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Old 04-21-2015, 12:48 PM   #31
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OP, clearly you haven't thought enough about supply side economics in the hobby.

An hour of time isn't just an hour. Think of all the additional sunk costs associated with a simple appointment. Each client takes an average of 15 minutes of marketing, and probably 30-45 minutes of screening/TCB. Let's make that an even hour. Then let's say that it takes at least 30 minutes to prepare/travel/set-up. Chances, are that its a lot more. Then how much rest do you want between each session? I'm thinking at least an hour unless you want an assembly-line provider. What's that now? At least 2.5 hours per hobbyist not including the session itself?

4 sessions at $1000 but working 14.5 hours comes up to be $71.42/hour. Now 2 sessions at $800 but working 7 hours comes up to be $114.29/hour.

Apples to apples, what would you prefer?

Opportunity, sunk, and overhead costs! How do you like them apples!
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Old 04-21-2015, 02:34 PM   #32
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Even discussing it is a bit low brow. Anyone concerned with rates should visit Thailand more often.
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Old 04-21-2015, 03:03 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Zhivago52 View Post
Even discussing it is a bit low brow. Anyone concerned with rates should visit Thailand more often.
Yeah but... how are they gonna get there?
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Old 04-21-2015, 03:25 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Alexiareign View Post
If you look at the numbers per week as opposed to per day.... It looks like this:

10 x 400= 4000
10 X 250= 2500

Work smarter.... Not harder! Quality is always better than quantity~ ��
Well, see. That's the thing. A $150 an hour rate increase doesn't mean the provider works harder. Your 'services' are the same for both prices, so why should a client pay more for the same thing?

Here's more math for you.

10 x 250 = 2,500
4 x 400 = 1,600

You think all 10 are coming back when staring at a 60% rate increase?
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Old 04-21-2015, 03:52 PM   #35
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Ahh... another fear thread to scare newbie ladies into low rates.

How about ya just let a gal figure out the supply and demand on her own value by good old fashioned trial and error?

If she sets herself too high, and services aren't in par w that class of clientele... she won't see the results she is going for and will have adjust.

If she sets herself too low and exceeds performance... she will have to alter her pricing the other way.

In the end it only matters to what SHE decides is right for HER business.

--> How SHE values HERSELF and HER time.... <--

You fellas have every right to value your wallet... but don't try and compare this to some cookie cutter product on any shelf anywhere.
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Old 04-21-2015, 03:56 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Rambro Creed View Post
Well, see. That's the thing. A $150 an hour rate increase doesn't mean the provider works harder. Your 'services' are the same for both prices, so why should a client pay more for the same thing?

Here's more math for you.

10 x 250 = 2,500
4 x 400 = 1,600

You think all 10 are coming back when staring at a 60% rate increase?
My reference was not about a provider charging 250 last week and increasing to 400 this week.

The point was about a provider making a decision of WHAT to charge.
It's still about work smarter not harder.
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Old 04-21-2015, 03:57 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by ~Ze~ View Post
Ahh... another fear thread to scare newbie ladies into low rates.

How about ya just let a gal figure out the supply and demand on her own value by good old fashioned trial and error?

If she sets herself too high, and services aren't in par w that class of clientele... she won't see the results she is going for and will have adjust.

If she sets herself too low and exceeds performance... she will have to alter her pricing the other way.

In the end it only matters to what SHE decides is right for HER business.

--> How SHE values HERSELF and HER time.... <--

You fellas have every right to value your wallet... but don't try and compare this to some cookie cutter product on any shelf anywhere.
PERFECTLY stated Ze!!!
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Old 04-21-2015, 04:03 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
All I know is they get pissed when I show up with a 5 gallon jug of coins for payment.

Provider: "Hey Baby! Is that a roll of quarters in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?"

Me: "Umm...actually it's a roll of dimes"
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Old 04-21-2015, 09:19 PM   #39
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Sorry, ladies, but I fail to see where charging more is 'working smarter'.

I wouldn't call it a scare tactic as far as mentioning and comparing rates go and trying to get ladies to come down. I never negotiate prices or haggle rates. I just won't go past a certain financial ceiling that I have set for myself. I'm sure other guys do it as well. There's just a point where it's reckless spending, based on one's income. Probably not even a month ago, there wasn't one single female on this board that could tell us what they spent or WOULD spend $400 an hour for, yet some of you want guys to come in here and act like money grows on trees.

