol. You should have used your own words instead of choosing a cheesy KKK rag of a publication.
There was an article I read earlier this year showing the similarities between Trump, Hitler (accidental or not) and their pursuit of "dictatorship". They both liked to fly in and meet cheering throngs at airport hangers, for example. Trump has read Hitler's speeches; he kept them in his bedroom, his ex-wife Ivanna has said. And Trump didn't deny it, either.
There was an article I read earlier this year showing the similarities between Trump, Hitler (accidental or not) and their pursuit of "dictatorship". They both liked to fly in and meet cheering throngs at airport hangers, for example. Trump has read Hitler's speeches; he kept them in his bedroom, his ex-wife Ivanna has said. And Trump didn't deny it, either.
Was Hitler ever a Grand Marshal at a Jewish Parade fucknuts? Auschwitz wasn't a parade asshole.