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Old 11-17-2010, 11:21 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by absolut View Post
As soon as it was apparent they had indeed lost the key, I stepped inside and asked to see the Hotel Gen Mgr. One supposed 'manager' told me he was not on the premises at that time of night. Another Supervisor was finally found by the HPD who began taking some information as an incident report. The key would cost well over 100, and the cops said they would accept my charges of theft against the hotel. Hearing that changed somebody's tune in the hotel office or staff and they found the key.

Regards balls, I have never been in short supply. Not looking for trouble, but not one to shy away or back off. All part of being oil field trash I suppose. I have found it does not take that much sand to look down a bully.

As I said, the key would cost well over 100, and the cops said they would accept my charges of theft against the hotel. Hearing that changed somebody's tune in the hotel office and they found the key.

That will be the last time I use valet parking at a hotel.
That is the reason I posted this thread. Beware that what happened to me can happen to you.

If you are not a registered guest, you can only identify yourself as a visitor in the hotel or be found a liar. As a visitor, you may be ignored, unless you know how to enforce your rights. What I asked for, what I insisted on was receiving either my key or some kind of receipt by which the hotel took responsibility for its employee's negligence. I never spoke of whom I saw or other purpose or location of my visit.

You make your case with appropriate firmness you can prevail.
Or you can let them run you over and run you off, and one morning wake up and find your new car has been stolen with the key that was "lost" at the hotel. Don't think it doesn't happen.

Make of it what you wish. I write to express. And if you do not like my writing style, I suggest you avoid the aggravation and just pass over my threads and reviews. But never mind. My IGNORE list will grow by one or two shortly.
My work here is done. There is a God!
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Old 11-18-2010, 05:47 AM   #32
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TexasGator, your edit shows some literary skill, boiling it down. I will give you that.
All this special formatting you added is amusing. But ignoring that I find your comments constructive and I thank you for taking time.

In response to some other suggestions:

1. I am NOT posting the name of the hotel to prevent anyone connecting the dots back to me.

2. I never said I was a guest, but only a visitor. None of my behavior was suspect. Every upscale hotel has a restaurant worthy of a visitor's patronage.

3. The fact that I was a visitor has no bearing on the valets having mislaid my key.

4. The valets never could justify having removed the key from the fob.

5. Notwithstanding the first so-called 'managers' denial, calling HPD regards this potential theft resulted in the return of my key.

The key to recovering the key was giving the hotel time to find the key, and when they did not, then letting HPD do their work. By the way, HPD never did ask why I was there. It was not pertinent to the complaint that the valets had "lost" my key.

With that, I request that this thread be closed. If someone has another question or comment, let them PM me.
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Old 11-18-2010, 06:10 AM   #33
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Wait! How do you explain the fanny pack?
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:41 AM   #34
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Originally Posted by lizardking View Post
Wait! How do you explain the fanny pack?
Probably unpacked his fanny when his key disappeared.
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Old 11-18-2010, 09:22 AM   #35
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The police accepted a charge of theft against an entire hotel? I would have loved to see how many paddywagons they used. Or what the indictment would look like. But I digress.

You are correct, absolut. This thread isn't about valet parking. It's overriding theme is Stand up for your rights, don't get pushed around, and at every opportunity, explain (in great detail) the whys and wherefores of your every act or decision.

In hindsight, I recognize I was wrong. You did ask yourself "what would rr do?" both on the night in question, and in every post thereafter. Who could ever fault you for that?

And there you have it. No, I won't put you on Ignore. Your posts are both entertainment and informative. I love you, man (not as much as carkido, but you're gaining on him)

Thanks for the kind words also.

Btw, what's a CH fanny pack? Is that a name brand for the high end (pun intended) pack? Just curious.
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Old 11-18-2010, 09:36 AM   #36
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I gotta hand it to you TG, You called it!
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Old 11-18-2010, 09:50 AM   #37
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Originally Posted by boardman View Post
I gotta hand it to you TG, You called it!