If you can find those suckers...I mean guys, more power to you.


We're free to say, 'ehhh, she's hot, but is way above my spending limit.'

And there you have it.
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Old 04-21-2015, 10:15 PM   #40
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Here's the point to ponder. Some ladies have been $400 plus for a considerable amount of time. Obviously, to stay at that level for a long period of time would imply that someone (really, several someones) are paying it.

Your limit is not his limit... or his limit... or that guy over there's limit. There are gents that won't go over $150. There are gents that won't go below $500. The pool is entirely too vast for discussions on hookernomics to be anything but ridiculous.
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Old 04-21-2015, 10:39 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ktiix View Post
<- You can't go to any reputable business and haggle, why would you here?
Actually, you can at many reputable businesses including almost every car dealership and Sears hardware and appliance centers. *And never mind that most big box and grocery stores will honor the lower advertised "specials" of their competitors. Imagine how crazy it would be if that happened here! lol

Carry on...
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Old 04-21-2015, 10:42 PM   #42
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yes, I am a little weary of this topic myself . The ladies set the price, and I can pay or not see the lady.
I think the guys do have a point to make when the price is like quicksand. You can never get to the bottom line with upcharges and daily changes, but this is a different issue.
My question is a little different slant.
I have seen a lady that I really liked and returned and all is good. She has set her price point and I have paid it. I don't whine about cost and leave no indication of price disatisfaction. Let's say I would like to visit on a regular schedule. The cost is at the top of my price range and I may have other ladies that are less pricey. I then wonder... do I try to broach the subject of a discount? Would she rather I visit regularly or hit and miss as budget allows. How do you ask without risk of being put on her cheap ass list?
If you don't say something she doesn't get a chance to retain a steady customer. It can be a little tricky out there...
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Old 04-21-2015, 10:58 PM   #43
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Actually, with all due respect, its missing the point that was made earlier altogether.

Only each lady can decide what working smarter or harder is for herself. When a lady chooses (as is her right), like any business, to market services at a higher price point (say $400) she reduces the pool of potential clients that are able and willing to pay that rate, and marketing gets (much?) harder for every client they can attract and keep. Is that working smarter because you're good at marketing and keeping those clients or harder if you're not. Could be added stress levels if that price point dries up a bit. Is setting a lower price point working smarter because you can attract more clients and keep them more easily, even if you have to see more clients. Not for me to say which is right.

Its a balance only each lady can decide for herself.

Personally, I pay the ladies advertized rate. I will admit that I do look for specials, but special to me is a bit more time for the same rate. For my personal balance, its often harder for me to organize free time than the rate I'm willing to pay. So that's my balance.

Originally Posted by GracePreston View Post
Here's the point to ponder. Some ladies have been $400 plus for a considerable amount of time. Obviously, to stay at that level for a long period of time would imply that someone (really, several someones) are paying it.

Your limit is not his limit... or his limit... or that guy over there's limit. There are gents that won't go over $150. There are gents that won't go below $500. The pool is entirely too vast for discussions on hookernomics to be anything but ridiculous.
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Old 04-21-2015, 11:00 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Adonis View Post
Actually, you can at many reputable businesses including almost every car dealership and Sears hardware and appliance centers. *And never mind that most big box and grocery stores will honor the lower advertised "specials" of their competitors. Imagine how crazy it would be if that happened here! lol

Carry on...
Correct! The way big corporations see it, they rather have some profits than no profits.

That won't happen here but I have seen plenty of desperation threads from need food and diapers to need to make the rent. I love this place lol
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Old 04-22-2015, 04:10 AM   #45
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IMO it's not the how much but all the different types of rates that require a genius in differential equations to figure out.

X$'s- Rub-n-tug
Y$'s - GFE
Z$'s- PSE
A$'s - Fetish requests
+$ - outcall (Izat per hour or per visit?)
+$ - greek (+$$$ if hung like a horse)
% increase during the hours of whenever to whenever.
Specials during these dates.
Grandfathered intro rates.
Kissing? That's extra!

All I wanna do is fuck. Gimme a number!
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