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Old 04-28-2015, 12:55 AM   #31
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Hatred of all blacks for the idiocy of a few is like hatred of all whites because of the KKK, Aryan Nation and Skinheads.
Funny, I never saw or read any hatred of all blacks. What were you reading? No, what I saw was seeing the truth that it was not green people, purple people, or white people destroying the city of Baltimore. It was black people. Not all black people (stupid to suggest that EVA) but just the ones responsible by action and words.
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Old 04-28-2015, 12:57 AM   #32
JD Barleycorn
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Originally Posted by bigtex View Post

Turdy, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but.......

O'Malley is no longer the Governor of Maryland.

Larry Hogan is now their Governor.

Guess what?

Hogan is a Republican.

Nice try at deflection though!

Yep, Turdy is an Idiot!
So you're going to allow Obama to blame everything that happens today on Bush six years after he left office but you are going to blame Hogan who has been in office for three months? You are a piece of work, a shitty piece of work. Why don't you go fuck off.
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Old 04-28-2015, 01:15 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So you're going to allow Obama to blame everything that happens today on Bush six years after he left office but you are going to blame Hogan who has been in office for three months? You are a piece of work, a shitty piece of work. Why don't you go fuck off.
we can do whatever we want. haven't you figured that out by now?
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Old 04-28-2015, 04:44 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So you're going to allow Obama to blame everything that happens today on Bush six years after he left office but you are going to blame Hogan who has been in office for three months? You are a piece of work, a shitty piece of work. Why don't you go fuck off.
Ok, let me 'dumb this down' so even a blithering Idiot (like JD) can understand.

I never once pointed the accusing finger of blame toward Hogan. I merely corrected the implication made by Turdy the Idiot Turdfly that O'Malley was still the Governor. I did so by accurately pointing out that Hogan was now the Governor (and Hogan's political affiliation). I did nothing more!

If you read something additional into it, that's on you, not me! JDIdiot, you are indeed a "piece of work, a shitty piece of work. Why don't you go fuck" yourself.

You blithering Idiot!
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Old 04-28-2015, 05:57 AM   #35
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
Baltimore has a Black Mayor, a Black Police Commisioner, and the police force is 50% Minority. Heck, I am watching a news conference right now on Fox, and every official on the stage is Black

They will not release the ethnicity of the Officers involved in this death. All we can tell is one is a woman due to the name.

Maybe cops should just abandon the parts of cities where drug dealers, street thugs, and those that steal and commit crime on a daily basis hang out. Fuck em. Let the animals run the zoo, and then we will have no more cops killing "innocent" young Black Men.

By the way, this past week end in Chicago, there were 27 acts of violence that resulted in 6 deaths and 21 wounded, all Black. Business as usual. I wonder if these Black Lives matter?
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Funny, I never saw or read any hatred of all blacks. What were you reading? No, what I saw was seeing the truth that it was not green people, purple people, or white people destroying the city of Baltimore. It was black people. Not all black people (stupid to suggest that EVA) but just the ones responsible by action and words.
Try to stay up barleycornball.
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Old 04-28-2015, 06:56 AM   #36
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Default Anybody notice this?

Last night on CNN nobody wanted to point out that the vast majority of rioters and looters were black. Instead there was a lot of code words, "disaffected", "under privileged", "under served", "area unemployed", "local school children"....

On the other hand, the mayor and the police commissioner are black and I saw a lot of black policemen. I also saw black religious leaders and other older black men trying to calm the situation. I didn't hear the word "black" from them but there was much use of the phrase "our community" and "Martin Luther King."

It's almost like the last 6 years of the Obama administration didn't happen. That the office of the Presidency and the DOJ weren't run by black men. Like control of domestic tranquility was overrun by a few rogue racists cops while they were on stage "shuckin' and jivin'" at some Hollywood function ...again.

If Obama has a "rhymes with Bucket List" he should add "restore hope" to the top of it.
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Old 04-28-2015, 07:02 AM   #37
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Apparently both Mayor Rawlings-Blake and Governor Hogan (no Turdy, it was NOT O'Malley) got up and walked out together from a television interview.

That's what I call a bipartisan response!

