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Old 08-04-2015, 01:36 AM   #31
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What white folks, black folks, brown folks and red folks don't understand is that they (we) have a common enemy - the corporate/banking elitists who promote racial tension for their own profit. If we could see that, we could unite and take our country back. Won't happen, I know.
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Old 08-04-2015, 03:12 AM   #32
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
What white folks, black folks, brown folks and red folks don't understand is that they (we) have a common enemy - the corporate/banking elitists who promote racial tension for their own profit. If we could see that, we could unite and take our country back. Won't happen, I know.
Sounds like Bernie is your man!

Not sure what that has to do with killing cops and harboring cop killers, though.
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Old 08-04-2015, 05:46 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
Here we go again.

The next time an unarmed black guy gets shot, don't go out of your way to tell us how many times he was arrested before or that he's late on child support payments.

You guys are so predictable, and annoying with this bullshit.
Does this black mass murderer annoy you, also?

Pacific Southwest Airlines flight 1771 was a commercial flight that crashed near Cayucos, California, United States, on December 7, 1987, as a result of a murder–suicide by one of the passengers. All 43 people on board the aircraft died, five of whom were shot to death before the plane crashed. The man who caused the crash, David Burke, was a disgruntled former employee of USAir, the parent company of PSA.

Having said that, you are actually a pretty reasonable guy, and therefore I think maybe I sometimes go to far. My apologies to you and WellEndowed1911.

Honestly, I think separatism is the only answer.
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Old 08-04-2015, 05:48 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
What white folks, black folks, brown folks and red folks don't understand is that they (we) have a common enemy - the corporate/banking elitists who promote racial tension for their own profit. If we could see that, we could unite and take our country back. Won't happen, I know.
All true, and that laugh at us. Of course, that also makes them culpable when one of the cops making things safe for them gets killed.
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Old 08-04-2015, 06:44 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
self-hating gay. the worst kind...
You know I stand corrected, don't kill the gay ones, they cant make more juan jr.s , but the rest, well they got to go.
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Old 08-04-2015, 08:35 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
There's not enough cum in Castro town to make you pretty.
I'm not a puto like you that worries about " looking pretty " . And how does swallowing most of those "ropey loads" or taking a creampie in tu nalgas help YOUR shovel-hammered face, puto ? Is that why you have a bukakke party at the end of EACH "work" day , to make sure that you get the right amount for your daily treatment ? Do you call it "happy hour" also ? And offer discounts to the participants ?
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Old 08-04-2015, 01:26 PM   #37
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I think separatism is a primitive way to solve problems, because it would only create more ignorance from both sides.

Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Does this black mass murderer annoy you, also?

Pacific Southwest Airlines flight 1771 was a commercial flight that crashed near Cayucos, California, United States, on December 7, 1987, as a result of a murder–suicide by one of the passengers. All 43 people on board the aircraft died, five of whom were shot to death before the plane crashed. The man who caused the crash, David Burke, was a disgruntled former employee of USAir, the parent company of PSA.

Having said that, you are actually a pretty reasonable guy, and therefore I think maybe I sometimes go to far. My apologies to you and WellEndowed1911.

Honestly, I think separatism is the only answer.
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Old 08-04-2015, 02:38 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
I think separatism is a primitive way to solve problems,.....
.. I think separatism is not solving "THE" problem. It may provide temporary relief from confrontation, but it's not a "solution."
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Old 08-04-2015, 05:08 PM   #39
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Farrakhan says "KILL EM"...

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Old 08-04-2015, 06:16 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB View Post
I wonder what brand of limousine ole Louie arrived in?

My bets on Mercedes. Although he might be an Escalade man. Most Pimps nowadays are.
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Old 08-04-2015, 08:26 PM   #41
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I don't even like Bill O'reilly but I agree with Daniel Greenfield.

Did 70 more blacks murdered in Baltimore show that black lives matter?
August 4, 2015 Daniel Greenfield

When do black lives matter? When white people take them.

That’s the theme of #BlackLivesMatter, a racist movement which claims to care about black lives, but actually helps take them by weakening the police officers who are the only thing standing between armed gang members and black urban residents.

Bill O’Reilly’s willingness to take on #BlackLivesMatter’s greatest hypocrisy, its lack of concern for the victims of black crime as it not only ignores them, but enables their killers, is important.

#BlackLivesMatter claims that police shootings are black genocide. The closest things to black genocide can be found in Planned Parenthood and prison. The lawyer who helps put criminals back on the street is responsible for more black deaths than an entire police department.

As O’Reilly pointed out, black lives can best be saved in Chicago by “flooding the zone with officers and stopping the madness. Yet those people will not do that, because they’re only interested in condemning white society. That’s all.”

By standing up to #BlackLivesMatter, the major broadcast anchor with a number one rated cable show was taking a major risk. Not only Democrats like Martin O’Malley and Hillary Clinton had bowed to the hate group, but some Republicans had joined them as well. The violent racist group specialized in disrupting events and had just threatened to attack the Republican National Convention.

