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Old 04-17-2015, 04:43 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by TheDaliLama View Post
The three faced liar used to be UC.

He used to be black.
Then he claimed he was a wet back.
Now he's just ashamed to be a white guy..
I wouldn't waste your time on him...or is it her?
She will take a dump on you for the going rate... run fucker run
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Old 04-17-2015, 04:51 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
Bet he didn't tell his Black GF he was a "wet back"!!!!
She could tell from the dong...
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Old 04-17-2015, 04:52 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by nwarounder View Post
God, I will be happy when Obama is gone. Not even Hillary will put up their evil, bullshit religious practices once she doesn't have to kiss the ring.
And dumbass post of the day goes to... YOU

This happened in Europe. Last I heard, Obama wasn't president of a european country. What exactly in the fuck do you expect him to do? Invade Italy over it?
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Old 04-17-2015, 09:38 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
How do you know the Muslims who were more than likely outnumbered weren't getting harassed?
Do you have ANY evidence for that whatsoever? Or did you just make it up?

The boat was sailing from Libya, an overwhelmingly Muslim country. So the fleeing refugees were more than likely overwhelmingly Muslim, not the other way around. Italy has been getting inundated with Muslims fleeing violence all across N. Africa.

If the Christians had been in the majority, I'm pretty sure they would have put a stop to it. But they weren't. You failed again.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Are you really suggesting that every thing that prints in a newspaper is honest and without bias?
No, I'm suggesting there is NO evidence of bias in the CNN article and it is presumptively honest. The burden of proof is therefore on you to provide evidence that it IS biased and false. So far you have shown anything. Just made stupid accusations.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Make sure you post the link when Fox News promotes a news flat platform praising all of Obamas good achievements or quote me an article from an Isreali owned newspaper that talks about the struggle and discrimination that Palestinians endure on a daily basis.
I posted a link to a CNN article. How did we get onto Fox and Israeli papers? Stop changing the subject. Provide proof that the CNN article was false or shut up.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
Go to a white supremacist website and quote me an article where they talk about how Blacks are murdered and profiled by the police.
What the fuck are you talking about? How far off topic can you possibly stray.

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
My point is you are taking a one sided article and accepting at face value- I thought you were smarter than that because I can easily go to Al-Jeerzera where they profile Christians and Jews as being the bad guy.
What exactly is "one-sided" about the article? It is a straight up report about a mass murder that occurred. If you think there is another side that exonerates the Muslims, then by all means post a link to it.

The lack of any reporting that exonerates the Muslims is evidence that there were NO mitigating circumstances, not evidence that CNN is biased.
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Old 04-17-2015, 10:25 PM   #35
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Jesus Christ, arguing over a bunch of bullshit that you don't even know the full story about. You have this information third hand AT BEST and you're on a fucking hooker board beating us over the head with it. You believe everything you hear and read?
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Old 04-18-2015, 03:20 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Jesus Christ, arguing over a bunch of bullshit that you don't even know the full story about.
After all that's YOUR EXPERTISE, RIGHT?

How dare anyone try to compete with you! So you do believe in Jesus!!!!
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Old 04-18-2015, 05:18 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
Jesus Christ, arguing over a bunch of bullshit that you don't even know the full story about. You have this information third hand AT BEST and you're on a fucking hooker board beating us over the head with it. You believe everything you hear and read?
Thank You- the best post on this TOPIC- EXNYer just ASSumes everything he reads and post is the absolute 100 percent truth and can't be disputed. Every news article has some sort of BIAS. EXNYEr when I was making those examples of the different news sites was simple- an incident can happen and both Fox News and CNN or MSNBC can give different perspectives on the same story- it's called media bias- look it up- you choose to take that one article and post at is if it were some Holy Grail of truth- YOU were not there- YOU are not a journalist- you don't know if that story was Bullshit or not- aren't you from NY- remember the Tawana Brawley story- every newspaper : New York Times, Daily News, and New York Post was reporting the same story- and what eventually happened- it was discovered to be a lie.
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Old 04-18-2015, 05:29 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by ExNYer View Post
Because that WOULD be racist, dipshit.

They actually do wear rags on their heads, so why not call them ragheads?

And, frankly, even if I had called them "sand niggers", why exactly am I supposed to be polite to people committing mass murder against people like me?

I mean, at the end of the day, would it really be wrong for a Jew to say, "Fuck you, you kraut" to a German that was marching him into the gas chamber?

Would it really be wrong for a black man to say "Fuck you, cracker" to some Klansman who jumps him in an alley?

Exactly how much courtesy does a victim owe his attacker?

In your response, give examples and provide footnotes to your sources.
I actually believe you are a RACIST by the above statements you made. How stupid can you be to say they where "rags" over their head. They are not rags you insensitive POS- they are scarfs- a "rag" is a worthless piece of material- what arabs wear are Hijabs(Female) or Keffiyeh(males). Have you went to a local Mosque and said hello "ragheads" yet? Or can you go up to an Arab- make sure he's a pretty big fella and ask him- where did you get that rag from that's on top of your head? By your logic would you go up to a woman and say Hello Cunt... After all a Cunt is a pussy and every woman has one- so she shouldn't be offended base on your logic.

