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Old 03-14-2016, 09:55 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
And for those that do pay attention, AY has had severe problems with discretion.
Hey there LC (AY).
And AY, the blame is still on you for the KC north sting early last summer that took a couple van loads of folks to booking, including at least two ECCIE folks. And you know it was because of your discretion issues there.

Have you yet learned not to hack off hotel staff, or other civies in hotels, or in hotel parking lots? I suspect not, as you still continue to antagonize one of the gals that ran from your stable.

Although hotel dnr list stories are mostly drunk civies, yours still remain as some of the best head shakers. And yes, you (and the gals) are still on a few KC hotel dnr lists.

Welcome back Gemma, welcome back Miss Texas.

But, getting back to the OP's questions

KC has over a dozen Texas gals in town this week, along with more gals from other areas (including NE), this happens on occasion.
But it's a mixed blessing (think of someone window shopping, but can only pick one).
Any reason for extra caution? Nope, not if you pick one of the known gals.

Whoever is feeding you information you need a new source. I LARIYAH CASH had nothing to do with what happened in NKC last summer. Anyone who has seen me since last year knows that my location was not NKC during that time. So please, try again. The location you are speaking about was well known and MANY providers frequented that area. LE was over there for a multitude of things ranging from a slew of providers being in that area, stolen property out of rooms, car break ins, fights and public disturbances. None of which had anything to do with me! I have never been kicked out of any places nor have I been turned away from anywhere. So again Unique you are wrong!

Also, there are plenty of outstanding providers visiting all over especially in Kansas City. Many of those providers also contact me for references that I accurately and happily provide to them myself and they can attest to that!
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Old 03-14-2016, 10:03 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by scorpio31 View Post
ECCIE is about sharing information and this thread shares information so it is not trash.

We do not close threads just because there are he said/she said or she said/she said discussions that take place unless serious issues are involved and we certainly don't delete threads unless nuclear issues are involved and this thread doesn't come close to those thresholds.

With respect to the "truth"...more later...

How was it that KVD was even allowed to have two different handles at one time for so long?
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Old 03-14-2016, 10:29 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Gemma34 View Post
DUH you don't ncns--You have a fucking quota to make

MOST people don't make it through my screening so I must not have too much of a quota. I make my own schedule and I work whenever I want to. IF I decided to have a Facebook page how is it any of YOUR business?? IF YOU MUST KNOW I have not had a Facebook page for several years now so how can I be a social star?? If you came across a Fb page with my name and pictures, it's the one that was created by someone that I got taken down! I'm not going to sit on this site and argue with you though. Like I said before I'm not upset at you and I have no ill will towards you. You have so much built up anger in you about everything in life which I think carries over to your online persona.
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Old 03-14-2016, 10:36 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by Lariyah_Cash View Post

How was it that KVD was even allowed to have two different handles at one time for so long?
Well, AY, when a handle doesn't make any posts or doesn't post anything that draws attention to the possibility of multiple handles, it goes unnoticed.

Originally Posted by Lariyah_Cash View Post
Mods have the power and technology to see who logs in to these accounts, if anyone else other than me logged into my account I would not still be here.
Another answer to your questions is also the response to the above statement by you, AY. When one has purchased WiFi Hotspot devices, tablets, PCs and smartphones to create different IP addresses, as you have, it is almost impossible to detect who is logging into which account.

That is why you have been denied access to the Powder Room and Infoshare forums through the Lariyah_Cash and Ellie_AlexandriaXXX accounts.

Because of your dedication to the game and to the paper chase, AY, I completely understand your need to answer all of these claims and toss out your own accusations (as inaccurate as they may be) in an attempt to maintain your business.
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Old 03-14-2016, 11:07 AM   #35
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Default A little reading for the Nebraska peeps:


Lariyah, you never answered my question then or since:
How is it that someone who supposedly has complete control over their own accounts logs in at the same time on P411 as all the other supposed pimped girls in the stable?

And it never stopped after that thread- want some more pics?

No points for dropping your BCD studio pics after all the pimp-drama came out-
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Old 03-14-2016, 12:40 PM   #36
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Feel free to continue this conversation

Here: http://eccie.net/forumdisplay.php?f=87


Here: http://www.crayola.com/

We like it less messy in Nebraska.

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Old 03-14-2016, 08:52 PM   #37
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Default yes, but...

I Like Rice, sharing information that is not only valuable for the purpose of selecting a provider, but also for protecting one's self and your personal information are the primary purposes of this site. Sticking your head in the sand and avoiding any and all drama associated with information because you like it "less messy", could be a dangerous path.

Good Luck. Have fun. Play safe.
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Old 03-14-2016, 11:36 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Lariyah_Cash View Post
Whoever is feeding you information you need a new source. I LARIYAH CASH had nothing to do with what happened in NKC last summer. Anyone who has seen me since last year knows that my location was not NKC during that time. So please, try again. The location you are speaking about was well known and MANY providers frequented that area. LE was over there for a multitude of things ranging from a slew of providers being in that area, stolen property out of rooms, car break ins, fights and public disturbances. None of which had anything to do with me! I have never been kicked out of any places nor have I been turned away from anywhere. So again Unique you are wrong!
LC (assuming it is you as a courtesy) note that my comments were addressed to AY.
And, also note that my data does not source from this board, or any current, or former, member of this board. And, my issue with your team is actually different than what other folks here present.
Although he, and you, antagonizing that one gal is pretty clear.

