Originally Posted by albundy
When she wants to hang out with you even if there is no money to be exchanged. Just because you make her laugh and she enjoys your company.
Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I experienced something similar. I arrived at the hotel and she said my period just started. I will see you if you want or we can go to dinner and just hang out. Seeing someone who is not all about the hobby and the money is so refreshing and it was a really fun time getting to know each other better. I can't wait to see her again. Sometimes investing some time with a client can pay big dividends. This is something seen too rarely in this hobby. It is nice not being looked at like a dick with a wallet. Thank you to such a really cool chick, (you know who you are).
Something similar happened to me a couple years ago when I was on my way home from a tour in Texas. I was driving like a maniac, as usual. Next thing I know a text comes in from one of my central Arkansas clients saying that he just saw me speeding past him. I thought maybe he had seen a similar vehicle because I was nowhere near central Arkansas. Turns out we were in the exact same location at the same time. So we decided to get off the next exit and go to lunch at Denny's. The spontaneous lunch date was a lot of fun, not to mention a much needed break from the monotony of the asphalt.