Originally Posted by Valerie
Honestly in my experiences, and I know this may sound a bit odd, but it seems like the sexual encounters are different in every city I tour, but the guys are the same, make any sense?, for example, most of the guys I see in DC are similar in what they like and level of kinkiness, same for most other cities I tour as well...it's kinda strange when I think about it....
I can't speak to it from your perspective, but it makes sense. That is guys in a region have similar preferences.
I'll suggest that in the P4P world that is because there are regional norms about (& I know this isn't the most eloquent way of putting it) what is on the menu or expected in say a standard one hour date. So even if they are not explicit in their requests they kind of know what is available/expected and behave accordingly.
In a non-P4P/civie environment there would be some of this similarity but to a lesser extent