To start, I will again mention that my data sources are directly from civie hotel operations staff, and I’ve stated this previously on the open board. Specifically, my issue is with any hobby related folk hacking off hotel staff, or otherwise disrupting other hotel guests, and drawing attention of LEO.
It is this simple. And this has always been my issue with your team. And btw, I directly observed one incident.
Back to data from hotel ops staff: Apparently you remember the maid incident. Well a couple civies complained about same issue, said maid had a discussion with LEO and went elsewhere.

LC, my issue is not actually with you. My issue, on behalf of hotel staff, is with AY, his lack of discretion, and he being disruptive. He has caused issues on more than a few occasions that got hotel staff in an uproar, and, at least once, another hotel guest, a civie, was involved.
However, even though my issue is not with you LC, you are directly involved, as AY is on your team. So can’t you get him to be a lot more discrete?

The rucus that AY caused a few weeks before the sting I referenced did draw the attention of LEO (the civie was very upset). Resulting in LEO taking pictures of license plates there starting a couple weeks or so before the sting. But, yes, you were not there during the sting, as you left there perhaps the weekend before, as did a few other gals. And why was that? Note that I have heard the reason from two other gals. As for dnr lists, sometimes they get cleaned out. Sometimes they are redone. Sometimes hotels share them. It depends on how hacked off hotel staff gets about someone.

To close, what I want to know LC is:
What can you, LC, do about a member of your team, AY, causing issues that draw attention?
Or do you want us all to assume that you, LC, are not in control of the situation?
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Old 03-15-2016, 12:11 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by I like rice View Post
... We like it less messy in Nebraska ...
But it's on your doorstep at the moment.
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Old 03-15-2016, 08:36 AM   #40
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I've met LC a couple times in Omaha and did not have any issues. Absolutely drama free and a fantastic time.
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Old 03-15-2016, 09:09 AM   #41
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Thank you for that testimony, Mike. Lariyah is a good provider.
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Old 03-15-2016, 09:58 AM   #42
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You and the Arthropod Mod both have valid statements.
Some folks, including myself, simply have long running issues with her "booking agent"
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Old 03-15-2016, 02:46 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by scorpio31 View Post
I Like Rice, sharing information that is not only valuable for the purpose of selecting a provider, but also for protecting one's self and your personal information are the primary purposes of this site. Sticking your head in the sand and avoiding any and all drama associated with information because you like it "less messy", could be a dangerous path.

Good Luck. Have fun. Play safe.

My point was/is that I don't think there is much more that needs to be said. The information has already been given. Someone says she has a handler. She says she doesn't. They can go back and forth all day saying the same thing 200 different ways. All it does is make everyone else on edge. Although I'm sure the local gals like it as I assume it drives guys to them over the drama.

My guess is everyone has decided either they won't see them or they don't really care if they have a handler. No need to drag it out 15 pages. Hope they both realize neither one is going to really win the argument.

Just my 2 cents.
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Old 03-15-2016, 03:11 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by I like rice View Post
Someone says she has a handler. She says she doesn't. They can go back and forth all day saying the same thing 200 different ways.
The thing is that even the mods have confirmed that this "manager" is very real and even controlling her accounts, that's why her provider account doesn't have access to the private features offered to all verified providers on ECCIE. It isn't simply a case of one person's word against another's.
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Old 03-15-2016, 06:51 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by scorpio31 View Post
Well, AY, when a handle doesn't make any posts or doesn't post anything that draws attention to the possibility of multiple handles, it goes unnoticed.

Another answer to your questions is also the response to the above statement by you, AY. When one has purchased WiFi Hotspot devices, tablets, PCs and smartphones to create different IP addresses, as you have, it is almost impossible to detect who is logging into which account.

That is why you have been denied access to the Powder Room and Infoshare forums through the Lariyah_Cash and Ellie_AlexandriaXXX accounts.

Because of your dedication to the game and to the paper chase, AY, I completely understand your need to answer all of these claims and toss out your own accusations (as inaccurate as they may be) in an attempt to maintain your business.
You sent me a PM last year saying that there were multiple providers using my device to log in and asked me to explain why this was happening. I OPENLY ADMITTED that I let TL use my computer to log into her account before because at the time she didn't have her own. At no time did anyone other than a provider log in from my computer into her account and you know that! As I have asked many of times, If a "HANDLER" or someone other than me was logging into my account why haven't I been banned from this site?? You didn't hesitate to ban KVD other handle. You have this "proof" that someone else is logging into my account or "handling" my account but I have not been banned?? Makes a lot of sense to me! I NEVER HAD ACCESS TO THE POWDER ROOM AND I NEVER SEEN THE INSIDE OF THE POWDER ROOM AND YOU KNOW THAT, so you never took it away from me in the 1st place. How is it that KVD/Miss Texas didn't receive that same message knowing she had multiple accounts at the same time??

Furthermore, I LARIYAH CASH do not have to answer to anything. I have wonderful regular friends, my phone still rings and it will continue to ring. I choose to speak on this issue because I won't keep quiet about it anymore and I will not let you people who know nothing about me continue spreading lies and rumors about me.
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