I also notice you feel very comfortable to use the word N***er- you don't have the decency or the poise to block out the word like most normal people would- you just freely write it out because you are comfortable using it in your everyday life. I am African-American and don't speak the word or even spell it out completely because it's such a cruel word- but you felt good spelling the whole word out didn't you- you Racist POS low life fuck!!!
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Old 04-18-2015, 06:06 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by wellendowed1911 View Post
I actually believe you are a RACIST by the above statements you made. How stupid can you be to say they where "rags" over their head. They are not rags you insensitive POS- they are scarfs- a "rag" is a worthless piece of material- what arabs wear are Hijabs(Female) or Keffiyeh(males). Have you went to a local Mosque and said hello "ragheads" yet? Or can you go up to an Arab- make sure he's a pretty big fella and ask him- where did you get that rag from that's on top of your head? By your logic would you go up to a woman and say Hello Cunt... After all a Cunt is a pussy and every woman has one- so she shouldn't be offended base on your logic.

I also notice you feel very comfortable to use the word N***er- you don't have the decency or the poise to block out the word like most normal people would- you just freely write it out because you are comfortable using it in your everyday life. I am African-American and don't speak the word or even spell it out completely because it's such a cruel word- but you felt good spelling the whole word out didn't you- you Racist POS low life fuck!!!
So your contention is that it didn't happen? I mean there are links everywhere, from sources that most people take for granted as being correct, the NY times reported this. The Italian police have arrested several people and charged them with murder. So far I have read nothing that states that this is not true or didn't happen. Regardless of whether or not people want to acknowledge this but we are in the midst of a religious war, retarded as that might be. But there are two very different religious ideas in confrontation, and one preaches the destruction of the other. It is not surprising to me that a group of Muslims from a war torn region would participate in an action like this.
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Old 04-18-2015, 06:22 AM   #40
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
And dumbass post of the day goes to... YOU

This happened in Europe. Last I heard, Obama wasn't president of a european country. What exactly in the fuck do you expect him to do? Invade Italy over it?
I know you'll never understand why, but coming from you, that is a compliment. Thank you.

And no, I don't want America to invade Italy. I just want a president that will denounce evil, muslim religious practices. You know, like jihad and sharia, the stuff muslims kill others over in the name of their religion. Just because your little god king doesn't want to talk about the truth when it comes to islam, doesn't mean we should all be ignorant to their practices and turn a blind eye to evil.
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Old 04-18-2015, 06:39 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
What exactly in the fuck do you expect him to do? Invade Italy over it?
Obaminable ... "invade"?

The only thing he woudl try to "invade" is our lives.

And he doesn't have the nerve to do that.
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Old 04-18-2015, 06:51 AM   #42
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The sound quality is poor but this is a commerical about a show called The Strain. They ask the question are you willing to fight for your life and civilization. This encapsulates the argument right there. We are at war with radical Islam AND the large number of Islamists that are willing to stand aside and wait for the winner to emerge. We had better get our collective asses together and answer this question among ourselves. Are we at war or are we not? If you want an analogy, ask the American Indian tribes from the 19th century. They couldn't figure out if they were at war with the Europeans or not. Sometimes they were in localized places and at other times they allowed themselves to be fooled into thinking peace was at hand. Look where that got them. How many of you assholes already fall onto your knees daily is anyone's guess but I'm sure that there are a couple of you. Even more strange when you notice that more than a few harbor a real deep seated anger towards religion when you post but that is only seems to be towards Christianity which in it's most basic form allows you to say NO if that is your choice.
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Old 04-18-2015, 07:58 AM   #43
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"Muslims toss Christians overboard - 12 dead"

3 pages of "debate" about whether this is "religion" bias?

A cop kills A Black man and on here it is "race" based.

Here's the headline:

"Cops toss Black men overboard ... 12 dead."

"Race" biased???? Racially motivated?????
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Old 04-18-2015, 08:12 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by dirty dog View Post
So your contention is that it didn't happen? I mean there are links everywhere, from sources that most people take for granted as being correct, the NY times reported this. The Italian police have arrested several people and charged them with murder. So far I have read nothing that states that this is not true or didn't happen. Regardless of whether or not people want to acknowledge this but we are in the midst of a religious war, retarded as that might be. But there are two very different religious ideas in confrontation, and one preaches the destruction of the other. It is not surprising to me that a group of Muslims from a war torn region would participate in an action like this.
No sir that is not my intention- let's say for example it did happen as the way the OP indicates from his article- my question is So fucking what- not that I don't care about my Christians brothers who were thrown overboard- but the OP like many others try to assume that this is a muslim problem and we now have more proof that we should hate Islam. I am an African-American I am not going to hate every White Cop in america because a select few of them are assholes. If I didn't have more important things to do I can post articles where muslims are ostracized by Christians or if you want to see muslims treated harshly look no further than the Palestinians living in Israel.

Dirty Dog- are you saying Christians are peaceful all over the world and don't commit atrocities- there are Christians in the Central African Republic who are killing muslims at will- do you remember ethnic cleansing of muslims in the Balklands and Serbia?
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Old 04-18-2015, 11:42 AM   #45
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And who sent troops to Bosnia to save the Muslims? Why it was the United States. Who sided with Hitler during World War II? Why it was the Muslims and Croats. No one said anything about hate except Tampon. This is about knowing that a scorpion and rattlesnake are poisonious.
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