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03-02-2011, 06:46 PM
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If it was me I'd lay the most blame on the employer. You didn't do any of your hobbying on their time or with their resources so it's really none of their business. With Texas law being what it is it really leaves no legal recourse for someone who is wrongfully terminated such as yourself, so if the law won't get you justice then it's up to individuals to get it for themselves. As Mastermind238 said about getting even instead of getting mad, I wholeheartedly agree. Your ex-boss could have string of bad luck and start running over sharp things so the tires are flat when work is never know.
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03-02-2011, 07:23 PM
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Is it a publicly held company? Go to the the finance yahoo message board and trash the fuckers for being cocksuckers. I know I am going to catch flack for this...but, I don't care, I am a Man. I will bet you dollars to donuts the numbnuts in HR who ultimately decided to terminate you was a quorum of homos and a gaggle of overweight, middle aged women. Ever since political correctness hit the stage in this country, men are supposed to stifle their natural urges. I can't say a whole lot about these fat, middle aged women in business, the ones who always gravitate towards positions setting policy, and have an axe grind with every man they meet because they ate and bitched themselves into a divorce and a life of loneliness with their other pathetic friends.
BUT, the second American business started accepting these flaming, anal retentive, metrosexual homos as Managers of NORMAL the day American values ceased to exist. And, mark my will lead to our downfall as the world leaders.
If I came down with a good case of terminal cancer, I could think of a half dozen homos that i would want to take with me.
You got fucked by the politics of the day KittyLover. You are a heterosexual male with a taste for pussy and the fucking aforementioned assholes in charge are jealous, or so out touch from ATMing cocks in public bathrooms, that they can't appreciate the longings of a red blooded American male!
30 years ago, you would have been applauded by your you are persecuted as a pervert for succumbing to your God Given natural urges to fuck a woman while the faggots are busy eating cum out of each others asses, keeping their shirts pressed, their paperwork up to date, and their desks neat and tidy while they FUCK everyone else, women and men alike, with their fucked up, abnormal, diseased thinking of the way things should be.
WOW...what a rant! I think I am holding Whispers place while he is gone, Charlie Sheen is channeling through me....or it simply pisses me off to see peoples careers ruined by small minded, pencil necked, cocksucking geeks...or the fat, middle aged, jealous, divorced, BITTER women, that revel in kissing each others asses(the fags and bitter divorcees), every chance they get to ruin all the fun for the normal people who inhabit the planet.
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03-02-2011, 07:51 PM
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Who was it? really....we need to know! Give us a hint. < 30 or > 30? Blond, or brunette?
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03-02-2011, 08:00 PM
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Kittylover...IF that's the real reason your employer used to fire you...I would be very upset. I think I would be more upset at your employer than whoever it was that allegedly *outed* that sounds like a bunch of BS to me (meaning what your employer used as the excuse.) Perhaps, if the company was just looking to find a reason to fire you...otherwise, it just makes no sense for a company to just terminate you and go through the entire process and expense.
As Roxanne pointed on earth did they tie the two of you together? If that were the case...why would *she* out you...wouldn't that be outing herself too? Does your ex-employer have such loose employment policies that they can fire you without real *proof?* Even in court...a prosecutor has to prove your guilt.
Even with Texas being an *at will* State...surely your company must have specific policies for termination of employement. I realize it depends mostly on what type of company you were employed with...but, I've been in upper management for many large companies...and it literally took an act of congress to fire any employee, unless they broke some security policy...or made terroristic threats,etc. Moral issues were even tougher...unless *you* outed yourself in some odd way, or sexually harrassed another employee.
Besides that, the company would open themselves up to a lawsuit. Even when confronted with dr_g issues, we were obligated to offer rehab first. I hope your attorney can help you...because it sounds to me that your employer has definitely made a mistake.
Asking this community what we would do in your situation is asking us to assume your side of the story is absolutely (100%) the truth. We're not judge nor jury...however, if is were true I would be very upset and would go through a series of emotions that would make me want to do all the wrong things, I'm sure.
At the end of the would have to accept YOUR SHARE of the blame in the drama and take a personal inventory before making any decision. I have had a situation where someone tried to *out me* on MySpace...several years ago. I had the situation investigated and found out what had happened. To this day, the person(s) responsible does not know that I found out. Sometimes, the best thing to do is absolutely nothing...and that's what I would do. Learn by your mistakes...I sure have.
Better luck to you next time...I'm sure you will make better choices for yourself.
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03-02-2011, 08:09 PM
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I will say more on this later but I am trying to line up another top 10 try out but you are no Whispers....