Thancks. Every now and then, I get one right. Until someone pointed it out to me yesterday, I didn't realize I "called it" last February, too.


So that's 2x I've been right this year. I thinck that's some improvement, don't you?
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Old 11-18-2010, 10:07 AM   #38
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I used to have a Valet Parking company several years ago, there kind of mistakes should be reported, and we use to give to customer all the support to resolve his claim. Many times they hire unexperience drivers, or are to busy to control all the keys location, but we always gave them a solution at the moment of the complaint. Even one time we rent a limousine for someone for 3 hours in compensation for our mistake. Sorry about your experience but my suggestion next time you use valet take the name of company and attendant and better if you offer give a good tip for them in advance so they will be motived to park your car in a VIP location.. 5 dollars or 10 dollars is accepted as good tip
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Old 11-18-2010, 10:56 AM   #39
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Originally Posted by dreameruman View Post
.... next time you use valet take the name of company and attendant and better if you offer give a good tip for them in advance so they will be motived to park your car in a VIP location.. 5 dollars or 10 dollars is accepted as good tip
Since you know the insides and outs of the business of ... errr....
establishing a bailment when one delivers their "2011" ride to an .... err...
"unexperienced" driver [is that why "we" often hear the tires on our "ride" squealing off into the night?] ... would you enlighten me on just WHO I am to hand the ten bucks to along with my keys .....

the guy who is standing there that I will never see again ... or

the guy who hangs up the keys that I will never see again .....

.. or do I wait until the "unexperienced" driver squealing my tires comes back and give him the ten bucks ... in addition to everything else he was able to discover while rummaging through my "ride" ?

Just asking.

IMO, if someone is too lazy to park their "ride" in the parking lot and walk to the front entrance ... or sneak through the back one ... then they deserve the consequences of allowing some unknown, unexperienced, phantom person to take charge and possesion of their "2011" ride and its contents ...OR ...

if someone thinks they are so "important" that they need valet parking .... then a little insignificant bump in the road like missing keys is inconsequential and the local LE will be more than happy to assist in not only recovering the keys, the vehicle, and everything taken from it ...but also "jacking up" the suspects ..... for such an "important" person.

Just saying.
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Old 11-18-2010, 12:23 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by lizardking View Post
Wait! How do you explain the fanny pack?
Clearly he is a strong confident heterosexual male. Who else would have one? Where do you keep your lip gloss Mr. Smarty Pants.
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Old 11-18-2010, 12:46 PM   #41
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In my fucking purse, right where it belongs!

And if I'm not carrying a bag, I drop it into my brassiere, just as any regular guy would do.
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Old 11-18-2010, 01:03 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by lizardking View Post
In my fucking purse, right where it belongs!

And if I'm not carrying a bag, I drop it into my brassiere, just as any regular guy would do.

In case you did not get the message, let me ask you,
Where would you carry YOUR 9MM Ruger?

Concealed handgun fanny packs sold at Carter Country, Gander Mountain, although only real men shop there.

Do you have the balls to get a CHL and carry, and take responsibility for your own protection when push comes to shove, and someone crosses the line? Are you willing to take responsibility to intervene against a perp or gang who is putting beat down on someone, or is about to stab them as I have more than once, and been commended by the HPD who arrived to clean up the mess/.

You can trash talk all you want. But you only increase your own infamy by your stupid comments.

Again I ask the MODs to close this thread.
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Old 11-18-2010, 01:26 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by absolut View Post
Where would you carry YOUR 9MM Ruger?
Let me guess, SR9C?

Funny, My SO carries a 9mm.

Real men carry 45's.
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Old 11-18-2010, 01:29 PM   #44
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9's got outdated on the TV serials....any way.

When the police were investigating the crime committed upon you and asked for your ID, did you produce your CHL, and did they "secure" your weapon until their investigation was completed?

I didn't catch that part in the scenario at the INCALL!
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Old 11-18-2010, 01:29 PM   #45
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Bitchy tranny + fanny pack = Bitchy tranny fanny pack.

You rule LK!!
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