Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Oh please, let's.
When the hell are you coming out of your rabbit hole and getting here? Early 2016? If you take that much care in your appearance, and actually show up looking like your showcase, I would prebook now. I like your sass.

Yay.... someone that notices!
You know when I first started within the review system... I read some harsh ass reviews... Men noting leg stubble & chipped faded nail polish...
I was horrified by it, and for the provider... And notated to myself to NEVER be "that girl."
And.... Not to be coy....
Even if a regular calls me, last minute...
Assuming I have childcare (yes, I am MILF)-
Assuming my nails (hands/feet) look maintained-
Assuming I had a location already-
Not providing travel time-
I try to be so meticulous with my shaving, bathing, & cosmetics (the majority of the time being bathing/shaving lol) the bare minimum I take to "get ready" is about 75 minutes... and that is with my long hair still dripping wet (if I am in a rush, I go Laura Croft tomb raider sex-slave ponytail braid... lol)
I make more income than most of my girlfriends do in one multi hour session (say 4 hours lol) than they do in a week, or even 2 weeks in some poor instances. I do not have a twisted Gold Pussy Syndrom Perception of money. I know for some, a dollar is hard earned.
One multihour session enables me to handle some serious business.
I consider it a serious business. As I consider my "performance" a serious business. From the IOP to if my client is truly enjoying himself; trying to read his every look, muscle twitch, vocalization, and breathing patterns.
I earn money by being easily found, by having a set expectation clearly communicated & upheld, to meet & exceed the ideal TCB, from the front to the back. Start to finish... And leave my clients eagerly anticipating the next get-together. (Can you tell my Customer Service certification kicks in even in this job? lol)
Why? It's my FUCKIN job to do so! I get paid nice fucking money to TRY to be the best at what I do. Am I? That is subjective and I am sure it is YMMV.... But I can promise, I will give it my all.
And if I can enjoy this while I do it.... Even better!
And more often than not... I do! (Yes, I'm a freak on top of all of that, lmao!)

I don't have a perfect body.
I will admit... I have gotten a bit soft (I used to be a hard body dancer...Le-sigh) So now I'm in the 30-something crowd, and the TCB parts & BCD parts are something that are NOT new-hat to me. So... I do every maximum thing I can do to increase my appearance & my attractiveness... it often equates into more enjoyment for my clients... After all, men are visual creatures, are they not?
God forbid, if I do manage to get in an area with a gym & time to go to it....
I may REALLY give these young ho's a run for their money when I land! LOL
Bad thing for them... I still get carded at the store.... So I don't look my age... yet. And I fully intend to take full advantage of my looks, age, and all the learning the past few years have provided.
Some gals may not give a crap how they actually maintain theirselves, but I take a lot of pride in it.
After all, it is a lot of effort & time, that any other job, probably wouldn't afford me.
I appreciate that, too!
Who doesn't like to take care of themselves?!?!!!