Originally Posted by saj1000
Is it a publicly held company? Go to the the finance yahoo message board and trash the fuckers for being cocksuckers. I know I am going to catch flack for this...but, I don't care, I am a Man. I will bet you dollars to donuts the numbnuts in HR who ultimately decided to terminate you was a quorum of homos and a gaggle of overweight, middle aged women. Ever since political correctness hit the stage in this country, men are supposed to stifle their natural urges. I can't say a whole lot about these fat, middle aged women in business, the ones who always gravitate towards positions setting policy, and have an axe grind with every man they meet because they ate and bitched themselves into a divorce and a life of loneliness with their other pathetic friends.
BUT, the second American business started accepting these flaming, anal retentive, metrosexual homos as Managers of NORMAL the day American values ceased to exist. And, mark my will lead to our downfall as the world leaders.
If I came down with a good case of terminal cancer, I could think of a half dozen homos that i would want to take with me.
You got fucked by the politics of the day KittyLover. You are a heterosexual male with a taste for pussy and the fucking aforementioned assholes in charge are jealous, or so out touch from ATMing cocks in public bathrooms, that they can't appreciate the longings of a red blooded American male!
30 years ago, you would have been applauded by your you are persecuted as a pervert for succumbing to your God Given natural urges to fuck a woman while the faggots are busy eating cum out of each others asses, keeping their shirts pressed, their paperwork up to date, and their desks neat and tidy while they FUCK everyone else, women and men alike, with their fucked up, abnormal, diseased thinking of the way things should be.
WOW...what a rant! I think I am holding Whispers place while he is gone, Charlie Sheen is channeling through me....or it simply pisses me off to see peoples careers ruined by small minded, pencil necked, cocksucking geeks...or the fat, middle aged, jealous, divorced, BITTER women, that revel in kissing each others asses(the fags and bitter divorcees), every chance they get to ruin all the fun for the normal people who inhabit the planet.
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03-02-2011, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by derek303
Who was it? really....we need to know! Give us a hint. < 30 or > 30? Blond, or brunette?
It's good to be a redhead.
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03-02-2011, 08:26 PM
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@Likinikki - in Texas they don't need any reason to fire/terminate an employee (unless protected by some union). They didn't tell me why they were terminating my position until my attorney called and requested a justification as something didn't smell right. Especially that there was a glowing quarterly performance just days before this happened.
Its pretty easy to send an anonymous package that ties screen name through reviews to an email with an address and phone # to help get to the outcall. The email is easy if the provider in question does the outing, along with a friendly hobbyist to screen shot the review. The provider just needs to redact her information out before sending - magic marker and a copier or photoshop, easy peasy. Perception is 9/10's of everything...especially given the position I was in, perception rules.....
Trust me, the blame game went both ways. As for why? who the heck knows, pettiness? shits and grins? just plain mean spitefulness? Not like anyone would step up and volunteer to say "I did it, I outed him!" and here's why....
Not sure when you worked in upper management but its pretty much a different world these days - most companies have an automatic termination policy for testing positive during a drug screening, especially if involved with the federal government in any way, shape, or form. Every company I've ever worked for had some sort of *morality* clause in the conditions for employment. Not a damn thing can be done against the employer. Read my response to roxanne - it did not come from my use of company equipment or on company time. I'll reiterate - it did not come from my use of company equipment or on company time. Nor did I out myself - it was a deliberate act perpetrated via anonymous mail.
However, many options against the person that outs a hobbyist. As to drama, I thought that was done until this was executed - really starting to lean towards the less civil responses., especially as the more civil attitudes seem to be wrapped up in blaming the person outed. Although you did at least answer the question- you'd do nothing.
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03-02-2011, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by kittyloveratx
Luckily a very good friend of mine is the attorney in the scenario, we care about each other very much and she took a big affront to the outing. The lawyer has an excellent team of PI's that she is drawing from to help document the proof needed for further action.
Sorry but this scenario doesn't add up even a little.
a) A professional lawyer (friend or not) took a big affront to you being outed for participating in an illegal activity? Sympathetic maybe. Affronted no.
b) Plus she is utilizing (Not for free) an Entire TEAM of PI's to assist you with what exactly? There is Nothing to assist with. "Help document the proof needed for further action" Proof of what? What action? You're the one who broke the law based upon the evidence sent to the employer.
c) Plus An ex GF sent your employer a copy of a review or whatever. Even if she were not anonymous as long as the accusation were true (which it is) there is NO case because there is no slander. If I or anyone else broke the law and someone informed my clients, employer, family etc... I would have ZERO legal remedy because it is the truth. A real lawyer would know this better than anyone.
d) Plus you post this sob story but absolutely refuse to identify this potentially serious phantom threat to the board members even after numerous requests to do so.
e) Plus the extreme unlikelihood (Regardless of Texas employment law) that you would be immediately fired after a glowing quarterly review without your (previously satisfied) employer so much as providng the common courtesy of at least confronting you about it.
