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"Mandles"...... If you are visiting Austin and reading reviews be forwarned
Coed Discussions - AustinBoth male and female members can mingle and interact here. Let's keep these discussions on-topic, thought-provoking, and more importantly...entertaining!
Notice how the fat ass has not come back on this thread after slinging his immature sissy bitch maligning horseshit and waddles off into the shadows?
Good on you for calling him out.
Honestly, I was rude to him and im sorry, however it's not fair for anyone let alone him to allege my reviews are altered or fake in anyway without having proof, verifying that proof, and then allowing the individual (me) the opportunity to defend myself. If he is going to make these allegations against me he needs to provide that information he is basing it on.
His thought process baffles me.
Like I said. He wants to allege my reviews are fake, ok cool, I want to know which ones are fake, post it here in the open forums for discussion and then I challenge every gent on here that questions the vadility of my reviews to meet with the said gentleman that wrote the alleged fake review to prove I do not roll like that.
If whispers can not give me the opportunity to defend myself or if he has no proof but rather is going on (his gut) presumptions then he owes me an apology in this open forum.
Those that know me know I am a sweetheart, im honest, whole hearted, fun, and have no drama, whispers allegation goes against everything I am. Many gents can validate that.
I, for one, can verify what KBF has said about herself. I've reviewed her once but have seen her many times since then. She's not one that needs to have a "mandle" just to boost her profile; I think the men who have spoken up for her and for Claire do enough already to support these ladies without added drama or fake handles.
As a matter of fact. Since you are now claiming my reviews are fake. Please why dont you say which review is fake? I have nothing to hide other than my personal info like every other gent on this board.
Let the mods contact the individual and verify he is real.
Sixx (I'll call him) , coachpaul2007 (who I saw 2 days ago I can call him) ffireman (I'll call him) and ztonk (whim I'll send a text too)
I'll be damned if you think you will run my name thru the dirt and allege that my reviews are not valid.
Who the fuck do you think you are really? Roll over and choke on the shit you spew please.
I don't care what shit you start with other girls on here but if you want to start shit with me lets go. What are you going to do? Send me another private pm and threaten to out all my personal information because you know how value able it is to me?
Yes everyone that's why I quit posting that much, because whispers threatened to out my personal information.
You and everyone else here knows that if such a PM had actually been sent to you of the nature you describe that simply RTMing it would have resulted in my going on a vacation from the board.
I forgot to mention Aphrodite. She's another whore of advanced years that has a few extra Mandles to try to promote her old cunt.
Are you really being a complete dick to one of the most sincerely nice providers we have? Honestly? They do not come any nicer than she is and your ruminations and allegations couched as speculations are ridiculous. And YES, I have driven all the way to the "magic cabin in the woods" and had a great time with a really sweet lady.
Your incessant tirade against the providers who are either to smart or disgusted by your actions to see you is petty and sophomoric. GROW THE FUCK UP! You and "Little Ricky" must have suffered unmercifully at the hands of the girls on the playground to be acting this pathetic. Picking on girls..... vintage 3rd grade. Hope you are proud of yourselves.
You and everyone else here knows that if such a PM had actually been sent to you of the nature you describe that simply RTMing it would have resulted in my going on a vacation from the board.
No. No one believes you. Everyone has openly read your threat to every one back in April. If I had the time to pull the link up I would.
You know the ones when toys wanted your permission to post those private pm's between the two of yall.
The time I jokingly said. KBF wanted "to know cause curiosity kills the cat" ha ha ha (which I was being silly about)
You immediately sent me a pm.
Give me permission to share the pms you sent me. You won't but that's ok cause everyone Here has heard your nonsense. I don't roll like that.
It's quit simple. You threatened me. You continue to harass me and make false ALLIGATIONS. Leave me alone.
If you didn't do it, just give her permission to publish the PM's. I mean really, that would solve the conundrum you are in now, would it not? I bet we hear crickets on this request.....
If you didn't do it, just give her permission to publish the PM's. I mean really, that would solve the conundrum you are in now, would it not? I bet we hear crickets on this request.....
Let's not also forget he is accusing my reviews if being fake. He needs to also post what reviews are fake so the individuals that wrote the reviews can also defend themselves. I'm sure the gentleman that have written my reviews do not appreciate their reviews bring called a lie.
He's not Eccie and cannot give permission to break the guideline #9.
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
That a few of the old whores here in Austin tend to register as men and post reviews for themselves and each other. So the review you read and make a decision based on may have a high probability of being faked.
Austin Ellen
Kitty Bunny Fuck
Temptation Tammie
Are a few I suspect.
Claire has been caught and banned
Feel free to add to the list so that visitors can be forewarned.
".....may have a high probability of being faked."