Thank you, Slave G.
And Sweetie FP, I think it does good to put out ones' experiences with a Hobbyist. Especially when their hijinx have been noted in the past and it needs to be added to the database.
It is up to Providers to be vigilant to maintain their safety. And threads like these help with that process.
I see from the other thread that people, like here in SA, can derail things. But having been invited to have dinner with you, I know you speak with strong convictions and not with intent to slander. It was enjoyable. And I wasn't charged, It was with the invitation when I came over
As for posting ones real world job, I know he put it out there and it stayed posted over the 1 hour limit to where it could not be edited. So, if it is no longer there, somebody was be mericiful to him in correcting the faux pas. Otherwise, it is of record by his own admission.