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Old 04-28-2015, 10:22 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Last night on CNN nobody wanted to point out that the vast majority of rioters and looters were black. Instead there was a lot of code words, "disaffected", "under privileged", "under served", "area unemployed", "local school children"....

On the other hand, the mayor and the police commissioner are black and I saw a lot of black policemen. I also saw black religious leaders and other older black men trying to calm the situation. I didn't hear the word "black" from them but there was much use of the phrase "our community" and "Martin Luther King."

It's almost like the last 6 years of the Obama administration didn't happen. That the office of the Presidency and the DOJ weren't run by black men. Like control of domestic tranquility was overrun by a few rogue racists cops while they were on stage "shuckin' and jivin'" at some Hollywood function ...again.

If Obama has a "rhymes with Bucket List" he should add "restore hope" to the top of it.
Turdfly's post... bucket.

go find a cow patty to buzz around.
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Old 04-28-2015, 12:20 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by i'va biggen View Post
Try to stay up barleycornball.
Still don't see it. Then again, I don't have this chip on my shoulder like you seem to have. Maybe you can see into men's (and women's) hearts but I can't. So I need to see where someone says that ALL black people are to blame. Haven't seen that yet.
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Old 04-28-2015, 01:28 PM   #40
i'va biggen
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Still don't see it. Then again, I don't have this chip on my shoulder like you seem to have. Maybe you can see into men's (and women's) hearts but I can't. So I need to see where someone says that ALL black people are to blame. Haven't seen that yet.
Of course you don't barleycornball Did you even read his post? Did you understand it? Do you need someone to explain it to you?
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Old 04-28-2015, 01:44 PM   #41
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post
Last night on CNN nobody wanted to point out that the vast majority of rioters and looters were black. Instead there was a lot of code words, "disaffected", "under privileged", "under served", "area unemployed", "local school children"....
How about "boil on the ass cheek of humanity"
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Old 04-28-2015, 02:06 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
Still don't see it. Then again, I don't have this chip on my shoulder like you seem to have. Maybe you can see into men's (and women's) hearts but I can't. So I need to see where someone says that ALL black people are to blame. Haven't seen that yet.
I thought you could see into Obama's heart and it was evil?
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Old 04-28-2015, 03:32 PM   #43
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You people are idiots. The mayor was NOT giving them "space to destroy". Listen to her statement. She was doing the right thing. Trying to give the protesters freedom to exercise their rights to speech and assembly. She said she tried to strike a "delicate balance" between the rights of the protesters and the safety of the community. Some protesters took that as space to destroy. She did not encourage or condone the destruction. I applaud her for her efforts, and regret that some abused their rights and took to violence.
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Old 04-28-2015, 04:48 PM   #44
Jackie S
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
You people are idiots. The mayor was NOT giving them "space to destroy". Listen to her statement. She was doing the right thing. Trying to give the protesters freedom to exercise their rights to speech and assembly. She said she tried to strike a "delicate balance" between the rights of the protesters and the safety of the community. Some protesters took that as space to destroy. She did not encourage or condone the destruction. I applaud her for her efforts, and regret that some abused their rights and took to violence.
With all due respect, she did say that they were giving those that wished to destroy space to do just that.


I'm sure she now wishes she had not said it. But it's hard to put the toothpaste back into the tube.
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Old 04-28-2015, 08:01 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
So you're going to allow Obama to blame everything that happens today on Bush six years after he left office but you are going to blame Hogan who has been in office for three months? You are a piece of work, a shitty piece of work. Why don't you go fuck off.

Originally Posted by bigtex View Post
Ok, let me 'dumb this down' so even a blithering Idiot (like JD) can understand.

I never once pointed the accusing finger of blame toward Hogan. I merely corrected the implication made by Turdy the Idiot Turdfly that O'Malley was still the Governor. I did so by accurately pointing out that Hogan was now the Governor (and Hogan's political affiliation). I did nothing more!

If you read something additional into it, that's on you, not me! JDIdiot, you are indeed a "piece of work, a shitty piece of work. Why don't you go fuck" yourself.

You blithering Idiot!
You can always tell when JD the Blithering Idiot has had his stupid, goat smellin' ass handed to him.

He responds but not to his idiocy!

Blithering Idiot!
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