Originally Posted by Whispers
Darlin.... That little skirmish is already over and done with.... You didn't get the memo?
It's a Bright New Sunny Day and we are all singing Coom Ba Yah together day in and day out......
I actually love it when you girls start catfighting behind the scenes because someone always comes running.... Guys leak Locker Room information because they are Pussy Whipped Wusses wanting some favor or a pat on the head from some lady they like too much.....
Oh honey I don't need a memo. I see whats going on. It's as clear as the sunny days in which you sing your little camp songs. That is precisely what I have been trying to warn providers about when they continue to give you power with fighting little battle about if they are irreplaceable or not. But where are these same women worriers (the ones starting threads about no business, and guys asking for freebee's) when something like freebees are brought up. No where to be found. I knew just as well as you did, eventually some of them would be kissing your ass.
You are good at what you do I will give you that. You don't bother me one bit.
And none of us "girls" were cat fighting, but some tongues were.
I have no reason to be mad. My business is not suffering and I am not getting asked for freebees. Like I said every thing I mentioned in PIE was based on logic. I was not attacking anyone I was just adding. 1+1=2. I bet you thought us "girls" couldn't do that, huh?
I don't say much on the board (as I have way too much going on in my life. unlike some I don't wait till christmas to get involved with helping the community), but when issues come up that effect the way the hobby world works, and providers are caught slipping messing up how the hobby is supposed to go; I'm going to step up and say something.
As the queen mother would say "Keep calm, and carry on" (yes this is insinuating WWIII of the hobby world