Still they are happy to divulge the info to your lawyer friend who called instead?
Since, as you stated, they can legally fire you without any explanation then why would they tell her squat but not you?
This entire Post makes zero sense to me anyway so Nope sorry I ain't buying today.
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03-02-2011, 09:17 PM
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I'm speechless. Absolutely unbelievable... But what I would do... I would interrogate every one I suspected, starting with the most obvious, No one can keep something as big as this in them, you can hear the guilt in their voice... then I would report it to ECCIE, out them... eye for an eye, but before I do that, I would find out WHY
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03-02-2011, 09:31 PM
Account Disabled
If the said provider you are speaking of was at the time a girlfriend. Why would you have to email her your address and phone number as you mentioned above? It seems to me she would already know all of that.
Also you said that your work put the "reviewer and an email with reviewers phone and address" together. How can they do that? The guy does not include HIS info in the review, it is just the ladies info. So how can they prove that the two together equals you? I'm lost very lost.
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03-02-2011, 10:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Sexy Roxanne
I'm lost very lost.
As usual beautiful you are so sweet to everyone here. Such a kind way of saying "This story makes no sense and has more holes than a hobo's underwear so therefore has my BS meter going nuts". That's ok you be the good cop. I'll be the hard ass. lol
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03-03-2011, 12:24 AM
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Less civil can never be civil. Two wrongs will never make a right. There are certain fundamental lessons in life that are part of the Golden Rule.
As many times as I've been screwed over, I have never sought retribution. Sometimes I think that's why I seem to have a semi-charmed kinda life where no matter how bleak things may seem, I always manage. I truly believe this because I've seen it time & time again. Just see if you can "ignore" the wheels turning in your head about this situation for 24 hrs - fake it till you make it, in other words - and let some of that negative energy dwindle.
The next day, try to review the events of the past few months for coincidences and the details of who or what they were and what part they played in your life. These things are signs trying to point you to the right path. No matter what you THINK you know, you don't have the map. Let your conscious mind take a back seat for a while and your subconscious which is already working on the answer will reveal it to you when figured out.
You may think I'm silly, and that's okay. Just don't ridicule me, please. I mean well as I'm only sharing what has worked for me in the hopes that it will help you or others who read this.
I'm sure that both you & the provider are hurting and angry. You just have to move on & try to do so in the healthiest way possible. Negativity only begets negativity. What's so great about that? Misery? I doubt anyone truly enjoys misery despite the "misery loves company" cliche.
Good luck to all involved...
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03-03-2011, 12:47 AM
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Actually, although it would not be slander, you could have a case for tortious interference with business relationships. So, there is a potential legal claim there.
As for the firing, did Kittylover mention he was a minister? Would that change any of y'all's opinion on whether his employer could fire him? I'M JUST KIDDING! As far as I know, he is NOT a minister. But, I bet y'all would have no problem with a church firing a minister for hobbying! :-)
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03-03-2011, 12:48 AM
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LOL yunguyus!! Spank yourself for that blasphemy!
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03-03-2011, 03:47 AM
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Yunguyus, you'd be surprised WHO, I wouldn't be so happy to have a minister or any *man of the cloth* fired! (wink, wink!)
Kittylover, why weren't you *curious* about WHY you had been fired? I just re-read your first post...and I understand that you had only been at the company for a few months, correct? So, if you had just received a *glowing* quarterly review...didn't that make you question WHY you were getting fired?
If that were me, getting fired, I would have asked rigtht there and have the right to know. Why would you have had to retain the services of an attorney to get the answer? Just doesn't make any sense to me.
And, what makes you 100% sure that it was your ex-girlfriend? Who was the review of...the one that you said someone had captured...was it her or someone else? If someone did do this to it possible that someone else could have done this? Could someone else have a motive to hurt you for any reason? You just never know. And only you your ex a woman who is capable of doing such a vicious act? She's either a psycho herself...or something put her over the edge.
Goodluck to you...I only hope you can put this behind you. Love is a very powerful can be the most wonderful feeling or could cause the most self-destructive behavior to open.
Instead of giving you my opinion of what I would do...if the truth is what happened, I would advise you to get some counseling. Not because I think you're at fault...because my opinion doesn't count...but, because I see someone who is looking for answers that you cannot possibly get here. Only you know what you need.
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