At a time when no one in the media was willing to do anything except praise the racist hatemongers, O’Reilly once again spoke up to condemn them and call them out for their self-righteous hypocrisy. While not all Republicans and conservative anchors have bowed to Black Lives Matter, the fact is that O’Reilly remains the only major figure in the media who is willing to place responsibility for the miseries of America’s inner cities and the violence that plagues them squarely where it belongs - on the destruction of the black family by the liberal welfare system. He is also only the major media figure who will not be backed down in defending law enforcement as the thin blue line that protects inner city minorities from the attacks of lawless African Americans who are encouraged in their lawlessness by liberal politicians including the president and attorney general of the United States. O’Reilly is more than a TV anchor in the battle that is being waged against our country from within. He is an American hero.

We know who is doing the shooting and we know who is being shot and they are the same people. 83% of those murdered in Chicago in one year had criminal records. Chicago has an estimated 70,000 gang members. There are more gang members in Chicago than there are officers in the Air Force.

Pro-crime policies advocated by #BlackLivesMatter and implemented by Obama and the mayors of big Democratic cities have actually taken more lives than police shootings.

Baltimore’s murder rate has hit its highest level in 43 years. 70 more people have already been killed this year than last year. 166 more have been shot. Even Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake admitted that, “Recent events have placed an intense focus on our police leadership, distracting many from what needs to be our main focus: the fight against crime.”

But #BlackLivesMatter is a pro-crime movement aimed at fighting the police. When politicians pander to it, black lives are lost.

Baltimore police did not shoot an extra 70 people this year. The thugs of the city did. And Rawlings-Blake helped make it happen by ordering police to give them the “space to destroy” that they needed.

#BlackLivesMatter didn’t just bloody the streets of Baltimore. The Ferguson Effect has spread around America. Shootings are up 500% in an East Harlem precinct and it’s not the terrorized NYPD, two of whose officers were murdered by a #BlackLivesMatter activist, who are responsible. They’re up 39% in St. Louis where the pro-crime racists of #BlackLivesMatter were particularly active.

The first victims of this crime wave are black people. By the time it has a significant impact on white people; it will already have become a new reality in urban areas.

These are the extra rows of graves and morgue cabinets filled with black people that #BlackLivesMatter and its local leftist allies like Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Mayor Bill de Blasio have made.

O’Reilly has rightly talked about the scourge of black-on-black crime and it’s a topic that most of the media chooses to sidestep because there is no way to blame it on white people. Every petty altercation between a white cop and a black suspect caught on body camera now dominates the national news for a week, but the constant shootings in Chicago, Baltimore, Los Angeles and New York don’t go national.

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors accused Bill O'Reilly of fueling "anti-black racism" and giving ammunition to the likes of Dylann Storm Roof, but her movement has been the one to fuel anti-white racism while helping kill more black people than Roof did.

It isn’t racist to point out that her movement is racist. It’s the truth.

And the biggest threat to #BlackLivesMatter is the truth. This is a racist movement based on lies. Its tactics rely on shock and hysteria. Its activists terrorize others while making a spectacle of themselves.

O’Reilly accurately noted that the #BlackLivesMatter movement is guilty of thuggish tactics, but intimidation has been the movement’s only real tactic all along. Its activists don’t participate in conversations, they shut them down. Even while they claim to care about the suffering of black people, they are far more obsessed with what hurts white people than with what helps black people.

The truth about #BlackLivesMatter is that it is the newest brand of an old radical template. Its worship of cop killers like Assata Shakur leads to the murder of police officers. Its appetite for destruction leads to riots, burning buildings and rising murder rates.

When O’Reilly states that #BlackLivesMatters is trying to “tear this country down”, he’s only echoing Cullors at Netroots Nation chanting “burn everything down”.

When you chant “burn everything down”, your message isn’t constructive, it’s destructive. Cullors and her racist crowd were urging more Baltimore style riots at a progressive event.

Did 70 more people dead in Baltimore help black people? Did the murders of Latino and Asian police officers in New York City help black people? Did the end of policing in many urban neighborhoods help black people? When has burning everything down ever helped black people?

The only people that black racism ever created a future for were black racists. Al Sharpton concluded his long dirty career with an MSNBC show. Jesse Jackson got sensitivity training gigs, Farrakhan got money for a soap factory and one day Cullors will be yelling about racism at the miserable employees of some corporation which paid dearly for the privilege of her brand of racial enlightenment.

Meanwhile the dead in Chicago, Los Angeles and Baltimore will stay dead. The black lives taken by #BlackLivesMatter will be added to the terrible toll of black lives lost to liberal policies in the inner city. The gang members will go on shooting each other and occasionally their bullets will claim the life of a child. The police officers will retreat into safe routines. There will be tears and blood until the horror touches enough lives that it will become a national crisis and then history will repeat itself once again.

These are truths that are rarely spoken to black power which is motivated less by pride than by hate. The evidence of that can be seen in the black lives it has taken and will go on taking until it is exposed.

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Old 08-05-2015, 12:58 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Sounds like Bernie is your man!

Not sure what that has to do with killing cops and harboring cop killers, though.
Nope. Not Bernie.
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